Friday, June 19, 2015

Here We Go Again. Another Shooting. Another Cry for Curtailment of Freedoms.

Another shooting by someone who should never have laid hands on a gun.

First off, from the Washington Post:

"Roof lived about 15 miles southeast of Columbia, the state capital, in Eastover, court records show. He was arrested twice earlier this year, once on a drug charge and later for trespassing, records show. Both arrests occurred near Columbia."

In one sentence, the CNN report says:

"It's uncertain who bought the gun Roof used."

In the very next paragraph the same report says:
"A senior law enforcement source told CNN the suspect's father had recently bought him a .45-caliber gun for his 21st birthday in April."

Followed by: 

"But Roof's grandfather says it was just "birthday money" and that the family didn't know what Roof did with that money."

A young man, recently arrested for drugs - not clear whether it was 'simple' possession or if he was dealing or trafficking - and daddy gives him a gun. Or maybe he bought it, as grandpa suggests.

In either case, this rat-ass punk needs to go down - hard and for a long time. Preferably permanently, in my view.

In this case, if his father provided him that gun, knowing his son uses drugs, the father should be charged as an accessory before the fact, and he should face precisely the same charges as the perp.

In this case, it seems that the dealer who sold the gun did not do the appropriate background check which should have turned up the pending drug charge. That would have knocked this moron off the eligible list for ownership - if he bought the gun, himself.

But let's go back to daddy. Did he buy the gun? Did he give it to his son, the one with the drug charges? If he did, see above. Charge the bastard as an accessory.

I got diverted, sorry. Now I'm really going to let loose because I'm tired of all this. Because I own guns I am, apparently, evil. I just posted this on Authonomy in response to a post there:

Good idea. Let's pillory everyone who owns a firearm. Completely ignoring the vast majority of gun owners who don't do evil things.

The fact that this moronic punk's idiotic father gave him the gun? Ignore it!
The fact that this moronic punk was arrested earlier this year on drug charges (still pending) and this punk's idiotic father overlooked that little titbit? Ignore it!

Pillory all the fucking gun owners who have never caused harm to another human being. Blacken us all with the same brush. We're all evil. Just little Satans waiting for our turn.

Oh, and while we're at curtailing the freedom given by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - which is there for good reason if you read history (it's to ensure that the people have the ability to protect themselves and to protect their country, if it comes to it) - let's get rid of cars, too. Far too dangerous those things. Look at how many people are killed in this nation of 350M+ each and every day in car accidents.

Look at this: 2013 Traffic Deaths

There were 30,057 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2013 in which 32,719 deaths occurred. This resulted in national motor vehicle crash death rates of 10.3 deaths per 100,000 people and 1.11 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles traveled.

About the same as those who die by gunfire except that about 20,000 of gunfire deaths are deliberate and self-inflicted. If someone really wants to kill themselves, they don't need a gun to do it. With 11,000 gun murders … why that's three times fewer gun murders than fatal car accidents, meaning cars are three times more deadly than guns.

So yes, we need to ban cars. Immediately. Oh! And, they contribute to global warming or climate change (which ever is the term du jour), too. Their effect on the environment will cause far more death and destruction than guns when the seas rise and Florida gets inundated.

Let's ban drugs, too. All drugs. Not just the street drugs. Watch American television and see the ads from the ambulance chasing lawyers about ‘bad drug call so-and-so’. Drugs are bad. Drugs that are supposed to be good for you, to help you live, are bad - ban 'em. Every single one of them.

Doctors and hospitals - healthcare workers of all stripes need to be banned. Look at how many people die in hospitals due to preventable errors:

2014 Preventable Medical Deaths

It's a chilling reality – one often overlooked in annual mortality statistics: Preventable medical errors persist as the No. 3 killer in the U.S. – third only to heart disease and cancer – claiming the lives of some 400,000 people each year.

Why my god! These people go to medical school. They're trained and spend years learning their craft - but end up killing 400,000 people each year! Ban ‘em. Ban ’em all. Take away their medical licenses and if they practice, throw ‘em in prison.

They’re more than 300x more dangerous than a gun owner. Ban 'em all, I say!

Okay, rant over. All I ask is that people be reasonable. If this dumbass had deliberately driven his car into a crowd of black people, running over as many as he could while screaming racial epithets would we be talking about banning cars? No. We would be talking about what an evil person this man is.

Back to life, back to living and earning my keep.


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