Two days ago I had little trouble remembering small items. Like clocking in and out on the timekeeping software at work.
BOOM! Have a birthday and consistency went flying - straight out the window. Now I'm wondering if it will ever be seen again. The posse is out looking for it but, I don't know.
I forgot to clock in yesterday. Which I do from time-to-time. It's not regular. Usually not even once a week. Until this morning. When I forgot, again.
It's not like I'm new to this. I've been using timekeeping software here and other places for the past ten years, or so, and the only thing that changed was a mark in time. Are they related? God, I hope not. If they are, if the change in my odometer is the cause, or I'm in real trouble.
Little things like this bother me. Can you tell? There was the coffee incident a few weeks ago when I opened the canister of coffee and put the lid down where I regularly put it down, then couldn't find it again to save my life. The weird thing about that was when I got home and hubby said he had found it - exactly where I thought it should be, only it hadn't been. I blamed a poltergeist, but still wondered if I was losing my mind.
Now there's the timekeeping issue. It's a small thing, really, but is it a portent of bigger, uglier things to come? I hope not. I don't need this. After all, I'm only thirty-two. I am. My picture looks older than that, but I've decided to distill age down to birthdays via algebra.
A = Attitude and I have decided I'm thirty-two. Young enough to have fun and be silly and so on, but old enough to avoid most of the pain and embarrassing stupidity I created for myself in my twenties.
C-B = Birth Year subtracted from Current Calendar Year (that gives your chronological state).
Divide that by R - your Real Chronological state. Since the result of C-B and R should be the same, that's like dividing 2 and 2 or 90 and 90 or... You get the picture. The result will be 1.
So, in my case, it's 32x1 = 32. So, I'm thirty-two and will be until I decide otherwise.
What's causing me head scratching now, though, is that I wasn't particularly forgetful or prone to losing things in my thirties. I wasn't particularly forgetful or prone to lose things up until two days ago.
Sure, I had the occasional miss, but it wasn't consistent. Like coffee lids and timekeeping misses and so on.
Hmm. Nope. Not going to adjust the attitude. I'll just pay closer attention. Not quite to the stage of leaving notes around for myself. After all, I haven't misplaced the coffee lid since that one time, and nothing Earth shattering resulted from that. I did put the remote for the ceiling fan down in a strange place and we hunted for it, but I found it without too much difficulty. I'd just left it on the mantel while I closed the window one evening.
I guess it's just the occasional one-off experience of life and living. And I'm busier than I've been, so I have more on my mind. Yeah... There's a good excuse. I'll borrow that.
Good thing that's solved. I'll just pretend all is well and not pay attention to missing my timekeeping issues which, to give myself credit, are only in the morning when I first arrive.
Oh, wait. Maybe there is something wrong, after all. Maybe I like my job too well and am too excited to get started... Hmm. Is there a solution for that? I'll have to think about it.
In the meantime, I hope you don't suffer from memory lapses or head scratching. I hope your day is perfectly wonderful, otherwise, just attribute it to Wabi-Sabi, which I think I will do!
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