This morning I woke up and joined most of the rest of the world in watching the terrible news out of Belgium. This event and what led up to it infuriates me so I'm going to say what I think - no holds barred. Therefore, fair warning:
Do not read on if you're 'squishy' or 'squeamish' because I am going to say what's on my mind, and what's on my mind may scare the children.
First off, I do not advocate hurting people for any reason. I don't even like watching people 'fighting' for entertainment so my television does not project images of boxing or cage fighting or even wrestling - it's disgusting to me.
However, if you are in a situation of low-level war, which we are as proved by Paris and San Bernardino and Brussels this morning, and if you have to get information from someone who is under suspicion of planning or participating in a terrorist act, there are plenty of options available that don't cause long-term harm.
There's water boarding, to which we subject our own special forces people as part of their training. It's terror inducing but if done correctly causes no long-term harm. There's sleep deprivation which is useful if you have the time to get it to work, and drugs that are effective if time matters. Any of these options can be used to gather information that might solve or help prevent a tragedy like this morning's. Using those methods, or instilling the fear of their use in someone who's planning to do harm to others just going about their business is perfectly all right with me. If you don't want to be water boarded, don't be stupid. Don't get involved with stuff that's bad. Easy-peasy.
With that said, the massacre in Paris happened just four months ago. Since then the Belgian authorities and anyone else with half-a-brain have known that there are still nests of vipers inside the EU. Within a few days after those attacks, Europol had tracked the vermin back to Brussels but no farther, so it was pretty clear that they had holed up there.
Since there is a large Muslim community in the Molenbeek neighborhood of Brussels, which is where Salah Abdeslam of those Paris attacks was found last week, and since no one within that community has cooperated with authorities by talking, that's a rather telling sign.
I say that 'no one has cooperated' because if someone had it would not have taken four months for authorities to find the little weasel living in the midst of that neighborhood. If someone had cooperated, they would have found this guy within days after the Bataclan massacre. If people in that neighborhood are cooperative, they would have given intel to authorities last week or even yesterday that might have prevented this morning's attacks.
Obviously, that Muslim community is not cooperating. Obviously they have some agenda that does not mesh with Western ideas or culture. Obviously they, and yes, I do mean all of them because there is no evidence to the contrary, do not condemn the act of murder. They might not condone it, but neither have they condemned it or someone would have spoken up and told authorities where they could find these people.
If just one person who knew something had spoken up early last November, Paris wouldn't have happened.
If just one person who knew something was being planned had spoken up even yesterday, today's attacks could have been stopped.
So, no. I don't believe that the citizens of Molenbeek care about the non-Muslim population of Europe.
At this point, given that attitude of not caring and not cooperating with the authorities who are trying to keep everyone safe, a heavy line has been drawn.
To the Muslims in Molenbeek, and probably elsewhere throughout Europe and America, the attitude is that 'We live within your borders but we are not bound by your laws or rules of society'.
For confirmation of that attitude, look at the Shar'ia courts that have sprung up around the EU. That then falls straight into 'We will do as we please and the hell with everyone not of our faith. You are a non-believer and worth less than the dirt under my feet'.
That's obviously the attitude. If it isn't, why did no one come forward with information about these vermin either before or after Paris or during the planning of today's attack? Does anyone really believe that no one in that neighborhood heard or saw anything?
No doubt what I'll say next will brand me as some sort of 'phobe' or hater, but after the past months of silence from the citizens living in Molenbeek followed by this morning's decimation of innocent people doing nothing more than going about their business, I don't care.
Given the clear attitude of 'you v. us', Christian or Jew or secularist v. Muslim in this case, I think Belgium and other countries would be absolutely within their rights to round all of those people up. Gather all of them together - no harm, no punishment except expulsion. Purge them from Europe by shipping them back to wherever they or their antecedents came from - regardless of where they were born because it is as plain as day where their loyalties fall and it is clearly not with their native or adopted country.
Despite the stonewalling by the Muslim community in Brussels, authorities finally caught the little vermin Salah Abdeslam last Friday, and have been questioning him since his arrest. Given that he is a known chicken and has been spilling his guts, how did they not get information about this attack before it took place?
He's proved that he's a coward. He was positioned to martyr himself, but he chose to run instead of to blow himself up.
I just have to shake my head because, obviously, the Belgian / Europol investigative and interrogation methods are less than effective. There is no stomach for taking hard measures to prevent his from happening again. So it will. Maybe not tomorrow or next week, but it is only a matter of time because we're too soft.
And the Muslim community is not helping. They are not proving, by providing hard information that could prevent these things, that they care.
Lip service is useless and we're not even getting that from the majority of Muslims. It's not on the news and I'm constantly looking at the headlines because it's what I do.
It's not being proclaimed far and wide across the airwaves in public service ads.
It's not preventing anything, so don't lecture me about how wrong I am. Actions speak louder than words and silence is louder still and right now, the silence from the Muslim community at large is deafening.
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