In the meantime, Vicente Fox is tossing eff-bombs about the wall. I don't understand why. Okay, he doesn't want to pay for it, but what else is going on under that fury? Could it be that he wants Mexican people illegally entering the United States so they can work here and send American money back to Mexico? On top of taking advantage of the crap trade deals this country has negotiated with Mexico in the past twenty years he wants more of our money transferred in through various legal sources? You know the Mexican government is skimming off of that, taking part of that revenue stream for itself.
Sorry, Vic - I have no sympathy for you, or for the people of Mexico. If they want things to improve in Mexico, they had better turn their attentions to what's going on in their homes, their streets, their neighborhoods and communities. They would do well to stop relying on our economy to make things right. Stop looking to someone else to clean up the mess and corruption that your people have allowed to burgeon over the years. In short: Get your house in order by yourselves. Don't expect us to do it for you.
Canada is weighing in, too. They're not happy.
A lot of people in Britain want to ban Trump from setting foot on their land, even going so far as circulating petitions.
I'll tell you something, folks. This makes me wonder - are we really that big a deal in the world?
For decades we've been screamed at - 'Yankee go home' and 'Death to America' and all the rest of it.
Right after he was elected, Obie-One made the infamous 'Apology Tour', trying to make up to everyone else for their perceptions of us. That didn't go down too well, here at home.
I suspect that a large part of our society's distrust of Muslims are the stories and videos from 2001 and the fact that in 2015 the San Bernardino shooting was perpetrated by Muslims.
In the days right after 9/11, news reports talked about and showed people on the streets throughout the Middle East celebrating the deaths of around 3,000 innocent men, women and children. I'll never forget that. Could it be those stories and images have rooted in us a distrust of people from that part of the world? Is it possible?
Oh, and those reports of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11, the ones The Donald was vilified over? He was right. It was fact checked and confirmed.
Maybe you just forgot what it was like in America in the days and weeks following that horrible day. Maybe refresh your memory by watching this video:
Did you see it? Did you notice the happy expression on that woman's face as she ululates in joy? And then the second video, which is stomach churning, and shows people leaping to their deaths to escape the flames. Read the article above - the one about the celebrations in New Jersey - within seeing distance of what was happening in Manhattan - with people dancing and ululating in the same way.
Yeah. We are so wrong to distrust the society that did that to us. We should just forget that, and images like this:
The Falling Man - |
Oh well, too bad, so sad. They were too late and she did die - hopefully from asphyxiation before the building around her collapsed into rubble.
You're right. We should just forget these images and those people. After all, as Hilliary Clinton famously said, 'What difference does it make?'
Still, when a country gets invaded (Kuwait, for example) or threatened, they immediately look to us to come to their aid. They expect us to expend our blood and treasure - our children and husbands, wives, mothers and fathers - to solve their problem.
Our treaties often are not reciprocal. If we get attacked, the other party has no obligation to come to our aid, but if they get attacked we are expected to show up with our blood and treasure, no questions asked.
Countries around the globe hold out one hand to take our money in the form of trade and aid and then stab us in the back with the other while saying ugly things about us - about our people and attitudes and actions. It happens routinely at the UN. It happens in individual trade deals. It happens in the press and media and a lot of other places.
Because of that double-dealing, because of the way the world has reacted to us over the past four decades during which I've been paying some attention, I'll be dead honest with you. I, for one, genuinely do not care what people around the world think of the man I'm supporting for president.
With the images that I saw the morning of September 11, 2001, and the news reports of people celebrating, and the aftermath of weeks of mourning and families eviscerated, I honestly don't care much what people outside this country think anymore.
After all, Donald Trump is not being elected president of the world. He is being elected president of the United States of America. I live in the United States of America. I pay my taxes here. I work here and I want someone who is going to put this country ahead of the interests of anyone else.
Will his election affect the globe? Yes, it will. Could it be devastating? Yes, it could - if he's the despot some haters think he is. Still, I can pretty much guarantee it won't be anything near as bad as some are screaming it will be.
See, we have laws and limits in this country. No one can be a dictator - no matter how much he wants to be. The presidency is the one position that has hard and fast term limits. It would require a coup - which would never happen here because we love our freedom too much.
US law prohibits the military from following 'unlawful' orders. Even when those orders come from the Commander in Chief. It's part of the oath they swear when they sign up. Same with the cops and the National Guard and all of our forces.
US law prohibits even a despot from pushing the launch button for our nuclear weapons. That order actually has to go through a process - President, Secretary of Defense, and on down the line until it reaches the poor soul who actually has to do the deed. Anywhere along that chain someone can look back up the ladder and call a halt - if they believe that it's the wrong thing to do.
So take a deep breath, suck it up and get over it. Face the fact: We are going to do what we think is right for our country, regardless of what you think.
Have a wonderful day.
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