I think I just pissed off a bunch of people. I... uh... I spoke my mind, said what I really think. D'ya think they'll be mad at me?
See, there's a thread over on the writer's forum I belong to. It's political and unapologetic about the Left and Bernie Sanders and stuff. In response to someone over there I checked out Bern's voting record. Good ol' Bernie voted against high-paying, long-term jobs several times. Construction jobs and energy sector jobs through about a dozen states that would have employed at least many hundreds of people. Perhaps several thousands of people.
But, no. It was "environmentally" bad - despite the fact that the energy industry, by the very nature of its business and the current political environment has got to be more sensitive to what's good and bad for the ecosystem than just about any other industry. They are overseen by so many different watchdog groups and government agencies their employees can't sneeze without a permit in triplicate. Still, Keystone was a non-starter - even though it would have employed tens of thousands of people during its construction. Site workers, truck drivers, manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, entire industries would have seen a boon and a boom. He voted against it more than once.
Anyway. Over on that thread, the conversation drifted (abruptly) to "choice" and abortion. The subject of partial birth abortion came up. This is a subject guaranteed to light a fire under those sittin' bones I mentioned the other day. Of all of the things people do to one another, this has got to be the most heinous, evil... words fail. There are no words to express how I feel about this... abomination.
In a partial birth abortion the child is developed enough that it has a heartbeat. It's brain is nearly fully developed. It feels pain. It can hear. It is only days or weeks away from being able to survive outside its mother's body. The subject of whether it is developed enough to have a sense of 'self' is a discussion to have with God or whatever creator or non-entity you choose, but it is ALIVE. It is living. Yet, for whatever reason, it is forcibly "torn" from its safe haven and killed in the most heinous, disgusting and cruel way I can think of.
Okay. Not the most heinous, disgusting and cruel way - being burned alive tops this abomination, but it's so close it makes no difference.
And, according to some on that thread and in the general public forum, it's 'Okay' to do this. It's a "choice". It's "just" a choice. Like picking what shoes to wear with the outfit the woman is wearing. It's a choice, like picking which shade of lipstick looks best in this light or with that scarf. What do I want for dinner? Hmmm. Salad, chicken or abortion? Hey! It's "just" a choice, right?
So I described the procedure of late term abortion - partial birth abortion - as I understand it. I described it as graphically as I could given the fact that I could not stomach the idea of reading in detail about what is done. And I probably offended most of the people on that thread but, you know what? I don't really care. Not one skinny little iota really because the subject is important.
Lily-white hands are not possible if you participate in murder, or advocate for murder, because that is what abortion is - at any stage. It's just "more" evil in the late terms, after that child develops to the point where it can feel pain. That child can also hear. It might not understand, but it can hear and it can feel.
And this was easy to write because it is something about which I feel passionately. Think about it. Really think about it and recognize it for what it is: an irrevocable decision that once made cannot be changed or undone.
If it contradicts or goes against your views, so be it. I am not in a position to express or change anyone's mind but my own. I cannot affect the law - an evil, wicked law in my view, from where I sit. It is what it is but it contravenes anything associated with "humanity".
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