Am I turning into a crotchety old witch? It's starting to seem like it since it feels as if all I do these days is rant about stuff. Or is it because there's just more stuff about which to rant? I don't know. But at least this one is a different subject - away from geopolitics or elections or the regular stuff.
Today it's Microsoft. I am so freakin' fed up with Microsoft and their screwing things up for the user I could scream. In fact, I think I will. Quietly and on paper because I don't want to disturb the slumbers of my colleagues. I think that's best.
I'm pretty good about staying on top of Microsoft's updates for the Windows OS. When I get notices that there's something new out there, I'll generally wait a couple of weeks to let others suffer the consequences of poorly written code. Then, once I think the complaints have flowed in, the programmers have reprogrammed and the danger has passed, I'll download the patches and fixes and updates.
A few months ago I did that right after the updates were released. B-I-I-I-G mistake. My computer was hosed for two days. And those two days were just to modify it from expensive doorstop to semi-quasi-usable laptop. Then I spent hours upon hours over the course of two weeks to get it back to where I wanted it to be.
First, I had to go through a nightmare of trying to restore the operating system to a point where I could reinstall my programs. That took, literally, half-a-day. Then I had the pleasure of reinstalling my programs, re-downloading Firefox, etc. (since Bing is a pile of dung as a search engine and IE is so full of holes and vulnerabilities I use it only when I absolutely have to on the backward sites).
Fortunately, all of my files were still there where I expected them to be and were intact so my head didn't explode. Also fortunately, I had recently backed my files up to my flash drive, so I was doubly secure.
That taught me to wait that period of a couple of weeks before downloading any updates, and to back-up my files before downloading so if it does end up as a pile of useless rubble I at least have the capability of transferring my files to a new computer.
Unfortunately, Microsoft has wrested control of my laptop - the computer that I, not Bill Gates & Co. bought. The same piece of equipment for which I pay a princely sum each month so I can connect to the interweb. Can you tell this irritates, me?
This morning I turned it on, having a little time to mess around on said interweb before getting ready for work and... crap! It started downloading updates.
Now I did not ask it to start downloading or installing updates. That is something over which I prefer to have control. I will usually do such things at night, while I'm in bed, sleeping, not during those precious waking hours when I want to use the thing.
So now, after it's done, I have to go into the guts of my operating system and try to find that switch that will go to the Off position so that I can take back control.
Aside from that, my annoyance stems from the fact that I started this thing at 4:50 this morning. Yes, that's correct: ten minutes before five o'clock. The chickens aren't even up at that hour, but I was and so, or at least so I thought, would be my computer.
I hit the power switch and it started and... Downloading Updates. * Heavy Sigh * of resignation. Okay. I'll do the cat, get my coffee. Did those things, took my shower, dressed, made my bed and checked back - forty-five minutes later. It was still running.
WTF!??? Forty-five minutes? And no one else in the house is watching TV or on the computer or interfering with my internet connection and it's forty-five minutes? Yep. It was. And another forty-five minutes of waiting. Ninety minutes of foot-tapping impatience and it finally finished at 6:25 am.
Okay, cool. I have a few minutes before I have to leave. It restarts and gets back to the front page - the pretty picture of a beach someplace. I hit the mouse button and log on. All seems to be going swimmingly and then... blue screen. Not the one of death but of Purgatory.
They're advertising for God's sake! "We have a bunch of new features." WTF!???
Hello! McFly! I. Don't. Care!!!! I want to use my computer for what I want to do with it when I want to do it! Or are you still loading a bunch of BS in the background? Or is it that you're digging around in the guts of my computer looking for something that is none of your damned business?
That went on for a minute on one screen - that didn't advance for nearly forty-five seconds or so (it seemed like an hour at that point). Then it showed me that they have new features - another minute until I finally got so fed up I just closed the damned lid on it. I'm irritated enough that I almost don't care of the freakin' thing works again when I re-open it. That will instantly pass if it doesn't work, but for the nonce, I am that angry.
Dear Bill Gates & Co.:
A) Don't advertise on my computer, okay? I don't care.
B) Don't scroll the screens slowly enough to tell me that you think I'm a backward remedial reader still at the stage of sounding out the vowels and consonants. I can read, thank you. I don't need you to sound it out for my benefit, okay?
C) Don't show me this crap at all!!! If you're going to mess with my computer, mess with it and get it over with. Don't tease me like this because all you're doing is pissing me off!!! Okay? Got that??
Am I annoyed? Hell yes! It's half-a-day later and I'm still furious.
If I want to download updates and fixes and other things, fine. That is my choice, my prerogative. Having some outside company just decide to take over my computer for which I paid and for which I pay to access the internet is far more than 'annoying'. It is intrusive in the extreme.
I appreciate that Microsoft is trying to fix holes in its programming. That's fine, I get it. But can I please just do it on my schedule or suffer the consequences if I'm too freakin' lazy or lax to take care of biz?
How about if they give control of downloading and installing back to the user?
How about if they give you an option of looking at their new features? Two buttons: Yes / No or Sure / Later or some other combination that gives me at least a feeling of being in control of my computer?
Maybe next time I get a computer I'll look into Apple and drop MS entirely. Or maybe Linux (although I think you have to have an advanced degree in programming to make that function smoothly). I don't know. All I do know is that I am sick and tired of Microsoft running the world (or thinking that they do).
Whew! Now that I have that off my chest - I hope you have a don't-download-unless-you-choose-to-day.
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