Fair warning: A Rant Will Follow. Just so you're prepared.
Today I was sitting at my desk, working and listening to my radio, which is about eighteen inches from my ear, when some guy pulls up outside - probably twenty feet away, with his stereo pounding. It's so loud, and the bass line is so strong, it drowns out the music I chose to listen to.
While he ran into the little tienda (market) next to where I work, he left the stupid thing blaring - because he didn't want to miss a beat. In the meantime, he's inflicting his noise on everyone else. And he's not alone. It happens at least two or three times a week, with different people.
Why do people do this? Are they just "idiots" (feel free to substitute a pejorative of your choice because I'm being polite) or didn't their mothers teach them manners or consideration for others?
It happens all the time and it really gets on my nerves.
There's another young "stud" who lives around here. This is a mixed use area of Calistoga (about 80% of Calistoga is mixed use) so there are homes mixed with businesses along our street.
Every day, at least twice a day, he gets in his cheap little import car and tries to impress "everyone" by gunning the engine and roaring off down the street. Why? Doesn't he realize there are little kids who live in this neighborhood? Who's he trying to impress, anyway? All he's doing is looking stupid, but apparently he doesn't get that the only one he's impressing is himself. What scares me is that some little kid is going to dart out in front of him and...
I don't want to be around here if that happens.
Another thing that gets on my nerves are stupid people doing stupid things because they're too stupid to plan their time and end up being late, and pretending it's everyone else's fault.
For instance, I was driving up the freeway to work this morning. Along that stretch of road is an HOV lane at the center divide, two regular lanes and an exit lane. I was in lane two (next to the HOV lane) and there was a school bus just ahead of me in lane number three (between me and the exit lane). We're hustling along in moderate traffic, doing about sixty, when this little red car comes zipping up from nowhere. He roars up to the school bus - no more than fifteen feet away from the rear bumper, slams on his brakes and comes within five feet of the back bumper before he swerves around the bus into the exit lane, almost hitting a car that was already taking up space.
Why? Why is that idiot putting everyone else at risk?
Let's say he had misjudged and clipped the bus. That would have sent his car into the wall that edges the exit lane and at least one car would have smashed into him while others would have swerved to miss that wreck. Those swerving cars could well have hit other cars. The bus would have swerved into my lane, no doubt hitting me given our relative positions. On top of running into the side of the bus that was suddenly in my lane, I would have been rear-ended and... for what? Because some moron can't plan his time and is late for something?
Now I will confess, I have done stupid things in my time. I am not without fault, but I have never, to my knowledge, done something that puts someone else at serious risk. If I'm late, I do not drive recklessly to make up the time I wasted. If I'm late it's because I'm late. It is not the fault of the
guy ahead of me, so I'm not going to go into Road-Rage Mode and act like
a moron. I'll accept the consequence of being late and not put anyone
else at risk.
I also do not drive around with my windows down and my stereo blasting - unless I'm on an open country road where I'll be irritating the cows and wildlife but where I'm not going to be irritating the next guy. If I want to listen to something at increased volume, I either keep the windows closed and turn it up to where I want it or I wait until I get home and Google it on YouTube in the privacy of my own home. It's a matter of courtesy.
Maybe that's what our schools should teach. Classes in comportment and citizenship - the Golden Rule (which, by the way, can be found in your local bible). Do unto others as you would have them do unto you - aka respect your neighbor and treat them as you would like to be treated. It's such a simple concept and, if it's practiced, it's easy to do.
Okay. I'm still annoyed by the idiots but I'll start breathing again and get over it. Someday. Maybe.
Hope you have a peaceful day without idiots.
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