Thursday, September 24, 2015

AAA - How Do They Know? Or Do They Know?

Okay, I'm gonna get all serious again. This time the subject is AAA - Asthma, Allergies and Autism.

I've been mulling the discussion between Donald Trump and Ben Carson at last week's Presidential Debate for a week now, and it bothers me.

I advocate vaccinations, but I worry about them, too. We are vaccinating our kids against everything in a very short time, and I don't think that is healthy in the long term. Their immune systems haven't even developed completely when we start the immunization process - and I think it suppresses that development, perhaps with terrible effect later on. By then, though, it's far too late to do anything about it.

Yes, some diseases and infections are dangerous. Some things lead to other things and some lead to death, but our bodies did not evolve in a clean room. Up until the early 2000's people here in the US didn't routinely use antibacterials, which also kill off the good bacteria on our skin that protect us from disease and infection.

We actually got sick. Our bodies developed defenses and we fought off the illness, and then the majority of us got better. Even the Spanish Flu pandemic in the 19-teens was beneficial for the herd because it culled those with the weakest immune systems.

Our immune systems have developed over tens of thousands of years. Long before people even understood the disease process and figured out how to fight it. Now we're messing with them. Unintended consequences? Yeah, I think there's a pretty strong case for an argument on that.

I'm on the shady side of fifty and thinking back I don't remember kids with food allergies or asthma or autism.

Maybe it's because those things weren't talked about, but I was never told I couldn't take my PB&Js to school. Heck, half the kids in my classes had PB&J on a regular basis. I was never told I couldn't have egg salad in my lunch.

In all of my years of school I knew one girl who was epileptic. One out of... what? Let's say twenty kids per class through grade school - K through 6, seven years x 20 = 140 x three similar sized classrooms in each grade = 420 kids through sixth grade. Then seven periods in junior high, with another collection of schools in the district. Let's say three schools with 420 kids each  = 1,260. And that's before high school.

Some of the scariest moments in my life were when she had a seizure on the playground at school. It was horrible to see! But there were no kids who were obviously "weird" in the parlance of children. None stood in corners and focused intently on a dot no one else could see. None of them sat through recess sucking their thumbs or rocking or doing anything else that set them widely apart.

Were my schools special? I doubt it. I just don't think we had the same health problems back then - and back then really isn't all that long ago.

So what's changed? In the past fifty or so years, what has changed? Vaccinations.

Between the time of my birth and year ten I had measles (three-day), chicken pox, whooping cough, mumps (my brother got it when I was four, so I wasn't in school - infected by close contact). I have no lingering effects of any of those things.

I did get the polio vaccine on the sugar cube. I remember that, and I do have the scar from the smallpox vaccination. Other than that, nothing. No vaccinations except the natural immunity gained by getting dirty and playing in the dirt and wiping my nose with my fingers.

So Dr. Carson says that the link between the vaccinations and autism doesn't exist. But I have my doubts.

Where is he getting his information? Is he blindly following some case study, or is he using his observational and analytical skills?

Frankly, and I admire the man - he's obviously very smart - I suspect it's blind following. I do not believe that he has stepped back and analyzed the data with which he's been presented through his practice and observation.

And, if his declaration that there is no link is based on published papers, who funded them?

I don't care if it's a group of epidemiologists or a hospital that wrote and published the papers. I want to know where the money came from. Could it be, behind the scenes, the pharmaceutical companies are funneling money into the coffers of the groups and hospitals? I think that would be a safe bet because stop and think about it: who stands to make billions of dollars off these immunizations? Why, the pharmaceutical companies, of course! If they prove that there's no link between the vaccines and the ancillary conditions - problem solved.

Mommies and daddies will line their children up for the vaccines. The kids will have their immune systems destroyed because:

a) the immune systems of these children are not yet fully developed (one reason why breast milk is better than formula is because the mother's immunities are passed to the child through the breast milk)

b) the body's immune system was not developed through nature to fight with three or four or five different illnesses presented in one cocktail of a vaccine.

The human immune system evolved and developed through the process of elimination. One illness at a time. Now we're pumping our babies full of all sorts of (excuse me) shit and wonder why the autism, asthma and allergy rates are skyrocketing.

In California the requirements for vaccination are:

Four to Six year olds:

DPT (diptheria, whooping cough, tetanus) - FIVE doses - before the kid is even six years old!

MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) - two doses

Polio - FOUR doses

Hepatitis B - THREE doses

Varicella (chickenpox) - one dose.

So in the first six years of a kid's life, before they have a fully developed anything, we are shooting them up with FIFTEEN doses of drugs?

What do you suppose that does to the immune system? I would posit that it doesn't make it stronger because the body doesn't have time to rebound, to develop the new functions through the lymph system and spleen to assimilate the changes and set itself up for the next assault. The kid might not get the disease, but that's a narrow benefit. What's happening to the other systems?

Okay - so we junk the kid's system up from birth through year six. Then what?

Well there's more.

Between year seven and seventeen:

DPT - three more doses (for a total of EIGHT DOSES!!!) - four if the last one was given before the kid's second birthday

Polio - three more doses (for a total of SEVEN)

MMR - one more for a total of two

Varicella (chickenpox) - one dose or two doses if entering school between years 13 and 17.

I mean, come on! Really???  If you get the disease once you're done, immune - why does it take seven or eight or nine doses per child?

I had chickenpox - once. My daughter had chickenpox and I stayed home and took care of her. I didn't get it a second time. I was immune.

Could it be, just maybe, that these really aren't effective? That parents are being forced to give their children cocktails of drugs not because they do all of what they say they'll do, but because the drug companies have pumped hundreds of billions of dollars over the years into the arena?

I'm sure these drugs do have some effect. Perhaps they stir the pot and set the body up to resist, but at what cost to the child's immune system?

Could it be, just maybe, that the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture this stuff are scamming us at the expense of our children?

I don't know, but I do think it's worth some thought, some really hard analytical thought instead of just having families line up like cattle at the slaughterhouse.

What I would like to see is a study of the epidemiological differences between kids growing up in other places in the world and here, in the US and in Europe.

What are the disease rates, comparatively?
What are the rates of autism, of food allergies and of asthma, comparatively?
What are the rates of morbidity from diseases common to there and here (excluding cholera and typhus and diseases highly endemic in other parts of the world)?

I think that would provide interesting insights. Particularly in light of the accessibility to clean food and water and medical care here. Weight the findings to include the benefits of those things but not so heavily that the results become skewed - do an honest study. And then publish it. Have it peer reviewed by professionals NOT in the hip pocket of the pharma companies.

I just wonder at the fascinating correlation between the wild increase in vaccinations and the equally wild increase in AAA.

I will say this, though. If I were pregnant today there is no way on God's green Earth I would let my child be immunized to death because if those vaccinations end up to be shown as being linked to autism and allergies and asthma, that price is too damned high.

Just give it some thought. Maybe do a little reading and talk it over with some friends.


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