Thursday, September 10, 2015

Well, That's a Relief

It was just a poltergeist, after all. Hubby found the lid on the counter, just where I normally leave it but couldn't find it yesterday. So glad to know it's not me.

Over on the writer's side of the equation, I'm feeling pretty good about 'In A Green & Shady Place'. I posted it on WriteOn just a couple of weeks ago, and I've been getting good reads, good comments. It's got thirty-two reads and ten people following it - far more than I ever got with anything over on Authonomy.

I've been offering reads and comments, and most are well received. There's some good writing there and even though the stories are WIPs, some are still awfully good. Of course, as with any writer's site where people are working on / refining their stories and skills there will no doubt be some dogs, but if you're selective you can find good stuff.

Surprising is how many writer's sites there are. I guess, given the scope of the internet, I shouldn't be surprised, but I am.

Wattpad, Goodreads, WEbook, WriteOn, Book Country, Scribblers, Scribophile, Critique Circle, YouWriteOn, AbsoluteWrite (which seems to be a weird place even though one of the writers I respect says it's respectable)... There are a bunch of them, all declaring they're geared toward getting writers get discovered.

Lots to choose from but, for my money and efforts, I'll stick to the ones that seem to offer the most bang. So I haunt WriteOn and WEbooks for writing, and Scribblers for hobnobbing with my fellow wizards... I mean, writers.

Do you ever do that? Use a word or see a word and try to decipher the etymology? I do that, a lot. Hobnobbing. I can picture a bunch of women standing around the fire in which there is a hob, all chattering together, the nobbing bit applied to their activity by their husbands. Or reverse the genders in that. Men, women; women, men - it's the visual that counts.

Anyway. It's time for me to start running around, preparatory to getting to work.

Have a lovely day!


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