Friday, December 18, 2015

And The Sun Came Up After All

See? This is the beauty of time passing. After getting yesterday's vitriol out of my system things are looking brighter today.

This morning, almost the first thing, I "sucked it up" (metaphorically speaking) and got on the scale. Things there aren't as bad as I feared. The little fat bombs I lost in the past couple of years haven't found me after all. I just feel like it - the physical / mental combination. So I'm going to slant it in the direction I want and figure this is body telling brain, "Hey! Let's do it again! There's additional acreage here that could be shed." Since I'm up for that, knowing there is more to do, I'm going to take advantage and see what personal re-shaping I can accomplish with some changes.

I still don't know if the other things going on relate to my thyroid, but I'm going to assume that it does. I'll be eating more fruits and veggies - I brought broccoli and cauliflower to go along with lunch (a chicken thigh and pasta). I'm even considering getting a bag of frozen berries, a package of frozen peaches, cooking them into a syrup and using that to add to plain yogurt. I should eat more yogurt. I know I should because it's so good for me, but I don't.

The meeting I whined about yesterday took place and I have direction and clarity. Two more questions to be answered and things will be on track.

CONFESSION!! I finally have something relating to the whole global warming / climate change BS that I can wrap my brain around and the opinion is shifting. Microscopically, let's be clear, but it is shifting.

I still do not buy into the idea that it's "man-caused" - we aren't that significant or important. We are, for all intents and purposes, gnats on an elephant's butt. 75% of the planet is still water. About 70% of the last masses are unpopulated. So we are, no matter how we think of ourselves, unimportant in the overall scheme of things.

And this means that the 2030 Agenda put out by the Pinky & The Brain Society for World Domination is even less important than I thought it was when I first heard of it.

Seems that the changes in the world's climate might be the result of the Earth's rotation slowing. Which makes sense.

Of course, what doesn't make sense is the Brain Dead League that says everything from toenail fungus, to hemorrhoids, to bad breath to... you name it, is causing climate change which is causing jihadists to run around killing people. It's all linked because the media and the Brain Dead League Who Must Explain Everything Using Climate Change Even When The Linkages Make No Sense to Anyone With Half-A-Working Brain say it is.

Science has known for a long time that the moon is drifting away from us. It's inevitable that as our cosmic dance partner drifts off it's going to have an effect on us. Now is this permanent? No one knows. We've certainly had warmer epochs and ages in the past. We've also had colder. Perhaps the moon is drifting temporarily and then will swing back and draw in again. I don't know, and I won't know because I won't be around for it if it happens.

In the meantime, while the moon does slide slowly off, we are going to see climate changes because our little blue gem is inextricably linked to the moon.

If it wasn't for the moon, our oceans wouldn't have tides. They would be stagnant and dead given the volume of water in them. There is no way humans could generate tides in the Pacific or Atlantic basins. Without the tides, our little planet wouldn't have weather. We wouldn't have El Ninos or La Ninas. We wouldn't have rain or snow or wind or anything else. We would have all the interest of Venus (the planet, not the Greek goddess).

So, perhaps the slowing of the Earth's rotation is linked to the moon's drift and that's why we're seeing what we're seeing. Greenland re-greening and the rest of it.

Of course, the cries of despair over the poles are still pretty much bogus. It's a case of "let's look over <== so we don't see that the ice pack over ==> there is causing problems with reprovisioning our scientific stations" as happened last winter.

In fact, NASA has a new study and the knicker-knotting among the alarmists just increased exponentially because it shows:  “Antarctica is actually gaining ice." (End of the second paragraph in the linked article.)

So the Climate Whiners are still demanding that we ignore the fact that if there's more ice, which is heavier than water, water is displaced which could account for a rise in sea levels.

As I say, the dial has twitched for me. With the reports of Earth's rotation slowing, I can definitely see that climate will be affected. But I do not, for one nanosecond believe that it's man-caused. That's the simplistic guilt-ridden answer for the angst riddled brain-dead who can't think for themselves.

Besides, if the People In Charge of this planet - our government representatives - were really serious about global warming / climate change instead of just being interested in photo ops and lip service, they would be beating the crap out of China to get its house in order. They are, after all, far and away the worst of the worst when it comes to polluting our little blue gem. Instead, China came out of the Paris climate conversation unswayed, unscathed and undeterred. They're going to go ahead and do what they're doing - like issuing their second Red Flag warning for air quality in Beijing - and ignore the rest of us. Even though the rest of us are impacted by what they do.

The fact that China owns the world by owning much of its debt makes a difference, too. After all, if Guido has you by the financial cojones, you're not going to do much but twitch and plead. You'll pretty much do whatever it is that Guido tells you to do. Or else.

So, as you can see, things are looking up for me. I'm back on track and in stride, so I'll go ahead and do what I'm going to do, and I hope you will, too.

Have a lovely day! It's raining here so we are having a lovely day.


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