He handed Hilliary a pass on the e-mail question during the debate a while back. There was a golden opportunity to strike a pretty significant blow against her, but he backed down. At the time he said "people are sick of Hillary's damn e-mails". Uh, excuse me, Mr. Sanders, but many (most?) of us are not.
This is a major indicator that this woman has no consciousness of national security, of what is secret, why it is so and why it should be kept so. Either she thinks, as Edward Snowden thought, that secrets shouldn't be kept secret or, if it's not that, then she is criminally careless with a laissez-faire attitude toward U.S. interests that's astounding.
The Secretary of State is privy to a lot of sensitive information - data gathered to give us clues and indicators of what's happening below the surface in the arena of world politics. Yet she plays fast and loose with data that might well have been gathered and transmitted at risk to someone's health and safety. Doesn't she get it?
Not all of the data that she or any other SecState sees is gleaned from local news accounts or gossip. Some of it is gathered at some level of risk to the person gathering it. Oftentimes, in that kind of situation, it could well be life or death - a "who's the dirty rat that ratted us out to the Feds? We'll find him and..." To me, that shows a woeful lack of integrity and smarts. She could easily be putting that "rat" who gave us crucial information at a critical time at great risk. Yet she doesn't care, or she doesn't get it, which is actually worse since it shows she has no clue about thinking big picture.
After all if you were Louie's friend and Louie was a rat who ratted out... El Mencho, let's say. Now there's a dream guy. I read a little about him last night. He's a guy who reportedly tied up a father and his teenage son, strapped explosives to them and then detonated the kid in front of his father's eyes, before detonating dad. A real peach of a fellow.
So you are Louie's friend. Louie is discovered to be a rat with a teenage son. You "get" to watch while your friend and your friend's son are blown up in front of you. You happen to have certain knowledge of some horrendous massacre that's being planned and you were thinking of talking to someone about it. What are you going to do now? You think you're going to talk? Hell no! You don't want to go out the way Louie left, or something worse. You're going to keep your head down and your mouth shut and dozens or maybe hundreds of innocent people will die because of it.
That's the problem with Hilliary's approach to security.
Louie got ratted out for ratting and ended up dead. Are you going to take the chance of Hilliary letting something out that points a finger at you, and you get to make a quick trip to Hell as the result? Hardly. It makes it kind of hard to find people willing to help us with learning secrets when they keep ending up dead.
Now, with the GOP candidate attacks on Bill Clinton bringing into question Hilliary's role in shutting down and shutting up the women Bill reportedly assaulted, Bernie is handing her another pass. During a rally on Friday, Bernie said Trump should back off and stop trying to use Bill Clinton to defeat Hilliary. He said, in effect, that Bill's bad behavior has no bearing on Hilliary.
Wrong, Mr. Sanders. Dead wrong. It speaks volumes of both of their characters.
Bill Clinton is scum around women who aren't his wife. He has a long record of groping, fondling, sexually assaulting and, in at least one case, raping women. Through all of that, all of the accusations - the quiet whispers, the news headlines and the press conferences in which he pounded the podium and said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" (that same woman who's dress was later found to have his semen on it), she never once blew up in public. She never left him, called him out, accused him of being a serial molester or anything.
Fast forward to 2015 and her run for the Oval Office. At a political rally she declared: “I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault. Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have a right to be heard, and you have a right to be believed. We’re with you.”
Read what that says, then think about her reaction to Juanita Broaddrick who claims this woman's husband raped her, Kathleen Willey who he molested, Monica Lewinsky who was, apparently, a willing partner, Paula Jones who was at least harassed when he exposed himself to her and demanded sex, and the rest.
Thinking of the 1990's when Clinton was front and center in one sexual accusation and scandal after another, I think The Donald has a valid point.
After all, Hilliary is running on the women's ticket - tossing her ovaries into the ring as a qualifier. Yet, if she really is the woman's candidate, one who is a vocal and upfront fighter for women's rights and dignity, where the hell was she when Juanita Broaddrick came forward and accused Bill Clinton of raping her? Where was she when Kathleen Willey accused him of groping her in the White House? How about Paula Jones and all the others? Does anyone remember Monica Lewinsky?
