Last week we had the kerfuffle over Trump and Fox News and the debate and the aftermath and now it's over. All done.
Fox had its debate sans Trump.
Trump had his vet's event sans Fox.
CNN tried to chart the middle path, talking about the debate sans Trump while showing Trump's event sans Fox. It was amusing, to say the least.
Then there were those all week declaring, 'It's because Trump is afraid of Megyn Kelly!' which is laughable. C'mon, what woman who wants to be taken as a serious professional allows pictures like this to escape:
I mean, unless she's a member of the Oldest Profession or a lingerie model for Victoria's Secret, that is not professional.
Now don't get me wrong - I think she's a beautiful woman, smart as a tack (most of the time) and a capable news talking head. But for Trump to be afraid of a piece of smart, eye-candy? Gimme a break.
I think what gets under Donald's skin with this one is the fact that he's got a thing for blonde women but this blonde woman won't give him the time of day. That's just me, speculating.
And while all of this is going on, Hilliary Clinton and Obie-One are playing peek-a-boo (or peep-bo if you're from the UK) with James Comey and the FBI.
Hilliary is running around shouting at the top of her lungs, "I didn't do anything wrong!" (Sounds a bit Bill-ish to me).
Which, of course, continued to be an open question because of a certain little blue dress and a little thing called 'impeachment'.
In Hilliary's case, we have a smoking gun in the form of e-mails collected from her server. Some of those are so sensitive that they cannot be released to the people investigating this mess.
Now someone at my work asked, "Why is this so important?" My jaw just about hit my desk because, to me, it's obvious. Then again, I worked for a government contractor and saw first-hand how seriously they take this stuff.
No non-employees could walk anywhere - not even to the bathroom - without an escort. Every employee had not just a badge, but a badge with their picture on it. When I signed up to work there, I got verbal warnings and written warnings which I had to sign. Dead-serious non-disclosure agreement, which I had to sign. Warnings everywhere that if I handled anything for that contracting company and it made it out the door in any way, I could be fired and I could be prosecuted and sent to jail. And that was at the mud on the bottom of the ocean floor level of heirarchy.
Then we have Hilliary, swimming up near the top of that ocean, blithely going about transferring data, highly secret and sensitive data, to an unsecured - i.e, non-encrypted, not securely protected from tampering or hacking or anything else - computer. It's like posting national secrets on a gmail account.
And the data probably contains information gathered in hot-spots around the world. Perhaps even messages to and from Chris Stevens, the late ambassador to Libya who was killed at Benghazi because Hilliary and Obie-One couldn't be arsed to either provide more protection or withdraw him and his staff.
So all of this is out there on something no better than a gmail server. And the Chinese and the Iranians and India and North Korea and everybody else probably tripped over it as they were collecting sigint (signal intelligence = electronic intelligence) as they do all the time.
Perhaps, at first, they couldn't believe anyone like the Secretary of State would be so woefully stupid as to do this, so maybe they passed over it. Then again, maybe not.
And in those e-mails are twenty-two that, if rumor has it right, have the capacity of endangering people's lives.
People take great risk for belief and patriotism and, if they believe the United States will help them or their family or community or country, they sometimes work up the courage to talk. Then, once they do, they live in constant fear of being found out. Thus, the need for tightly secured, highly protected servers. Except if you're Hilliary Clinton and are either blithely stupid or think that you're bigger and more important than some little guy in Iran who just took a head-shot for passing information.
On Friday, Obie-One met with Berns, privately. Now there's all sorts of interesting speculation about that. Doesn't seem like Obie-One and Berns are bestest buddies since this get-together was notable. I doubt they were comparing calendars for lunch or a golf date. No, I suspect it was one of three things:
1) Shut up about the e-mails. We have enough trouble with those and don't need you stirring the pot.
2) I have to recommend that Lynch lynches Hilliary and passes down an indictment, but we're still not giving you the nomination - that's going to go to Joe and Liz.
3) Both of the above.
See, Obie-one, because of his faithful Sycophant of State, is in an untenable position. He's in the last year of Legacy Building. Will his legacy be one of setting politicians and their appointees above the law by giving Hilliary a pass?
Well, that flies in the face of the Constitution and the guarantee contained in the Preamble - the Declaration of Independence that 'all men are created equal'. There is no provision anywhere in the Founding documents for government officials being treated differently or with greater preference under the law than regular folks.
Another point, one which would be just as damning, is if he doesn't let Lynch lynch Hilliary. If he gives both a pass, he is likely to have James Comey and half the FBI leadership stand up and walk out on him. And Comey is not a push-over. Comey threatened to do this once before, and I believe he meant it. Comey is a law and order guy who sees purely in shades of black and white / legal and illegal.
So, does Obie-One's legacy stand as a president who effectively pardoned a traitor to the country by not permitting an indictment and had a revolt at the top law enforcement agency as a result? Yeah, that'll look good in the history books.
He's a politically savvy guy who's entire life has been spent looking out for himself, his position and how he is perceived among the people. He is purely self-serving when it comes to stuff like that, and now he's being tested. He is caught between a rock - his pride and dream of what his legacy will look like - and a hard place - those Elites behind the scene that pull the string of Obie-One and every other politician in Washington.
They probably don't want to see Hilliary indicted. They're probably furious with Obie-One and Hilliary for creating this mess, but they need and want Hilliary in the Oval Office to further their agenda.
What is Obie going to do? Cave and let Hilliary take a pass and see his golden legacy turn black with tarnish, or...
Wait! Cavalry trumpets in the distance! It's Joe and Liz to the rescue! We can toss Hilliary to the wolves, let her take her lumps and pay the price in some cushy place, but keep the agenda of the Elites alive and well - we'll bring out Biden and Warren and dust them off and thrust them into the fray. Sure! That sounds like a plan.
After all, Biden went to great lengths a few months ago to say that he wouldn't be running and why. Now, more recently, he's making noises about how he 'regrets it every day' that he's not running. Uh huh. Yeah. Probably began regretting it since that 0200 phone call that said 'it's looking bad for Hil so you'd best be ready to pony up and ride, son.'
We'll find out. It depends on how things play out in the next week or so.
Obie-One and his puppet masters can't wait too long. If Berns does well in Iowa and New Hampshire, well enough to bring into question the eventual outcome of the election later this year, they might pull Hilliary, toss the indictment at her, and shove Joe and Liz into the limelight in her place.
Now that's guaranteed to piss off the liberal base because there are people out there clamoring for Hilliary and her ovaries (her sole qualification for the job as far as I can see) to run this place. If she's yanked and yet another bland white man is shoved in front of them, game over. The Ovary Voters will stay home, Bernie's voters will push him along, coupled with defectors from the Ovary Class, Trump will take Biden apart one bit at a time (the man is a Gaffe Disaster and a moron) and the Democrats will have a right mess on their hands.
If Berns runs the table after New Hampshire, how can the Dems not give him the nomination? But they don't want to, because he, like The Donald, doesn't take money from the Elites (aka special interests). That means that if either one of those two win, the Elites no longer have control over the White House - for at least four years.
I love politics - from the outside. Have a wonderful day!
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