Sunday, August 2, 2015

Logic Found

Before you say it, I’ll say it for you. Yesterday’s post has a major, glaring hole in its logic. I realized that before I posted it, but felt compelled to post, anyway.

Thinking about it afterward – all afternoon, evening and overnight – I think the issue for me is that with a regular abortion, there’s no thought involved.

Anesthetize the carrier, dilate the cervix, insert a tube and whoosh, there goes junior. There’s no skill in that, no talent. A high-school dropout with training could do that just as well as a board-certified surgeon.

With the harvesting, though, it takes a certain skill, pre-planning and forethought. Just like serial killing, and that is why it feels to me like Planned Parenthood is a haven for failed serial killers with medical training.

How can these people look at themselves in the mirror as they shave or do their make-up, thinking forward to their day, knowing that they’re going to hands-on kill unborn children? How can they do that? Are they dead inside with emotion and compassion lying frostbitten in a winter of soul and spirit?

As I’ve said, the so-called harvesting process is more deliberate than a simple abortion. It takes planning and thought, some skill is involved – just like serial killing. Which makes me believe that Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy (Chicago’s ‘Killer Clown’), Gary Ridgway (the Green River Killer) would fit right in at Planned Parenthood. Heck, they got their rocks off killing people so why not do it legally, under a protected umbrella?

After all, the only real difference between the two is that Planned Parenthood has the law on their side. They can kill as many living organisms as they can lay their hands on. The law or PETA or the ASPCA won’t do a raid – they can get away with it.

Of course they would need some medical training. After all, with harvesting, they can’t just thrust a hose in there and turn on a pump. They have to think about what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. It takes skill and forethought – and that’s where I get knotted up.

Some people argue that ‘it’s just a collection of cells’. And I have to ask so?

So are you, so am I. You and I are nothing more than a collection of cells made of chemical compounds.

So are your children, your parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends and relations of all stripes. The only differences between that unborn child and you and me are that it’s unborn and it hasn’t had the opportunity to develop into what it might be, as you and I have done.

If we are going to negate the potential of that unborn collection of cells, why don’t we fix world hunger and disease and poverty by eliminating whole lots of other collections of cells?

Seriously, what is the difference? Is it all really a matter of development and consciousness, self-awareness?

Hell, those are totally overrated. Look at the people on the street, the drug dealers and pimps and prostitutes, car-jackers and robbers and burglars. Do they deserve to live more than that child who hasn’t had a chance to do anything at all?

If we’re willing to kill off unborn children, why not get rid of the detritus of humanity that doesn’t contribute to society? We could solve poverty and crime and hunger and an entire dictionary worth of societal woes if we cull the born population.

But who’s going to set the criteria for that?

Maybe we decide based on IQ or perfection of form. Isn’t that how the Nazi’s did it?

An accident of birth that made one person Jewish or Gypsy and another German was the dividing line there. Work them to death.

Lower IQ people weren’t worth anything – burn ‘em.

People who were deformed, missing arms or legs or with a cleft palate or some other ‘defect’ aren’t worth anything. Why not gas ‘em?

Perhaps gender or sexuality should be a criteria by which it’s decided. After all, there are far more women than men on this planet. Get rid of a few tens of millions of women, they’ll hardly be missed.

Heterosexuals, they’re a problem too, because they breed and keep the population going.

Where would that end? Oh, you’re right. They’re just collections of cells so it doesn’t matter. Right?

The born at least have a voice and can speak up. That unborn, undeveloped collection of cells has no voice, no chance to say ‘Hey, hold on a sec’. It’s easy to ignore, to pretend it doesn’t count or doesn’t matter. But shouldn't it matter? Shouldn't it count - at least for something?

I think it should. It should matter a lot, and to more than just me who has no say, no hand, no place in the discussion.

Think about it, that’s all that I ask.


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