What self-respecting woman stands by a man who is a serial philanderer and possible rapist? What self-respecting woman doesn't stand up for the rights of other women when they are assaulted? Why didn't she loudly and publicly throw him to the wolves if she's so up for women's rights? Shouldn't this be a universal fight? Or is it that she's only willing to fight for the rights and dignity of select women, women somehow deemed worthy of support?
But that doesn't fit, either. Kathleen Willey worked in the White House. She and her husband were donors to Clinton's campaign. She is, according to Wiki, a former Democrat activist and I'm pretty willing to bet that she is still probably a liberal.
Yet, despite being a Democrat activist there's an ad out there in which Kathleen Willey states the clear truth:
“She’s a money-hungry hypocritical witch who will do anything for money,” Willey told the American Mirror.
In the article quoted there, there's an outline of an ad that features Kathleen Willey.
In the ad, which is only about 17 seconds long, Hillary Clinton states: “I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault. Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have a right to be heard, and you have a right to be believed. We’re with you.”
Isn't that interesting? Hilliary Clinton says, "I want to send a message... Don't let anyone silence your voice. You have a right to be heard and...believed." Yet she has declared that each one of these women who said they were sexually assaulted by her husband are liars. She has worked hard to discredit them, to get them to shut up and go away. She has stood by her man, the man accused of sexual improprieties and rape, yet she tells women out the other side of her face "you have a right to be believed"? Strains the boundaries of credibility just a bit, doesn't it?
A woman's advocate? Hardly. A hypocrite? Absolutely and unequivocally.
And Bernie is an enabler. By not calling her out and challenging her on using an unsecured e-mail server for classified and highly sensitive documents dealing with U.S. national security matters, he is enabling her. By not calling her out on her hypocrisy about women's rights and dignity, he is an enabler. In that case he's giving Bill Clinton a nudge with the elbow and a wink of "atta boy!" while smiling benignly at the wife who should be outraged but who's not.
It seems based on what I've seen and heard, this man has neither balls nor spine. He isn't interested in winning the White House. I have never before seen a more limp wristed candidate for public office.
It seems to me that his entire appeal is in what he's going to give away. That's the driver behind his popularity - the hand-me-downs from government. Those same hand-me-downs that government can take away by the single stroke of a pen if it needs or wants to do. Then where will this country and its people be?
He's not fighting for it. He's kind of going along to get along, which makes me believe he wants nothing more than the second chair - Veep instead of the throne. There he can promote his agenda without having the stress and pressure of having to be No. 1. He'll let Hilliary and her ovaries do that, along with Bill who will probably take advantage of the situation to harass and demean more women while protected by the Secret Service and his enabling wife.
God, I hope Bernie Sanders wins the Democrat nomination and I hope that someone with balls and spine wins the GOP nomination. That will make for interesting politics leading up to the election.
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhilippaStories
God, I hope Bernie Sanders wins the Democrat nomination and I hope that someone with balls and spine wins the GOP nomination. That will make for interesting politics leading up to the election.
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhilippaStories
I don't think he is enabling anyone or giving them a free pass. He is staying out of other people's business and staying focused on his own campaign. He is a candidate who doesn't believe in mud slinging because its a dirty game that is nothing better than high school gossip. He doesnt have to must sling either. Hilary is driving herself into the ground with out his personal feelings about her emails or dealings with her husband. Why add his 2 cents? In the end it doesn't matter. I'm much more interested on his plans for the oval office than how he feels about Hilary's hipocracy or Trump's racist and mysoginistic mouth. If those 2 are going to duke it out in the mid pit, let them. I have a much higher respect for someone who stays clean than someone who can throw a bigger mud ball. As a president I would expect him to act the same way on the world stage. He would stay out of the mud pit and stay focused on the issues at hand to get things done. We do care about Hilary's emails and inability to keep a secret, but who cares if he has something to say about it? Its not his business. Its no longer a surprise that she is involved with a scandel again. That's just what she does.