Last night I watched the Democrat Debate (I refuse to call it the "Democratic Party" because that implies neither the Independents or Republicans or Greens or anyone else are part of a Democratic process). What a bore.
I learned nothing new about anyone, except that Bernie Sanders is woefully unequipped to be President of the United States - unless we change the office from President to Santa Claus, up to and including the bag of freebies.
Let's see... Single-payer healthcare and free college and increased minimum wage - which will also apply to government workers which make up almost fifty percent of the workforce in this day and age. There were so many give-aways I can't remember what they all were, but those stuck.
Now I don't know how you run your household, but if I don't take in enough money to pay for all the nice things I want to have, I can't have all those nice things. Unfortunately for us, government doesn't have that same restriction. They look to us and hold out their hands and legislate that we have to give up more of our hard earned money to pay for the freebies they're giving to someone else. It's called "redistribution of wealth". In a democratic republic such as ours, that should be illegal. It's highway robbery, theft, and there's no really nice way to call it what it is. Unfortunately, the politicians talk over and around it and here we are.
Oh, wait! I did learn that Bernie Sanders is either naive, stupid or both. His comment about Putin "regretting" going into the Ukraine and Crimea was ridiculous, at best. Putin knows precisely why he's in the Crimea. It's the same reason Russia tried to overrun the Crimea about a hundred-fifty years ago. It's a warm-water port with unfettered access to the Mediterranean, along with the oil and gas and provides a secure and easily protected naval port.
So Bernie hasn't a clue and cannot extrapolate potentials even when they're laid out right in front of him.
Besides, can you seriously imagine Bernie Sanders or Hilliary Clinton going toe-to-toe with Vladimir Putin?
I mean, really. Can you see this:
or this:

If there was a confrontation over something important, who among these three people do you think would come out on top? Look at their faces. Sanders looks desperate. Hilliary looks like a fanatic (and no, this was not the least flattering picture I found). Vlad looks confident and determined.
BTW - if you want to see one of the worst pictures of Hilliary I found, there's this:
So - between Bernie, Hill and Vlad, who would win? Particularly since Hilliary, in all her time as Secretary of State, has accomplished zip, zero, zilch, nada-thing.
You don't agree? Okay. Name one thing in international circles she did that was and is a sustained success.
Did she bring about peace in the Middle East? No.
Did she resolve the issues between Israel and the PLO? No.
How about between Iran and Israel? No.
Did she bring about change in the laws in Saudi Arabia when it comes to women? No.
Did she get China to sign and keep to the Climate Change deal the UN wanted? No.
Did she manage Benghazi? Hell no. Even in the weeks leading up to it when the people on the ground there were begging for help she denied it or ignored their requests. Then, when push came to shove, her boss sat on his thumbs and did a 'numunah, numunah, numunah' indecisive dance until the matter resolved itself. The fact that four people lost their lives didn't and doesn't seem to matter one speck to either of them.
Okay, yeah, she traveled a lot. And she lied. Remember the gunfire in Kosovo? The time she claimed that she and Chelsea had to run for cover? That was then proved to be a flat-out baldfaced lie she tried to defend by saying she was 'tired'.
And there are the national security e-mails no one wants to talk about. The ones that were probably hacked and read and acted upon by the Chinese and half the rest of the world. But that's okay. Our national security must take a backseat to Hilliary's convenience and laziness. God damn! It's so hard to live, act and work by the rules that have been put in place over the past 100 years or so in order to make sure that state secrets stay secret.
So, no. I was not impressed last night. I learned nothing new. Just saw the same pandering idiots doing what they do: Pandering to the masses. Promising free stuff to all and sundry in exchange for votes so they can then shrug their shoulders, spread their hands and said, "Sorry, folks, it's Congress."
It's BS and I'm disgusted. Which is why I like Trump.
Yes, the man is a blow-hard. Yes, he's rude, loud-mouthed and boorish. But you know what? He says what he means and doesn't care what people think. Which is fine. We've had namby-pamby and nice and look where that's gotten us.
Trump has spent his entire adult life negotiating with people, probably who didn't much like him or who he didn't like, but with whom he needed to strike a deal in order to get what he wanted done.
None of the other candidates on either side of the line have that skill to the same degree The Donald has.
And, if it came to it, I think this:
Could take on that:
The same determination, the same grit, and I think The Donald is someone who could actually garner at least grudging respect from someone like Vlad.
The Donald has management experience. He knows how to organize large-scale operations. He's not obligated to donors or lobbyists. He's clean, as far as debts to special interests go. Which cannot be said of any of the other candidates, at all.
So, no. I was not impressed with last night's debate. It was boring as hell, boring as watching grass grow (at least with paint you can get a high off the residual fumes).
Now we'll see what happens in the next few months. Obviously the Shadow Bankers and the Power Brokers have decided Hilliary will be the next President if they can manage it. That way their power won't be impacted. Things won't change at all from what's been. At best, Bernie will be offered the Vice Presidency so he'll have a lower Bully Pulpit from which he can toss out candy to the masses and keep the masses happy.
However, The Donald might just manage to upset their apple cart. If he gets elected, it will be interesting to see how things play out. PACs, special interests and lobbyists won't be able to just pick up the phone and demand that The Donald do whatever they want him to do. They don't have the leverage on him they have on the others.
Whatever. We'll see what will develop in the next few months.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy watching the drama play out.
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