Good grief, what a joke and what a lot of fuss about nothing. How many ‘real’ people really read the National Review, anyway? It’s for political junkies and their ilk and I can’t remember the last time, except on television recently since it’s in the news, that I’ve even seen a copy of it anywhere.
They wrote a hit piece about Donald
Trump. They got a lot of press and publicity, and a lot of people like me are
offended by just what I’ve heard about it.
I haven’t read it. I won’t read it
because I know all it will do is make me want to do something bad to this group
of arrogant pinheads.
What they don’t ‘get’ is that Trump
is speaking to the American people in a way that’s got a lot of us sitting up
and listening to what he has to say.
Our household is paying closer
attention to the news – and not just one channel or two, but we’re even
watching MSNBC which is disgusting television on its best night. Hell, every
time I see Chris Matthews (he of the ‘thrill up my leg’) he looks like an
escapee from a lunatic asylum, and Rachel Maddow (Madcow in our household) is a
flagrant, unapologetic socialist fishwife of the worst sort. Nonetheless, we
scan all of the channels because we’re
interested in ‘what did he say today.’
Before this election cycle, I never looked for or watched videos of political
rallies on YouTube. We’ve already done it several times this election cycle.
Never before have I looked forward to watching political
I am doing all of these things now
and it’s solely because of what Donald Trump is speaking to in me.
Even hubby, who swears there is no
political solution to anything in this country, and who hasn’t voted in I can’t
remember how long is sounding hopeful again.
In the past six months Trump has
been leading in virtually all of the various polls all of the various polling
organizations take. It’s unheard of for one candidate to get the lead, take the
lead, stay in the lead and expand on the lead, but he’s done it because he has
got at least grudging interest from a wide spectrum of possible voters.
Now, though, the pointy-pinheads
from inside the Washington Beltway have their knickers not just bunched or
twisted or wadded. They have them so tightly wound that the wearers of them are
squeaking in an undignified manner. Case in point, the National Review, an allegedly
conservative newsmagazine, is scared stiff that someone from outside the
Beltway might win the day. Gathering together, these oligarchs have put
together a hit piece to try to slow if not derail Trump’s momentum.
Apparently they know better than we the people know what we want and what’s
good for us. That, at least, is what I gather is the tone
of their hit piece. Seems they would far rather apply insanity again with Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush or another political insider rather than try to strike a new
What is the word for arrogance
beyond arrogance?
Who on Earth are these people to
have the temerity to tell me and
others like me how we’re supposed to think and what values we should hold dear?
Who the hell are these people to tell me
and others like me who we should or should not vote for?
Didn’t this kind of political
posturing and mind-bending go out of style in the 1980's with Pravda's make-over under Gorby?
In all the years I’ve watched
politics, a prominent conservative
newsmagazine has never before, in my memory, come out and attacked the
front-running candidate on the right side. They’ve gone hard against the
left-wing candidate, but they’ve either supported or kept silent about the
right-wing guy.
Not this time, though.
OMG!! The man changed his mind! He
used to agree with things when he was younger, but then he matured, gained more
life experience and realized those things weren’t necessarily good.
Newsflash, Rich Lowry, et al! People grow up, they
learn, they see life and living and they change their view of things. It isn’t
unusual. A lot of smart people grow up and change their minds, why can’t Trump?
Personally, I think the ability to think outside the box, to consider one’s
position on a subject, learn and decide to change position is a good thing.
It seems, listening to these
pinheads, Ted Cruz has changed his underwear but not his mind, same with Hilliary
and Berns. Does this rigidity in thought make them a better candidate? I don’t
think so.
In order to lead successfully you
have to be able to adapt to changing situations. World politics is highly fluid
and we have been stuck in one gear for the past fifteen years. Look how well
that’s done for us and for our standing in the world.
Or… could it be that they built this
hit piece to deliberately make Trump seem more palatable to the undecided
middle-of-the-road voters? Could it be that they’re laying down a scent trail
of “Hey, if the Washington Elites don’t like him, maybe he’s not such a bad guy
after all…”? Is it possible?
Yeah. After all, in that Doritos ad
out there, a pig flew.
I think I'm going to look for another Trump rally on YouTube. I suggest you make up your own mind and do as you see fit when the time comes.
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