Tuesday, June 2, 2015

And the Point Is...

I was chatting with a friend at work yesterday. He reads my blog and we were talking about the post I did on Sunday - about the transient nature of things and my little side trip to serendipitously visit the cows. We talked and laughed and were having a fine ol' time. Along the way, though, an interesting question crept in and took up residence.

It wasn't from anything said, implied or suggested. It was more from an insecure flutter in me, the little girl resident at my core who sometimes is afraid of things and of what people will think. Basically, the question was: what's the point of writing a blog?

There are thousands if not millions of people who blog. Some do it occasionally, as the mood strikes. Others have a more rigorous routine - like me they have a desire and determination to write regularly. Many who blog do so for personal reasons - a means of keeping friends and family up-to-date with what's happening in their world. Others do it because of ill health, a means of expressing themselves while they deal with dire consequence. Blogging is, in the modern day, a public diary.

Some people do it because they have a standard or a torch they want to advance. Social justice, inequality, politics, finances, all are blog fodder and all are valuable, if you happen to think and feel the same as the person doing the blogging.

The fact is, though, there are lots of people waving their banners about this or that or the other, but are they really changing minds?

Over on Authonomy I see it all the time. Someone will start a thread on Subject A. Someone else comes along and introduces Subject B. Eventually they will get to Subject C or D and it becomes controversial, or at least heated.

That devolves into a circular argument where two or three people are forcefully expressing their differing opinion and defending their polar positions, but no one is receiving a changed mind.

Person One isn't going to change because they expressed the thought or opinion that set the thing on its ear in the first place. Person Two, who picks the argument or fight with Person One isn't going to change. That's why they declared as they did, countering or disputing Person One's opinion or position. They'll grapple and kick and hiss like two kids on a playground while everyone else there stands around rooting for their favorite, or against the person they dislike most.

In the meantime, most of the other Persons who drop by to see what's happening are either going to side with One or Two, or they'll sit on the sidelines, chomp some popcorn, and watch the fur fly. Some will just shake their head in disgust and leave.

Enough already! I don't want to wave a standard or a torch. I don't want to stand on a soapbox and stridently expound upon my profound thoughts and beliefs. There are plenty of other places where that's happening, and that's fine. If it floats the boat of the person writing and the people reading, cool - go for it. Knock yourself out, but don't expect me to march alongside because I'm not interested in joining that parade.

In my daily living I have enough controversy and frustration and anger and irritation and all the rest of it. I don't need or want more.

This is a place where I can sit down, express myself quietly, and hope to bring a little pleasure to someone else's day.

Is it profound? No. It's not intended to be.

Is it controversial? Probably not, unless my knickers get twisted about something I deem interesting or important. Then I reserve the right to express my views and you, of course, have the right to think "Geez, what a moron!"

Is it a place where you can set yourself down for a couple of minutes, relax and just have a look in on the workings of someone else's mind and into their world? I hope so.

That's the point of it. Quiet and simple pleasure, a peaceful morning place, or an evening or afternoon place. A place where you can set aside your day, your situation and go somewhere else for a few moments. I hope that's how you find it, because that's all it's intended to be.

Have a lovely day!


Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhilippaStories

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