Tuesday, June 23, 2015


No half empty / half full nonsense for me today, thanks. I am full-up this morning. Happy and feeling good about everything. Pretty much like this:

I have no idea why that is, but I am so I'll go with it because I like feeling this way. Much better than grumpy and gloomy.

I have much for which to be thankful. I have a job that I like. Piles of work to weed through and lots of different things to keep me busy. I like variety - the more the merrier - so having lots of different things to choose from is always good.

This morning I get to take a walk from my satellite office down to the main office. It's about 1/4 of a mile there and back, past a field in which there are wildflowers.

I don't know what they are, but the plants are leggy with blue flowers that bloom in the morning and burn by afternoon. Next morning, another crop of flowers appear. A reminder of the transient nature of life. They're pretty, anyway.

There are birds - mourning doves and scrub jays (our version of a bluejay):

By the time I come back after my meeting, the day will be warming. It's supposed to be in the 80's or 90's today and tomorrow and up around 100 Thursday. As a general rule, I don't like the heat, but it does feel good on my short walk because the main office is kept cold. By the time I get out of there, the sun will be very welcome until I get halfway back. Then I'll be looking forward to getting inside again.

There are big trees behind my building, so my car will be shaded for hours before I have to climb in for the drive home.

So, you see? I have very little about which to complain. Instead, I have much for which to be happy and thankful. It all depends on where I choose to focus and, today, I choose to focus on the Party Cat.

I hope your day is lovely, too.


Follow me on Twitter:  https://twitter.com/philippastories

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