I was at work when I first heard about them. Then I got home to the video that all the cable news networks were looping in continuous feed - showing a bunch of modern day brownshirts doing at a Trump rally what Hitler's supporters used to do against the opposition when Hitler was rising in power.
That's right - the people who were out protesting at and preventing the Trump rally from taking place yesterday were acting like Nazi brownshirts - the predecessor to the Nazi SS.
Taken direct from Wikipedia:
The Sturmabteilung (SA; German pronunciation: [ˈʃtʊɐ̯mʔapˌtaɪlʊŋ] (

It played a significant role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Their primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies, disrupting the meetings of opposing parties, fighting against the paramilitary units of the opposing parties, especially the Red Front Fighters League of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), and intimidating Slavic and Romani citizens, unionists, and Jews – for instance, during the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses.
Just as the brownshirts did in the 1920s and 1930, these people were out last night, disrupting a peaceful meeting of an opposing party, intimidating people for wanting to hear what one man had to say.
This is how fascists behave and many in the left-wing media are supporting them. Salon and others. What's more disgusting though, is that many media outlets and the other presidential candidates are blaming Trump.
They're not blaming George Soros or his MoveOn organization and the other organizers of this. No. They're out there calling the victim of the rape the criminal - saying it's Trump's fault those people were there.
What the hell are they saying? I thought blaming the victim for being raped went out decades ago. Hilliary, with her long-standing look-the-other way attitude when it comes to sexual assault and rape doesn't surprise me. What's worse than anything is that Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are doing the same - blaming the victim.
Excuse me guys?? You are running for office. If you win, you will place your left hand on the Bible and swear to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution - including the First Amendment rights to peaceable assembly and free speech. But you are saying that a man who wants to exercise his right under the First Amendment to the Constitution is at fault for being suppressed? Excuse me?
That's even more shocking than what I saw on my news feed last night.
What is worse for America is that it has become apparent that Saul Alinsky and his minions are succeeding. They haven't won, yet, but they just took a huge step forward with last night and the media coverage.
We have swung back toward Nazi Germany with its suppression of free speech and free thought. With last night's success the protesters will be emboldened. Others will join in and if this isn't stopped we will soon have a country where only the left can speak out or speak up. The right and people with views differing from others will be silenced.
We have already seen this take place over the past several years on college campuses - the so-called incubators of discovery where differing ideas used to be encouraged to broaden the horizons of students. Unless, of course, you're a conservative. Then you're not allowed to speak.
Ben Shapiro, a conservative commentator for Breitbart, was asked to speak at the University of California in Los Angeles just last month. He was prevented from speaking and people interested in hearing what he had to say were prevented from listening by an unruly crowd. Their rights were suppressed while the media covered the mob. The media did not point out the obvious: that this was an up-front, outright attack against the First Amendment rights by one group over another.
There are other instances of this kind of behavior and they are becoming more frequent.
What can we do? Well, a first good step would be to speak out against this kind of behavior. To call it what it is without shame or fear of offending. If we start to speak up, to say 'what you're doing is wrong because you are oppressing me and my rights', maybe we can turn this tide. But if we don't, if we meekly capitulate to the vermin, we will end up with no right - silenced while the fascists rule.
Something to think about.
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