Wednesday, August 19, 2015

One of THOSE Days. Grr.

We all have them - those days where nothing is right, no matter how right it is.

See? See that!? I tried to get the title to italicize 'those', entered the wrong code and got the nasty buzzer that says "WRONG". I fixed the wrong thing and pressed Enter, thereby posting this post which consisted of one sentence.

It is one of THOSE days and I'm just starting it and I am not happy with it.

Last night was irritating. Hot, cold, hot, cold all damned night long. Blankets on, blankets off, comforter off, blanket on, blah, blah, blah until the alarm went off at 4:45 - as usual. Couldn't face it, needed more sleep, so turned it off and set the next one at 5:15. Juuust as I'm about to fall asleep, it's 5:15 and the alarm is going off. It's lucky it's a melodic tune or it would have flown across the room and out the window.

Instead, I dutifully got up and got my day started, taking care of myself before everyone else for a change. Showered, dressed and just about ready to walk out the door, I open the door to Sam's room (and, in case you're just dropping by and don't know, Sam is our 18+ year old cat whom we do not allow to maraud through the house at night - even if he wanted to - so we lock him in the spare bedroom).

Oh, yay. Yippity-skippity - Sam peed on the floor. Even though I just changed his box last night and, when I lifted the lid to scoop it, it had one tiny spot of pee in one corner. Apparently that was just too much for my fastidious cat. He'd rather pee on the floor and watch me clean it up.

Got that done. Then I had to stand at the sink so Sam could drink out of my hand. He's got arthritis in his neck and shoulders so can't stoop low enough to drink from the faucet himself and won't drink from a bowl of still water, so I hold my hand under the water and let him drink from my palm. Ten minutes shot. Got him watered, fed and re-locked in the spare room so hubby can sleep until whenever. Got my MIL's nutritional drink. Got my coffee and realized I had "nothing" for lunch. Great.

Throw a bunch of crap together - all solo items that are available. Cottage cheese, pre-mixed lettuce (carrots, cabbage, etc.), part of a can of refried beans. Nothing at all appealing or exciting, but at least it's filling. Out the door on time (for a change!).

Got here early because I need to leave a little early to do something I HATE doing. I have to get my hair cut. I like my hairdresser. He's a nice guy and we chat while he works but along with hating to spend money on nonsense like getting my hair cut, I hate making small talk. It's all empty and meaningless, forgotten two minutes after I pay and leave and it's a waste of energy, so I hate it. But it's normal and expected and part of the deal. Otherwise I sit the chair for thirty minutes.

The first item on my hit parade here is preparing a Purchase Order Requisition and filling out a bunch of forms. Next will be my weekly team meeting - which is fine, but we're going to have to hurry through it because of other obligations and no one really has time to spend.

This just is not promising to be a 'happy' day - but it's mine and I'll own it and get through it and tomorrow will be better. At least that's the carrot on which I'm counting.

In the meantime, I do hope your day is lovely!


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