Sunday, March 27, 2016

Shameful Politicians - Just Like Neon Marshmallow Chicks

Allow me to introduce you to the Peep Senators:

Susan Collins (R-ME), Rob Portman (R-OH), and Mark Kirk (R-IL).

These are selfish critters - ugly and small. Much more concerned about their own political futures in Washington than they are about the future of the United States of America and its Constitution.

These individuals are up for re-election in November. Because of the leftists in their districts pushing for a leftist SCOTUS nominee, they are afraid that they won't get their cushy job again come the election. Instead of standing up for what's right, they are willing to throw America to the left for at least one generation, and probably forever. These three have agreed to give a show - they will meet with Obie-One's SCOTUS nominee - Merrick Garland.

Now I don't know much about this man. I did check out the SCOTUS blog before getting farther into this than the paragraph above. Maybe he would be the greatest thing since sliced bread. But the fact that he has been nominated by a socialist-leaning President who has done everything he can think of to undermine and abrogate my Second Amendment right is a gigantic red flashing warning sign.

I do not want a man or the Supreme Court to re-write the Constitution. They are not there to re-write it, or mold it into something other than what it is. They are there to interpret it. Period.

The fact that Garland openly questioned the Court's decision on the Heller decision is telling. He does not like the Second Amendment. He wants to strike it down as far as possible without trying to get it repealed. That would be a losing battle and he knows it. But if he takes a seat on the Court, he will be in a position to do great damage to this right and to any other to which he takes exception.

This article from the Washington Times lays it out in clear terms: 

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, a Republican presidential candidate, said Judge Garland is the kind of nominee people get “when you make deals in Washington, D.C.”

“Make no mistake: If Garland were confirmed, he would side predictably with President Obama on critical issues such as undermining the Second Amendment, legalizing partial-birth abortion and propping up overreaching bureaucratic agencies like the EPA and the IRS,” Mr. Cruz said.

We all know Obie-One is done after the November 8th general election (thank GOD!) so the article isn't referring to the man, it is referring to the man's positions.

Obie-One is an open opponent of the Second Amendment. He has spent eight years taking every opportunity to try to ignite a grassroots uprising against it, and has failed. He has papered the West Wing in an attempt to find the Executive Order that will stick, and has failed. This nomination is his last best hope - and it's a play for which these Peep Senators are falling.

As for Garland, when the Heller ruling came down he was on the Washington District Court. He suggested that it should be reconsidered, even though SCOTUS - the very body he wants to join - had spoken.

In that case, a Washington DC police officer - someone who routinely carried a handgun during his duty hours - asked for permission to purchase and register a gun for his residence. He was denied, so he applied to the Supreme Court under the Second Amendment.

The Court heard the case and determined that Heller had the right, under the Second Amendment, to purchase and keep an operable firearm at home for his self-protection.

Garland didn't like that. Therefore, he questioned the decision. Which is his right, but it does not bode well for Constitutional freedom if he takes a seat on the court.

The fact that these three Senators are showing all the spine of an Easter peep is worrying. And it's shameful.

Obviously they are far more concerned about their political futures than they are about the future freedoms of their constituents. That is despicable. They should be ashamed and they should lose their seats come November. The fact that they will cave to some political directive instead of standing hard and fast on principle speaks to their character. They don't deserve to represent anyone.

Personally, I value the rights given to me as a citizen of the United States via the Constitution. I do not want the Court to take my rights away. If we give up one, another will follow and then another. Eventually the Constitution won't be worth the paper on which it's written - and this country will be just like every other.

Imagine the government gaining more right, more power to examine our lives - how we act or speak or with whom we associate and punishing us for those actions, thoughts or associations.

With the Constitution as written we are protected from government intrusion into our lives.

What if the Court decides that we have too many rights, too much freedom of association? What if the Court decides we don't have the right to speak or write as we want?

With a leftist Court, one that doesn't like this Amendment or that, these things are not outside the realm of possibility.

Already there is a move afoot to shut people up - the First Amendment is under scrutiny and outright assault on our college campuses.

Just this week someone or a group used chalk - plain, ordinary chalk - to write pro-Trump messages on sidewalks, railings and fences at Emory University and other students claimed - because of a few white lines easily blurred or wiped away - that they felt 'threatened'. They whined and cried to the University administration which caved and is threatening to punish the perpetrators of this horrible act. Really? Obviously, the pro-Trump people haven't got the right to express themselves.

This is not an isolated case and it is one that could well end up in front of SCOTUS.

Do you want to lose your right to express yourself? Do you want your right to speak out, even if it's not the popular, taken away? Are you prepared for the thought police to take control of your life - perhaps even throw you in jail because you write a few lines in chalk on a campus sidewalk?

If we have justices on the Supreme Court who do not interpret the Constitution but instead mold it into their world view, this is not impossible. This could well come to be in short order - and it would be impossible to undo.

Our rights, our freedoms are at stake and it is not something to take lightly.

Just something to keep in mind between now and election day. We need someone to nominate a Justice who values the Constitution, who understands their role as interpreter, not crafter. Based on my review of his background, Merrick Garland is not a good choice.


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