Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Yak Doo & Brussels Sprouts

I know not many people like Brussels sprouts. They are pungent - kind of like what I would imagine yak droppings to look and smell like. Not that I've ever seen or smelled yak droppings. We don't have many yaks around here, in Northern California. It's just... me, my weird and wunnerful imagination. What can I say?

But I do like Brussels sprouts - roasted with a little olive oil, some balsamic vinegar and white pepper. They're flavorful and stinky and just plain good.

I also like mushrooms and some people don't like those, either. Hubby and Daughter, for instance. They won't go near them, but I add them to everything I can think of. Except ice cream and yogurt. They don't go so well with dairy, unless you're adding them to an omelet.

Why am I talking about this stuff? Probably because I'm eating Brussels sprouts as I write this and probably because the last time I roasted the sprouts I experimented and added quartered mushrooms to them. Those didn't turn out so well. Overdone and a bit rubbery so I won't make that mistake again.

In other news, I watched the Iowa townhall for the three Democrat candidates last night. What a waste of an evening that was!

Okay, I got to see Bernie and listen to him. The entire concept of his campaign: "If it moves, tax it".

One question for him was about expanding Obamacare to a single-payer system. That is something near and dear to his heart. How he would pay for it? Simps:

1) Eliminate private insurers.
2) Increase the tax on every person in this country by $5,000 + the $10,000 average cost of premium and deductibles to pay for it so every single person would pay $15,000 in taxes to pay for the coverage.

I don't know about you, but $15,000 per year per person in my household would be more than my take-home salary. To pay for his dream I would be taxed about 110% of my earnings. How does that work? I don't get to eat? I can't pay to get to and from work? I can't pay my property taxes?

What he didn't say is that that wouldn't be enough because there are a lot of people who receive subsidized premiums - they don't earn enough so don't have to pay a penny, which means that people who do earn enough also have to carry the freight for those who don't. Yeah, that sounds fair (NOT!).

He's an idiot. I knew it before and he confirmed it in spades last night.

He also wants to tax "Wall Street speculation". Well, guess what that is. That would be your 401k or Keough or other investment accounts.

See above to my opinion of that idea.

Hilliary looked and sounded more desperate than usual and it seems she might have reason.

Hubby was awake at 0300 this morning and was checking on the markets (it's his passion, so he looks anytime he's up in the middle of the night) and there was a new poll out. Seems Hilliary's poll numbers have dropped again.

As far as O'Malley - he of the <1% poll numbers - I don't even know what he was doing there. A poster child of "Vote for Me!" and no ideas or findable positions.

It was pathetic and, as I said, a waste of an evening.

What I'm looking forward to is the GOP debate Thursday night. That should be interesting because the divisions are widening and the differences are more apparent. I just wish they would get rid of Kasich and Bush and Carson and leave the field between the front runners so they can get a better shot at explaining their positions. Rubio doesn't have a chance. His campaign is almost in full meltdown, like Bush's and Kasich's, but he does have a pulse so I'd leave him in. The others, though. Nope, DOA.

I do like Ben Carson, I really like and admire the man. I just don't see him as presidential. I can't see him making hard and fast decisions on crucial issues. He doesn't strike me as a strong leader. I think he'd be too nice to be a strong leader, willing to piss people off if he solidly believes the course he wants to follow is the right one. I also can't see him being an effective negotiator, and that's what we really need. We have got to have someone capable of getting all parties into a room, sitting down, finding common ground and building a coalition. I don't see Carson in that role.

Having Cruz and Rubio in the White House is pure insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Deal making and negotiating is something Trump has done his entire adult life. He's good at it, so let's give him a shot. Hell, we can't be much worse off than we are now.

Yes, they have their followers. Yes, they are getting numbers. But the numbers aren't meaningful. Four percent? Really?

Anyway, enough of that stuff. I'm going to go finish my Brussels sprouts (aka yak doo) and my lunch.

You have a lovely day!


Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhilippaStories


  1. Love reading your blog....I don't have to watch the debates ! :-)

  2. I don't disagree with you. Truth is, they are lost as to what to do. My humble opinion.
