Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Powerball, Fear and Other Stuff

Comin' up on the Powerball draw again and tensions here are... non-existent. That's the problem, or the benefit, of living with someone who's math savvy. Hubby is math savvy. Hubby can drain the excitement out of speculating about the Powerball draw faster than a vacuum can suck the air out of an open paper sack. He starts talking numbers and odds and so on and my eyes glaze over.

Oh well. Dreaming and hoping and crossing fingers, toes, legs, arms and eyes is still... awkward. It's hard to get things done when your limbs and digits are all knotted up. Guess I should let go and relax. What's going to happen is going to happen regardless of what I do here. I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to learn whether I'm a schmuck or a winner.

In the meantime I am practicing what I'll say at my (snarky) news conference. I don't like the media. They're intrusive and ask stupid questions, so I'll keep it short, sweet and to the point:

1) Do you have an imagination? Use it. Figure out how it feels to be suddenly wealthy.
2) No, you can't have my money.
3) I know who my friends and family are. Don't come to me and say you're long-lost anything. I'll just say 'get lost'.
4) No, you can't have my money.
5) Yes, I have plans but you don't need to know what those plans are. They're my plans, not yours.
6) No, you can't have my money.
7) Yes, I know what I'm doing with it but you don't need to know what I'm doing with it.
8) It's none of your business and, no, you can't have my money.
9) Yes, I plan to contribute a lot of it to charity.
10) No, you're not a charity to which I'm contributing. Or, if you are, you'll be hearing from me. If you don't hear from me, go away.

Simple, right?

On the election front, I've been going back and forth with a couple of members of 'my' writer's site about Donald Trump. They seem to think that he's a maniac, ready and willing to press The Button that will wipe out humanity. I seem to remember the same nonsense being spewed about Ronald Reagan and George Bush I and Bill Clinton and George Bush II and every other presidential candidate since the 1960's. Yet we're still here. Huh.

The press also has their panties in a collective twist over Donald's apparent "admiration" for Kim Jong Un, completely contorting the man's words into something even a pretzel wouldn't recognize.

What Donald said, according to Business Insider and the other outlets I read, is that Kim Jong Un is a maniac. Now that's not a nice thing to say. After all, the definition of maniac from is:


1. a raving or violently insane person; lunatic.
2. any intemperate or overly zealous or enthusiastic person:
a maniac when it comes to details.

Hardly words of praise or admiration.

Trump then went on to talk about the man's ruthlessness, his viciousness, and the threat someone like this poses. Here's the quote from Business Insider, the quote that's been twisted into mega-pretzel contortions by all of the outlets:

"If you look at North Korea, this guy, I mean, he's like a maniac, OK? And you've got to give him credit. How many young guys — he was like 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals," Trump said in Ottumwa, Iowa.

The Republican presidential front-runner said Kim's willingness to push aside generals and "wipe out" his uncle demonstrated why the US needs to treat North Korea's nuclear arsenal as a serious threat.

"And all of a sudden — and you know it's pretty amazing when you think of it — how does he do that? Even though it is a culture and it's a cultural thing, he goes in, he takes over, and he's the boss," Trump recalled. "It's incredible. He wiped out the uncle. He wiped out this one, that one. I mean, this guy doesn't play games. And we can't play games with him. Because he really does have missiles. And he really does have nukes."

Do these sound like words of praise and admiration to you, or does it sound like a warning? To me, it sounds like a warning. Isn't the phrase "serious threat" in there someplace, and isn't it associated with North Korea and a mention of a nuclear arsenal? Oh, yeah, it is. Huh, how about that.

And, if you go to the bottom of that article, there's a link to another article: "Donald Trump: Here's how I'd handle that 'madman' in North Korea"

So the headlines being blared are that Trump admires this 'maniac'. But Trump then calls him a madman. It makes no sense. It's taking Truth and standing it on its head.

The problem we have here is Press Distortion. There's what the press wants - same-old, same-old manipulable, malleable, compliant Hilliary or one of the other politicians - and what most of America wants - a leader.

Since the press has the power of disbursing half-truths and outright lies, and people seem to have a tendency to lap it all up, they continue to try to blacken the man by twisting his words, taking the most outrageous things he says, and turning them into inflammatory nonsense.

What encourages me in this is that people don't seem to be buying it. Some are, no doubt, but many others aren't. They are seeing and hearing the real message. Not the one promulgated by the press, the one where they take a person's words and rearrange them to fit their desired paradigm. Instead, people are listening to the man, themselves, and are hearing what he's saying, themselves, and they're understanding what he's saying and meaning, themselves. Which is driving the left and the media crazy. They can't figure it out.

If it wasn't so serious it would be funny. If it wasn't so telling about the media and their bias, bigotries, and hate for anything they can't manipulate and control, it would be funny. Sadly, it's not. It's pathetic.

So let's all fear Donald Trump, okay? After all, he's ill-informed (and who among is perfectly informed on all subjects?). He hasn't the brains to know what he doesn't know and hire people to fill in the gaps, right? He does his own taxes and files his own paperwork and flies his own helicopter and plane and does everything himself without relying on people with more training, more knowledge and more expertise in those areas than himself, right?

Give me a break.

Anyway. I'm wondering about El Nino. Last fall we were promised a huge event. More recently we got decent amounts of rain. Then, we were supposed to get more rain, but it didn't come. Yesterday it was supposed to rain, but didn't. Over night it rained, a little, and now it's not.

Have the weather gurus got it wrong, again as usual? We'll see. Just checking Yahoo weather, it looks like in the next ten days we have five days on which there's at least a chance of rain. It's supposed to rain off and on today, tomorrow and Saturday and a couple of days next week. If it does, I'll feel a little better. If it rains more than projected, I'll be happy.

And, things are changing at work. The change I thought was coming is coming closer - as in there's a meeting about it today. Done deal? Yeah, probably. Mixed feelings on my part that will solidify once I understand what's needed and how long it'll take. I'm just like most other human beings. Change is uncomfortable until I know what to expect. Then, once I know what to expect, it's generally okay.

So that's life on the home front these days. Looking forward to tomorrow, to being able to pull out my tickets and...


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