During the dust-up between Ted Cruz and his PAC's ugly use of Melania Trump's picture to damage Donald's campaign in Utah, something popped up on my radar and I finally got around to following the trail.
Trump threatened to 'spill the beans' on Heidi Cruz. The media latched onto that threat and ran with it, putting blame on Trump for going after Cruz's wife (although a strong argument can be made that Cruz got their first with tacit approval of that billboard) - but what is it? Trump hasn't said. He nudged it but then let the sleeping dog lie.
That, however, led some people to dig around and post pieces on their blogs about what might be behind it. Katrina Pierson, Trump's spokeswoman laid it out directly during an interview on MSNBC.
There is a police report about Heidi Cruz from 2005 - but that doesn't worry me. She was having emotional problems based on what can be extrapolated from the heavily redacted report (which you can find if you Google it).
In sum, a policeman found her sitting on the grass verge about ten feet away from a busy expressway with her head in her hands. He approached her and took her into custody 'for her own safety'. So, ten years ago, she was emotionally unstable. That does not mean she is now, but the potential is there, in her DNA.
What does worry me is her affiliation with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a liberal 'think tank' that began in 1921 to deal with international relations, economics, politics, trade, societal dynamics and the rest of it.
Over the years, from just talking about how to make the world a
better and safer place for individual countries, its scope has changed.
According to the CFR website, one of their goals is 'globalization'.
Globalization is, pure and simple, global unification - international
integration. Borders don't exist. Countries don't exist. Individual
governments don't exist. Sovereignty is gone - once and for all.
It's grown over time, too. It currently has roughly 4,900 members. Most of these members are at the upper level of world politics and the media. It makes interesting reading. From their roster, a few names leapt out a me:
Madeleine Albright (Billy-Jeff's Sec State), John Bolton (Bush II's
UN Ambassador), Dick Cheney, Katie Couric, Barbara Walters, Susan Rice
(of Hilliary Clinton's State Department), Charles Krauthammer and Monica
Crowley (Fox News Contributors) are just a few. There are also Hollywood types - Warren Beatty - and SCOTUS Justices - Stephen Breyer and someone named John Roberts and another named Ruth Ginsberg... Hmm. Could it be that our Supreme Court which has power over all of us is part of this, too?
Now the idea of a One World Government might sound utopian to you, but it doesn't to me. Just look at the UN members. Who will govern this beautiful new world? Will they rotate through the roster? How would you like Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan or Saudia Arabia ruling the world? Are you up for what their world vision looks like? I'm not.
So here we have the wife of a presidential candidate who didn't just work there, she helped write a report called 'Building a North American Community'. That report recommends getting rid of the borders between Mexico, the US and Canada for citizens - like the EU. Meaning that once you're in one of those countries, you can move freely from one to the other without having to prove where you live.
Heidi Cruz supported that recommendation.
Look how well open borders are working in the EU right now with ISIS / Daesh / ISIL terrorists flowing back and forth like a tide. Paris suffered a terrorist attack just four months ago. Last week it was Brussels and the EU is still hunting down some of the perpetrators and their associates. There are still more threats floating - against the UK and others.
The CFR promoted the original formation of the EU. They pushed the US government into NAFTA which is a trade agreement that has not benefited the US but has benefited Canada and Mexico.
They are not looking out for the citizens of the world. They are looking out for the uber-wealthy, the powerful who view us as cogs who can go hang because we don't count and we don't matter. If you don't believe me, Google 'CFR membership' and take a look at their roster - it's eye-opening who's on there.
So why is this a concern? That's in her past, right? Well, yes, it is in her past but I do think it shows where her ideas lie - a one-world order scenario in which the United States no longer exists as an independent sovereign country.
First Ladies are influential people. Look at Mamie Eisenhower, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Hilliary Clinton - who became Senator, Secretary of State and is now running for president.
The history of Heidi Cruz not just being associated with a group like the Council on Foreign Relations but being involved in writing such a report, and the sway any politically active and adept wife holds over her husband, raises a big red warning flag for me. Particularly if she becomes First Lady to the President of the United States.
Could it be that the pivot toward Ted Cruz by the Elites is that he's already making conciliatory noises about falling more in line with the CFR ideas?
When push comes to shove if that supposition is correct, who's going to win?
Will it be the electorate that is clamoring for tightened borders and smaller government, or will it be the woman he sleeps with every night? Will We The People get the wall we want, or will his wife who shares his bathroom convince him it's a bad idea?
I don't know but it is a concern.
At this point, even if he were to come out and declare his independence from the CFR I wouldn't believe him. He's already proved he's a serial liar - voter violations, telling the voters in Iowa that Ben Carson had dropped out of the race, lying about all sorts of other things that have been brought up in just the past two months. Once a liar, always a liar and you cannot trust the words of someone who has been shown to be dishonest, as he has.
Do some reading - there's plenty of it out there - and you can start right here:
Go to the Recommendations that start on page 7 and read from there.
And, at the bottom of the page this link will take you to, there is a list of contributors. Look at who's Number Three:
Now isn't that interesting...
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