Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hilliary Clinton - The Gift That Just Keeps On Giving

This is going to be such fun come summer.

Hilliary (and no, the extra 'i' in there is not a mistake - it's an accurate depiction of the individual and her character [or absence thereof]) is one of those people who has so little connection (none) with the truth that she opens her mouth and gives another gift.

For example, during the MSNBC town hall night before last she said that we 'didn't lose a single person in Libya'. I guess that's why she was so defensive over those damned Senate hearings. It explains so well her demand to know 'what difference does it make?' After all, if Chris Stevens, Ty Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty didn't die, those Senate hearings were indeed a waste of time, energy and money.

Let's be crystal clear about that: I do not care about the context of that phrase within her broader statement. I do care, deeply, about the fact that any human being could be so utterly callous about the deaths of their employees - and make no mistake, Chris Stevens and the others were working for Hilliary Clinton - turns my stomach. Particularly since that declaration was made on national television while the families of some of the people who died that night sat in the rows behind her.

Can we say 'heartless' in regard to that? Because that's what that was - heartless to be so casual, so flip and unfeeling about the fact that she and her boss left those men to die - not caring that others that were there, in-country, who volunteered to go to try and rescue them. Or that there were and are specially trained 'go teams' stationed around the Med in case of situations just like that one. No. Don't bother me with the facts.

Then, on top of that little white misspeak (we won't call it a lie - that's too harsh a word, right?), she also appears to know that we don't know what we want to watch, even though we're watching it, and even though many of us actively seek out what we watch.

She said so to Chris Matthews Monday night during a commercial break. Here's the excerpt and link:

Matthews followed up by acknowledging that his network has "progressive leanings, obviously."

"But nobody can tell what people want to watch," he said.

"People must think they want to watch him," Clinton replied.

Hmmm. Let's think that one over. "People must think they want watch him." It sounds doubtful, doesn't it?

I must think I want to watch him. Gee. I think before I check my television listings tonight, I'll check with her so I don't end up watching something I don't want to watch. What a gal! Saving me from myself.

Can't wait until she's President. Although the White House switchboard will no doubt be overrun with calls from people checking in, 'what is it that I don't want to watch tonight, Mrs. President?'

The list of "misspeaks" is impressively long. Too long for me to try to post here, but PolitiFact has collected quite a few of them. Two pages worth although there are a whole lot more that I know about. Like her coming under sniper fire and having to duck and run for cover when in Bosnia. That's well documented as a 'fabrication'.

Still, it flabbergasts (or gobsmacks, if you prefer) me how many people shove their morals, ethics and values into some shoe box inside their closet when they go to her rallies and actually vote for her. It seems that there a percentage of the American population - quite large by all appearances - who like or at least don't mind being lied to.

Me? No. I do not accept being lied to. Not on the big important things that I care about.

Trump misspeaks and, at times, he does lie - but he has yet to lie about things that matter to me, or to the country as a whole.

He has not lied to me about a national security matter. He has not lied to me about where he keeps his e-mails - whether they're secure or whether they're not.

See - I understand that people lie. Politicians lie about all sorts of things. I don't like it, but I accept it as an inevitable norm. Most people lie, including me at times.

What I don't get is that people are voting for Hilliary despite being at the center of yet another scandal. It's almost an annual event with her and Billy-Jeff.

I can't help but wonder if the American people who are lining up to vote for her now will turn a blind eye and whistle a happy tune if Hilliary's e-mail scandal blows up?

That's going to get very interesting before it goes away.  Of course, that's assuming she gets as far as being elected instead of indicted.

There is doubt about that. No matter that if anyone else - like you or me or General Petraeus - had mishandled state secrets like she did, we would be charged with several felonies for each event and would land in prison so fast our heads would spin.

No. That pantsuit she's wearing is 100% Teflon. She'll be given a pass on all of this if the talking pinheads inside the Beltway know anything about it. And, if she isn't indicted, the talking pinheads say that Comey and his team will probably resign in protest - after leaking as much as they can get away with without being criminally charged themselves.

If she is indicted, I think she'll look lovely in orange. Oh! Look! There she is now!


If I hold my nose tightly enough over the stench of her continued ejaculations of innocence and lack of knowledge it is funny. It'll be funnier if (when) she is indicted. Of course, the gift she gives will go into a box someplace and she won't be as generous.

In the meantime, I'm basking in the knowledge that Trump is that much closer to the nomination after last night - up by more than 200 delegates over Ted Cruz. That, however, is fodder for another post.

Have a great day!


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