Thursday, October 15, 2015

An Exercise in Pushing Water Uphill

That's what today feels like. You ever have a day like that? Where everything seems to be about ten times harder than it should be? That's my day.

I don't know why. It's not really all that different today than yesterday or the day before. You know that saying, 'same shit, different day' - that pretty well sums it up, only it's not. It's harder and I don't know why.

Just getting out of the house was a challenge. I got up in good time. Got the cat taken care of. Got my coffee made and MIL's pills put out. All the normal stuff, but then things just seemed to simultaneously expand and contract on me. Things that usually take three minutes suddenly took five, meaning that the five tasks I had to do took almost thirty minutes instead of "only" fifteen.

Then I got on the road, fifteen minutes later than I had hoped / wanted to, and everything seemed to be fine. I got here as expected, about when I expected based on departure time. Came in, fully expecting to get straight to work. Until I turned on my computer screens.

I have a laptop and two screens. Something happened overnight. I don't know what it was, but my left screen was suddenly behaving as my right screen and vice-versa. My icons and task bar that are usually on my right screen were suddenly on the left. To move my cursor from my right screen to my left, I suddenly had to go over there===> and keep going until the arrow showed up <=== over there. And if you don't think that's weird, try it sometime. My brain just doesn't function like that.

Then I joined battle with the Intel Wizard (evil bastard that he is). It kept insisting that I wanted this screen setup and resolution when that is NOT what I wanted. I finally woke up enough that I realized, 'DUH!! Use the control panel, stupid!' So I did and in short order got what I want. Mostly. Except the resolution on the two screens is about 20% smaller than my tired old eyes can cope with. Whatever. I'm so fed up and disgusted I'll risk eye-strain.

After thirty minutes of battle I suddenly realized, "oh crap! I forgot to sign in!" That was what I had intended to do when I discovered the wonky screens, and then I got sidetracked into monitor hell.

I finally got my morning started, but other things kept intruding. Like trying to get into the conference room to set up a conference call / web meeting by 8:30 and the new printer didn't want to print the log in information, and the phone rang, and the person calling to say they were going to be late to the meeting wanted to chat, oblivious to the fact that the meeting time was fast approaching and I still was at my desk. I don't think he knew that I was on the verge of screaming, "I GOTTA GO!!!" and hanging up on him. Fortunately, I was able to extricate myself politely and still get the meeting started on time.

Then the people who are responsible for the meeting, the directors who are key to running it, weren't there. They didn't call in. Crickets would have been louder. Not a happy time when I'm sitting there with five other people around the table and five on the phone and no one is directing. So I did. And then I sent a message about it to the meeting runner, and I'm expecting to take an incoming artillery barrage once the recipient's blood pressure decreases.

Not a good morning in other words. And it didn't improve with time.

See, I'm working on this thing. I sent off an e-mail saying 'no' to a request because I've been directed that we're saying 'no' to that request, then the person who said 'say no' asked, 'why is she sending that off?' of someone else who then called me and said that this person who said no wanted to know why I was saying no and...

Yeah. It's that bad. It's that messed up and confusing. So I called the person who originally said to say no and I said, if you ever want to know why I'm doing something please call me. Person X doesn't know why I did it. S/He's acting in faith that I know what I'm doing, but only I really know. Then, after we hung up I went down and spoke with them in person. Not because that was what I needed / wanted / intended. Just because they brought it up again. So, we talked it over. Probably about three times more than we needed to do, but that's how these things go, and now we're good. We agree that we'll talk together, when it's needed. Until the next time. And knowing how these dynamics work, there will more than likely be a next time. Whatever. This time is solved, so I'm satisfied.

Then I got back to my desk and my phone rang and a colleague needs help setting up a webinar now. As in right now. So I drop everything. I leap into my car because it's faster. I don't bother with the seatbelt because it's just down the street and... CRAP! There's a cop parked right across the street from where I left the driveway to pull into the roadway. Did he see me not wearing my seatbelt? I don't know. I pull it out and put it on.

No lights. No sirens. At least that went okay.

I get down the street and rush into the building and up the stairs and... he's got a different laptop. Of course I pay no attention to that. I do what I do with my laptop to get the projector to connect to the screen. Only his FN+F1 puts the laptop to sleep. DOH!!! Restart. Load the web program for the seminar and... five minutes later we've finally got lift off - ten minutes after the meeting was supposed to start.

And that's only the first half of my day.

I wonder what the second half will bring...

Cake. I do know that there's cake. I got an e-mail about it, so there's a happy note.

On the other hand, I've got an outside company screaming for attention, and I've got to attend to them, which won't be fun.

Did I mention the cake? I think that's going to go on a plate at the end of the rod I'll dangle over my head and in front of my nose to keep me going this afternoon. My reward. Because, man oh man, at this point I deserve one. Kind of like:

This too shall pass (like a kidney stone) and things will improve. I hope my day is worse than your day because then I'll have bragging rights.


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