After Trump's victories on Tuesday the liberal media and their major stockholders seem to be having major heart palpitations. This morning there was a meeting of The Donors who are most affected. Allegedly, this isn't just a friendly get-together. According to a number of people in the know it's to discuss ways they might be able to 'steal' this election from the GOP front runners.
For Cruz, I don't care. For Trump, I do.
Because the right-leaning insiders who control the GOP don't believe Trump's heart and political views are in the 'right place' according to their standards, they are on the verge of creating a wave of blow-back the likes of which haven't been seen in this country since at least the 1960's. And, what they don't understand, is that it is NOT Donald Trump's fault or doing.
It is solely and strictly because of the nonsense and machinations emanating from the Washington Beltway - which is at the exact epicenter for this whole election year of dissent.
What they have either forgotten or are choosing to ignore because they don't like it, any American citizen has the right and privilege to run for President. The Constitution does not stipulate that you must wheel and deal your way into office, or sell your soul to the highest bidders. Under the Founding documents, The Donald has just as much right to run for office and be elected as anyone else - be it Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio or one of the Bush family.
Curly Haugland, the RNC's National Committee's Rules Chairman announced on CNBC yesterday that 'the party will decide who the GOP nominee will be'. He said, flat-out, the RNC Donor Class is going decide who's going to run under the Republican banner after the convention - and the voters can all just go to hell.
That's a jaw-dropper to me and to a lot of other people who have a bigger platform for spreading the news. Already the question has been asked, 'if the party chooses, why bother with primaries?' I think we can agree that's a pretty damned good question. His response? 'That's a very good question.'
Bottom line, based on what my pea-brain is deciphering from all the chatter about this and the brokered convention is that:
In the primaries, candidates win delegates. Some states apportion them to each delegate based on what percent of the vote that delegate won in that state's caucus or election. Other states are 'winner-take-all'. These delegates are 'bound' to that candidate through to the party convention.
If the candidate quits the race, the delegates are released and can either be 'given' to another candidate through endorsement or other wheeling-and-dealing (what we all love about Washington politics, right?).
If a candidate suspends his campaign - as Rubio has done - he still holds onto those delegates and can use them for leverage come a brokered convention.
At the convention they count up the delegates. If one of the candidates has a clear victory with 1,237 delegates won through the primary process, it's over and done. Yippee, we have a candidate and everyone rallies around, pulling out the hatchets buried and knives thrown in the lead-up.
If no candidate has that magic number, then there's horsetrading that takes place. And this is where it could blow up in the face of the GOP / RNC owners. Those owners being the donors and not you and me.
Let's say Donald gets there with 1,157 delegates. He's close - really close - and millions more people have voted for him than have voted against him but what happens?
Well, he's not the clear winner despite millions of voters marking his name however it's done in their polling place. So, they have a ballot - an election within an election. The bound delegates vote for their guy - like him or not - and no one gets the clear majority again - unless someone steps forward with enough delegates and pledges those delegates to the person they want to see win and become the candidate.
It's convoluted as hell and, as with all things associated with the Constitution, is pretty damned brilliant. It's called the Electoral College and it's a tried and true tradition, even though I think it's really going to pinch hard come this summer. The Founders put it in place to keep a simple majority from taking over this country and running it as they see fit, no matter what the other 49% of the population want.
That's how Bush II "won" the still-disputed-in-some-circles 2000 election. The Electoral College looked at him and at Al Gore, decided Bush II was the lesser of two evils and gave him the nod. Which led to Gore famously throwing a tantrum through the courts and his acolytes swearing to this day that the election was 'stolen'.
Well, this year it might just be the Republicans turn to see it happen to them. The difference is, and it is a HUGE difference, is that it is not a party-to-party theft. It would be a theft within the party which will drive me and I suspect millions of other people away from the party for good and all.
Me? If they pull a stunt like that, I will go out the day after the results of the convention are known and I will re-register as an Independent. I will no longer proudly call myself a Republican because the load of straws is really heavy this year. One more and...
I suspect it is and will be the same for a lot of other people, too.
No matter. The GOP will no longer exist as it's been.
The controllers will be outed. The futility of participation will be shown, loud and clear, and the last vestige of decency, fairness and honesty will implode with a resounding kaboom.
Through their obstinacy and demand that the American voters who support Trump fall in line, they will sure as hell guarantee a win for Hilliary Clinton - along with Obie-One's successful nomination of a wild-liberal Supreme Court Justice.
I am sure that is a deal that is already under discussion along the lines of 'if you keep Loretta Lynch from indicting me, I'll let you call the SCOTUS nomination before you leave office'. Why not? Whoever he chooses will probably be palatable to her. It's a win-win for them and, as I said the other day in relation to this, will guarantee that the face of America will change forever - and not for the better.
Our borders will be gone. Our sovereignty will be gone. All of those illegals here already will gain citizenship and the American economy will devolve to a third-world state within a matter of years.
That is what is at stake in this election and I, for one, do not want to see the Donors do this to our country but I will not participate in another exercise in futility if they put up someone like Ted Cruz or Marco or Bush or anyone else who I know cannot stand, fight and win against Hilliary and the rest of the world. Instead, I will carefully and legibly write Donald Trump's name on my ballot and pray that the vast majority of other Americans will do the same.
Now - I wish you a lovely day.
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