It seems that Donald has hit another big nerve.
First it was Mexico with the wall. Last week Vicente Fox, in a highly presidential moment, dropped the F-bomb on national television, startling the crap out of Maria Bartaromo on Fox Business when he did it live.
Now it's Bill Kristol and the Elites who just held their annual American Enterprise Institute meeting. This is yet another private affair, more secretive than the annual Bilderberg meetings, held on a private island off the coast of Georgia (USA, although it might as well be the Soviet Union).
What's semi-amusing, more disturbing is that the editor of a right-wing political news magazine is quoting Karl Marx in relation to Donald Trump. Read the sixth paragraph from the Huffington Post's article.
Either Bill Kristol doesn't see the disturbing parallel between this battle for a nation and the October Revolution in which the people were so disaffected that they rose up and fought down the tyrants that ruled them, or he's just tying the opposite ends together on the far side of the sphere.
Fortunately, this is a bloodless revolution. America hasn't yet been pushed to the brink as was done in Russia before 1917. But we are fed up, disillusioned and far more than done with politics as usual.
If he is just tying the ends together - taking the right all the way around to the point where it meets with the farthest left - that's one thing. If he is actually adopting Marxist theory relative to politics, that's something else again. Either way, it's not good for the Elites. They have been outed and some are throwing up their hands, swearing they aren't stained with... whatever that is.
Elon Musk of SpaceX - the commercial rocket scientists - was reported to be there according to HuffPost and several other outlets, but now he's running around in circles screaming that he wasn't.
Why not? If this group is so honorable, up-front and above-board, why not claim it? Or, if he wasn't there, why doesn't he just shut up and ignore the report that he was? Me thinks he doth protest too much.
Could it be that it is a tyrannical society that met on that island the other day? The leaders of the Pinky & The Brain Society for World Domination I wrote about a while back?
Seems like it.
After all, these guys and the Bilderbergers (overlapping group-to-group in all meaningful ways) do run the world. That's become abundantly clear this year with the election and their knicker-knots bulging out their britches.
So The Donald is not who they want in the White House. They don't want him running the country because he isn't their ideal.
America is at a major crossroads. But it's not this one any more:
It's more like this one: |
One thing that might happen is that they'll wake up and realize that Hilliary is un-electable in the current climate. Even though she's being funded and shoved on us by the Donor Class because she represents the palatable status quo, Bernie is still making a big statement. If it tips too far, they might panic and throw her to the legal wolves as a sop to the American people. If they let her be indicted and thrust Biden into the fray the news would be all about her, about the indictment and the scandal and the American people (Democrats) might be distracted enough for the Elites to get their way.
As for Biden, he's popped up in the news again this week after a remarkably long absence. The media have actually tried to make him look intelligent and relevant (which won't last if he opens his mouth).
That still won't shift the conservative / moderate / independent American people who are lifting Trump over their shoulders. We'll look over at the circus but I don't think it will matter. I don't think it would be a distraction for us, regardless of what these asphyxiated idiots might think.
After all, we've made it clear as day that we don't want Hilliary. Nor do we want Biden or we would be clamoring for him. We don't want Marco or a used car salesman. We don't want anyone who has been even remotely tainted by Washington air (what little is left given the state of CO2 poisoning apparent in the insiders) and water.
We want an outsider. Someone unadultered by the filth of Washington politics.
Still, they don't get it. They are so hyped up on their own brilliance, they just don't get it. And that's fine. They'll do the Olympus thing up there while the mere mortals do their thing down here, where the real folks live. In the end, when the votes are counted, they'll have a couple of choices.
They can capitulate and accept what the people want for this election cycle. After all, there are several tens of million of each of us to each one of them - the odds look pretty good for our side (and it is down to sides at this point).
If there were an uprising, and let us be perfectly clear - I do not advocate anything like that - guess who would lose the most in the long run?
We would suffer, no doubt, but they would suffer worse. They would lose their power over us in a meaningful way. We would see who they are more clearly than we do now, and we would know what they're doing. It's harder to maintain control over a mass if the mass knows you're trying to control them. Masses tend not to like being suppressed.
They can keep their eyes shut, their fingers in their ears and shriek lalalalalalala at the top of their lungs, keep pretending what's happening really isn't.
Or, because these people are powerful and they are ruthless, they could have Trump assassinated.
The Kennedy assassination has never been rationally explained to my satisfaction or to the satisfaction of many others. I have watched documentaries and read articles on it, and I still feel dissatisfied with the 'explanation'. The Warren Commission stinks of cover-up and there is just too much coincidence - like Ruby showing up, wandering into the mob through which Oswald was being escorted, and shooting Oswald right in front of the cops and cameras. It just stinks like a barnyard on a 100 degree day at the height of summer.
Given that assassination has been used for political purpose down the centuries, and given the gut wrenching fear these people seem to be feeling, made apparent by their coming out of the woodwork as far as they have, I won't take that possibility off the table because it could be one option these people might consider.
I do take some solace, though, in the fact that Trump doesn't just have the Secret Service detail assigned. He also has his own private security - who are more loyal to him than the Secret Service ever will be. I just hope they're better than the Secret Service, or that they're having the same feelings and suspicions I am about it. I pray that they're not only watching their boss and the crowd, but that they're also paying close attention to the government employees in their midst.
So, in the here and now, Karl Marx meets Pinky & The Brain and here we are. Secret societies, world domination and a people fed up with being held down and controlled. The next months will be interesting, no doubt.
Keep watching - this is an historic time.
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