With that said: The Establishment Right and the Media are colluding to blow this country apart and devolve it into a leftist / socialist state. If they do not stop working to undermine and subvert the will of the people, that is precisely what will happen. Not only will they gift wrap and bow tie the White House for Hilliary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, they will also guarantee at least a generation of leftist Supreme Court rulings that will utterly change the face of America forever.
Scalia's seat is open. Bader-Ginsberg is waiting to retire and will no doubt step down the second after Hilliary lifts her hand from the Bible after being sworn into office. It is likely that at least one or two other Justices will retire or die in the next four years - so it's going to be a critical time for the Supreme Court.
The so-called Right - the Establishment, Donor Class and Airhead Elites - would do well to bear this in mind.
Trump's following - the massive crowds at his rallies, the new voters registering with the Republican party, the cross-the-board blocs that are voting for him - are all indicative of a FACT.
FACT: For the first time in nearly thirty years people are enthusiastic about a candidate.
FACT: Despite the best efforts by the Elitists to bring this man down, to destroy his candidacy, he is still winning. Even bringing Mitt Romney out - a disgusting human being for willingly being a sock puppet of these Elitist morons - didn't completely stop Trump's momentum.
FACT: Trump won two of four states yesterday - not resoundingly, but by enough - and they were the two states with the highest delegate counts.
FACT: In Michigan this morning, the latest NBC/Marist poll shows Trump is leading Cruz by about twenty points.
FACT: The Annointed One v.1 in the form of Jeb!, despite the money class pushing him hard, went down in embarrassing fashion. In early February, he actually had to beg a "crowd" at one of his so-called rallies to clap.
FACT: The Annointed One v.2 has won one state - Minnesota. Given the fact that there have been nineteen caucuses and elections and he has managed one win does not bode well for his viability.
FACT: Donald Trump has won more states than Ted Cruz by a 2:1 margin (twelve states to six) and leads in the delegate count.
So, with all of those facts to hand, what does the donor class fronted by Mitt Romney, aided and abetted by the likes of Rich Lowry, George Will, Bill Kristol and the other Airhead Elites intend for the future of this country?
Do they really want to hand this election to someone who is a known criminal?
Just because Hilliary hasn't been indicted or convicted (and if either of those events was to happen this year, guess who would be at the top of Obie-One's pardon list) doesn't mean she's innocent. There is enough information out in the public realm to show that she is far from innocent - and I'm confident the FBI has at least five times as much that hasn't leaked.
If they mess around with a brokered convention and take the delegates away from the front-runner and hand them to someone We The People don't want, they will hand the general election to the left.
I, for one, won't rush out and participate in something that I know will destroy this country. That would be like joining the mob that's tearing down my house. 'Oh! No! What are you doing! *Oh, wait - there are more of them than of me, I guess I'll join in.*' That would be the equivalent.
If I do not believe in and trust the candidate to put America's interests first, I will not vote for them and I can state, as things are now, I will not vote for Ted Cruz. He is, in my honest opinion, a SLEAZE of the worst kind.
Talk about someone having a 'tenuous grasp on facts'. He is dishonest about other people (check out PolitiFact).
He is boring as dirt and he has all the appeal of a low-end used car salesman.
Apparently, despite his 'deep faith' he has not read the passages in the Bible that talk about people in glass houses or about bearing false witness.
Before he casts stones at Trump's glass house, he would do well to look to his own.
Before he makes didactic statements about Trump's beliefs and conservatism, he would do well to consider what the Bible says about 'one who breathes out lies, and sows discord among brothers'. When Cruz claims to know what is in Trump's heart and mind, he is stomping along the razor thin boundary of the Ninth Commandment.
I do think he would be a reasonable pick for AG or, perhaps, a member of SCOTUS, but not as president.
So, again, what is the Vapid Right's plan for this great country? I would really like to know, but they're not saying - which is dangerous.
Do I think Donald Trump is the be-all, end-all of perfection? Hell no! He has warts aplenty.
He doesn't know as much as he should about foreign affairs and policy, but I trust him to know what he doesn't know and to fill in the gap with someone over qualified. Do I wish, fervently, that he was stronger on that subject? Hell yes!
What I would like, more than anything, is for him to call in favors in the next day or two - to bring on board Trump One people who know what's what around the world and have them teach him. He's smart and I think he's a quick study so he could bone up on everything he needs to know immediately, before the next debate. He doesn't have to have a deep and profound understanding - just enough to be able to address the points well and in knowledgeable fashion. The deep and profound understanding can come later, with reliance on people who know more of the nuances.
I trust him on trade - because he's a trader and he knows other capable qualified people who are the same.
I trust him on immigration. He has been vocal about the wall and he has, apparently, scared the Bejeezus out of Mexico - they are reacting to him on the subject so we know he's hit a nerve.
What is Cruz's plan? What does the used car salesman plan?
He's parroting Trump on the wall, but I sincerely doubt he'll do anything. I think he's another insider who likes the status quo because until Trump started talking and catching the media's notice about the wall, he wasn't an advocate.
Immigration is a poison pill inside the Beltway, let's be clear. If you are anti-illegal immigrant, you're painted as a bigot, a racist, narrow-minded, you name it. Cruz, Rubio and the other pro-pols don't like that. Trump doesn't care what names he's called - he's made that clear.
So what plan do the Right - GOP / RNC and the Pointy Media Pinheads have for this country if they steal the election from Trump (assuming he doesn't gather enough delegates for a clear win)? I would really like to know but they're not saying.
So, given that status quo of disgusting hatred and silence from the Elites and Establishment, I will keep rooting for Trump. When the time comes that I have a chance, I will vote for him because of all the people in the field, he is the only one worthy of my vote.
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhilippaStories
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