Friday, August 7, 2015

Cheating, a Veggie Purist and a Moose in a Trench

I'm cheating but it's confirmed. I just checked and I am absolutely sure - I'm a Veggie Purist.

I'm cheating because this is Thursday afternoon, not Friday, but I just blew up my head and deserve a break. Since I'm hungry, I'm spending my break with my veggies, which is what I just checked and confirmed. Explaining so we're clear.

As for the veggies and their purity, it doesn't go for all veggies. Not salads, for instance. Salads need dressing, but for everything else except a few select items, like potatoes, I like my veggies plain, simple and pure. Just as nature intended.

At Costco, a warehouse outlet that sells a lot of things in big commercial-type packages (fifteen rolls of paper towels, full cases of bottled drinks and water, five pound bags and boxes of 'stuff') I buy bags of frozen veggies. It's a mixed bunch - broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. The other day I brought some for lunch and decided to mix the mix a bit - I added just a splash of salad dressing. I didn't like it. Today I have some more of the veggies and heated it. I'm eating it plain and it's so much better.

This strikes me a little odd because I know there are people out there who cannot eat veggies without 'stuff' all over them. Like cheese sauce or butter or something else. I guess that goes back to 'it takes all kinds' and 'variety is the spice of life'. Me? Pure as day - just the veggies with no nothing. Unless it's in chow mein or something else. Then it's got to have something.

My head blew up because someone here sent me a document they needed translated to the new form I've created for our Document Control process. WHEW!!

It came in Excel - which is not a word processor - and included pictures. I converted it to Word, brought the pictures across and captioned them, fit it into the 'box' of my template and did a 'sanity check' for clarity and readability. Three hours - which isn't bad considering the complexity - but it was three solid hours of thinking.

I've never known this process that was in the document existed, let alone how to do it (now I could). I had to figure things out as I went and make it look "pretty" - which it does. Now I'm sitting here waiting to hear back from the director and his subordinate supervisor who's the one who needs this. I just hope they like it!

And I'm cheating - a break for a few to get this started and let my head recongeal.

Okay - that's enough. Head is back together and I'm back to work. I'll pick this up tomorrow morning.

Friday morning - twenty till six and the stupid wifi isn't cooperating.

Instead of being comfortable on the sofa over there ==>, I'm standing at the kitchen island because I can't get a wireless signal over there ==> this morning. I don't get it. Why did it work yesterday morning? Why not last night or this morning? What's changed except atmospheric conditions?

Irritating and incomprehensible, but whatever. Not worth worrying about because It Is.

MIL is sleeping in our living room - so I can't go in there. That became her bedroom after her stroke three years ago, so it's off-limits except for cleaning and I don't want to wake her, so I won't sit at the dining room table. Which is why I'm standing here.

Ah! The compromises of life.

When I get to work this morning, I've got to convert my beautiful new Gantt charts to Excel. No straight data dump possible - it's too ugly to comprehend. You have to use a pre-set template form in Excel that includes a bunch of stuff I don't want or need, so I'll copy and paste, then format to get it to look as I want it to look.

It's time consuming and a nuisance, but that will be my morning. I hope, by noon, to get feedback on that other document I worked on yesterday.

Last evening, I posted the open of the book I'm re-working to one of the threads on Authonomy. I got good feedback so have some more changes to make. But it is always good to get other eyes on it as it goes, to make sure you're hitting on all cylinders.

Other than that, I'm looking forward to work and the weekend. They will take my mind off the horrible dream to which I woke. It was weird. A company with whom we do business, a plane crash and me standing in the middle of a six-lane highway next to a car parked on a dirt median with its front tire about three inches from an open trench that has cobbled sides. Up to the cobbled trench walls, it's at least a little comprehensible, but what construction crew on Earth is going to take the time and go to the expense to cobble a trench wall? The stupid thing is there to be filled back in again!

Sheesh. Anyway, I saw the plane crash and the explosion. Someone I knew, nominally, was aboard the plane, and I'm standing next to the car next to the trench on the dirt median.

The trench is okay - I kind of get that - because in my training I talk about excavating a trench and show this picture:

With those two guys standing there, in a stare down with a bull moose, I would have loved to have been there for that conversation!

I suspect the excavator in the background is working to lay back the trench wall (behind the meeses - two or more mooses = meeses in our house) so they can get the poor guy back on level ground. It would still be one heckuva start to your workday.

So back to my hemi-demi-nightmare. The company name I also recognize, although that isn't a company that touches my work world except on the periphery of my job's periphery.

Plane crash and the rest of it? Uhhh... I dunno.  Oh well. It was disturbing and not how I like waking up. Well, writing this and work and thinking of stuff will take my mind off of it.

Have a lovely day!


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