Thursday, May 21, 2015

Wrinkles and Twists and Adventures in Living...

If you’re alive I’m sure you’re like me in that you find somewhere in each new day a brand new adventure. It seems that there’s always something. The truck you get behind that makes you late or the cat puking on the floor just as you’re ready to walk out the door. Misplacing your car keys or something else that trips you up. Maybe it’s after you get to work. You have your day planned out, you know what’s on your list and then … wham! Straight out of left field comes a curveball and you have to flail at it.

Yesterday’s adventure was receiving a call at 11:05 am and being ‘asked’ to turn a project on which I have been working for over a year completely on its head. Just turn it 180° so that instead of driving toward a finite End Date, we have an open ended project.

Internal thought process:  Let's see... eight hundred tasks, one master chart, into which are linked eight subsidiary charts further connected by fifteen child charts...  

Oh, and by the way, can you have it done by nine o’clock tomorrow morning for our Director’s meeting?

What’s a good answer to that one? ‘I’ll get started but can’t promise it’ll be complete…’ That’s what I came up with. And, by focusing on it and coming in a little early it was about 98% done. A few tweaks, minor changes, nothing catastrophic and I will have finished.  Whew! In the meantime, it’s good enough to trot out and put up on the screen for the directors to see and pick at.

Today’s adventure was having the chance to sit in a room of execs – directors and above – and explaining ‘my’ gem to the CEO – a very smart, meticulous and inquisitive man.  He’s exactly the kind of person I like working with because you don’t have to explain things more than once – he gets it first time ‘round. Of course, there are times when he drills deeper than I’m prepared for, but that’s okay, too. It makes me think, to pay closer attention for the next time.

In the end, it was a good morning all around for me. The turning-over task is 98% done. I just have to finish the minor tweaks, which means I don’t have time or need to fret about what isn’t done. The meeting went well with some drilling and I think I tipped the ‘Respect-O-Meter’ to the green side.  It’s all good.

Of course all of this threw my timing off for everything else. My posting this, for instance, but in my part of the world, time is flexible. That’s a valuable lesson I learned early on, when I worked in the international department of a bank. My schedule was tipped on its head for two years when I worked nights – one o’clock in the morning until nine-thirty. That taught me that being caught by morning, noon, evening and night isn’t necessary. I have the power, to an extent, to bend time to my needs – like this morning.

Over the years I’ve also learned not to sweat the small stuff. I don’t always recognize the small stuff the first time it sniffs around, but I usually manage to figure it out. Sometimes before I sweat, sometimes after, but I do usually figure it out. Big stuff, though, yeah, that I can sweat. I can definitely sweat the big stuff right along with the best of ‘em. It takes practice but no one lives a life without practice in that, so I’m there, ready to sweat if and when needed.

One thing that I have trouble with though is learning not to challenge others. If someone tosses something in front of me with which I disagree, I have a heck of a time turning my back on it and just walking away. I don’t know if it’s a character flaw or not, but it does sometimes create unnecessary friction and trouble. It’s just a life lesson still to be learned and I am working on it. The one thing I do know is that we all have things to learn and improve on – it’s part of being alive, so I’ll keep working on it, hoping to achieve perfection (or as close to it as I can come) before my number is called.

So, I’m going to get started on the little tweaks to my project, then start in on the character flaw (there’s an open-ended discussion that’s becoming a circular argument on another website).

Have a lovely day!


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