Thursday, February 25, 2016

George Will Says On 'Our' Terms, Not On Yours - Excuse Me?

Mitt Romney going after Donald Trump about his tax returns is a bit like this picture, although laid-back Mitt probably didn't bare his teeth (much) when he became a jerk.

What has got the right so twisted up about Trump's candidacy?

I know, I know. That's a naive question. It's power and control, baby, power and control. The Donor Class and Elites are about to lose control of this country to the citizens, and they are scared spitless. What will a democratic republic with candidates chosen by the serfs look like?

I don't think it will change all that much, unless the people running for the other offices - all of the House of Representatives, and thirty-four of the Senators - pay attention to the climate this year. If they do, the face of America could change dramatically for the good for us, the people. We might actually get a representative government that represents us and isn't controlled by a dozen or so uber rich despots.

I hope and pray that all of the candidates or potential candidates recognize what's happening in the world out here, and accede to it, so we can have the kind of government the Founders intended. If they don't get it, they may well not get into office. Some will, but others won't because I also think what's happening is the American people are waking up. We are beginning to recognize our power, and we don't like what we're seeing.

I think what's being made crystal clear is that the normal folks don't like Washington and what goes on there. I don't think the folks like or appreciate the politicians and talking heads telling us what's good for us - it's too patronizing. We... Well, I don't like people like Mitt Romney, who seemed like a nice enough guy when he was running for the same office (using some of Donald Trump's money to get there), casting aspersions by all but saying that Trump has done something dishonest that will be revealed in his tax returns.

Honestly? Honestly? After all the crap and nonsense that's come out of Washington, all of the lies, dirty tricks, traitorous acts (leaving national security secrets wide open to foreign countries), and we're supposed to get excited about someone's tax returns?

If it wasn't so pathetic it would be laughable.

I don't care what's in Trump's taxes. I'm not voting for his 1040 long form. I'm voting for the man, for his ideas and what he says he can do for this country.

Disclosing taxes is meaningless to me. I don't want to look at my own documents, let alone some giant company's returns. Anyway, it's a recent invention - only since the 1970's - and, to me, it's meaningless.

Of course the lawyers and tax accountants get a thrill up their leg from it. It's income, revenue that goes into their pockets while with pore through the pages, looking for any little 'gotcha'. Said 'gotcha' being a dead bore to the rest of us. Unless, of course, it discloses that someone has fourteen distaff children to whom they're paying child support, or something else.

It's obvious. The Establishment are scared by Donald Trump. They're laughing at Bernie and holding their nose over Hilliary, but Trump actually has them worried.

In fact, George Will has said, 'our way or the highway you idiots'. He did exactly that on Fox News Sunday, August 9, 2015 when he said, "Trump supporters need to come into the Republican party on our terms, not theirs..."

Now I have to ask, how arrogant is that? 'My way or the highway', really? What happened to his appreciation of democracy - the will of the people?

There's a clip of this revealing moment on another blog site: and if you Google 'george will fox news sunday 08/09/2015' you can find it. (I can't link to it here, because I don't have permission.)

It is eye-opening and something that I missed until this kerfuffle all these months later. However, it's become a mantra on Fox and, I realize, it's why I've stopped watching Fox News. I'm disgusted by their partisanship to something that stinks to high heaven - the Republican party.

Now, I am a registered Republican - surprise! - and I am not planning on changing that affiliation because I don't want to get a bunch of distaff candidates who don't stand a chance in an election when I fill out my primary ballot. That said, I will vote for who I see fit when the time comes and I don't need people like George Will and the other Elitists telling me that I'm wrong. Imagine, if you will, a middle finger standing upright from amongst its brothers.

Okay, enough of that now. I'm going to get ready and go to work and do what I do every other day of the week.

Have a wonderful day.


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