Last night, hubby mentioned the United Nation's Agenda 2030. I hadn't heard of it but, because of his comments, I looked it up and skimmed through it. It makes for interesting reading because it's a manifesto for world domination. Just like The Brain intended in Pinky & The Brain, and about as likely to succeed short of governments rounding up their recalcitrant citizens.
The document itself looks like it was written by a verbose ten year old. To say it's repetitive would be a gross understatement, but that might be deliberate. Bury the bad news in heaps of kindly hyperbole and it might go unnoticed.
For instance, I don't know how many times it mentions the eradication of poverty and disease, gender equality (yeah, as if an organization that has civil rights violators on its human rights committee is believable). It covers the same ground ad nauseam but when you filter through the fluff and nonsense, it's pretty intimidating and thought provoking.
It's going to go into effect next month - as of January 1, 2016 - and will ramp up over the next fifteen years. Reading parts of this document and thinking about recent events here in the U.S., it is worrying. In the West they might actually pull some of this off because we're not paying attention which makes the sleight of hand that much easier.
Here's the link to the full document, if you're curious:
Filtering through the gobbledygook, these are aspects I found to be particularly interesting.
Paragraph 26 states: "To promote physical and mental health and well-being, and to extend life expectancy for all, we must achieve universal health coverage and access to quality health care. No one must be left behind."
So that's where Obamacare came from! The first step, knowing the American people don't want to be shoved into a one-size fits all box, was to implement a pre-failed healthcare system. Then, once it falls apart because of wildly expensive premiums (the plan hasn't even been fully implemented and premiums are already up +30% and +40% over last year) and unsustainable expense in the medical sector, the government will step in with its one-size fits all box into which we will be squeezed. From there, it will no doubt be expected that the US and other developed nations will start channeling money into healthcare for the rest of the world. An expensive proposition, that.
Paragraph 28 dictates how and what we can buy and use: "We commit to making fundamental changes in the way that our societies produce and consume goods and services."
Tyranny, anyone? Consumption is going to be watched or regulated, meaning if I want to buy Product A but this UN committee deems that Product A is no good, I can't have it?
And Paragraph 29 states we're going to effectively dissolve sovereignty. Nations will no longer be nations. Borders will no longer exist: "We recognize the positive contribution of migrants for inclusive growth and sustainable development. We also recognize that international migration is a multi-dimensional reality of major relevance for the development of countries of origin, transit and destination, which requires coherent and comprehensive responses. We will cooperate internationally to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration involving full respect for human rights and the humane treatment of migrants regardless of migration status, of refugees and of displaced persons."
So much for national security and right of self-determination.
Paragraph 30 makes our economy a part of the world economy - and takes away our right to economic self-determination, financial self-rule. "States are strongly urged to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measures not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations that impede the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries."
In other words, our money is their money and they can tell us what to do with it, how to use it, and prohibits us from objecting.
Paragraph 38 seems to be a gross error since it specifically contradicts Paragraph 29, but it's so plain text that it's obviously just a sop with no meaning. "We reaffirm, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the need to respect the territorial integrity and political independence of States."
There's more, a lot more, but what's an interesting conundrum throughout is the repeated refrain of:
We envisage a world free of poverty, hunger, disease and want, where all life can thrive.
That's a worthy goal. Who would say that isn't a worthy goal? However, with more than 6,000,000,000+ (six billion plus) people wandering the face of this planet right now, and with resources - clean water and food - already stretched to the breaking point, how can they accomplish that?
Could it be through eugenics? Governments or agencies or committees deciding that some of us are surplus, taking up space, damaging society by our mere existence? Hmm. Smacks a bit of Nazi Germany and other totalitarian regimes, doesn't it?
If you're non-productive because of a birth defect or deficiency of some sort, out you go - no food for you.
If you're non-productive because you spent your life producing and are now in your seventies or so and aren't able to continue to drone along, out you go - no food for you because you're not helping to produce it.
Some of the nut jobs are seeing a conspiracy in this. I'm sure the Pinky & The Brain Society for World Domination would disagree, but perhaps there is a middle.
If I say Planned Parenthood, what do you think of? I think of, and I suspect most people think of, abortion. The killing of children before they're born so that the parents don't have to be burdened with the nuisance of dealing with what they created.
China is more direct and far more brutal with its one child policy. Now, though, a generation later, they're seeing the problem in that. Get a girl baby when you wanted a boy baby, let the girl baby die so you stay under that one child limit. Twenty-five years later, there aren't enough baby girls to go around to the baby boys to create the next generation, so they're relaxing the one-child rule.
Yeah, that's the kind of world in which I want to live. Where government picks and chooses who lives and who dies - and I'm afraid that the more I think about these lofty goals, that is what it would come down to. How else can they feed and provide clean water for so many people? Particularly in the under-developed countries in Africa where obtaining clean water and sufficient food have been real problems for centuries.
Now, it might be that there is no intention to really implement all of this. Perhaps it is just a lofty pie-in-the-sky dream that they know will never be fulfilled, but honestly? I do not trust the UN. Not even a little bit.
Personally, I think that those who want the US out of the UN have it right because who, in this New World Order they're proposing, will foot the lion's share of the expense? Which country has the greatest amount of personal wealth per capita? If the UN is going to implement these things, it will need money. Lots of it. And where do you suppose they're going to look for that money? Yep. Uncle Sam, I need a new water system. Please? Pretty please?
Oh, it started in its early years as a valid and worthy committee, but as committees tend to do over time, they aggregate more and more power and control. Like this Agenda 2030 to which nations are signing up and committing to.
Skimming through to the end, it remains reasonably benign in tone, but it does reference a fair number of other agreements and documents, none of which I have the time or energy to pursue this morning. I'll revisit them and see what's said, but this is something to keep on your radar.
Have a pleasant day and don't worry about this, yet. We have another month before this is implemented.
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