Saturday, March 19, 2016

No, kids. Donald Trump is NOT! a Misogynist

The biggest lie being thrown around the airwaves this election season is that Trump 'hates women'. That whopper is back in the news again because he openly despises one woman. Just one with whom he's picked a running feud. Again, because of that one, he is being painted as hating 'all' women. It's disgusting and it's wrong but the liberal left and the media keep spewing this nonsense like a torrent of wastewater from a sewage plant.

I know where it comes from. It comes from the fact that the man is outspoken and words that should stay 'inside' fall out and become quotes.

If he doesn't respect you - man or woman - he is not going to pretend he does. He's too fundamentally honest to hold back and not say what's on his mind. He is not capable of filtering his thoughts, guarding his opinions and speaking only what is palatable to the listener.

My observations are that if you're an idiot of either gender, he'll tell you. If you're not meeting expectations - no exception given for gender - he'll tell you.

In other words, he appears to treat men and women the same, without exception. Except for Megyn Kelly, but that's something else again.

Putting Kelly aside, the problem with this even-handed approach is that while women screech at the top of their lungs that they want to be treated equally, when someone (a man) doesn't hold back his opinion of them, they slap on the GENDER VICTIM label and start shrieking that this big bad man is mean.

It's disgusting and a case in point is the recent dust-up with the Breitbart female.

I saw that video. I saw it over-and-over-and-over again because the media wanted to make another mountain out of an anthill.

What I did not see in that clip is that she 'almost fell', as was claimed. She was moved to the side, but I did not see a stumble, an arm thrown out for balance or anyone leaping forward to catch her. She was moved to the side because she was standing in the way. End of story. Except for the bruises. But those could also be explained by a medical condition - hypothyroidism, for instance. People who have hypothyroidism tend to bruise very easily. Other conditions and some medications (Coumadin / Warfarin) predispose people to bruising. So give me a break, honey. I don't buy it. You're a woman who was *GASP!!!!* touched by a man without your explicit permission and you threw the GENDER VICTIM card.

Give me a break and grow up.

Either you want to be equal - and that means accepting whatever it is that's being dished because if the person doing the dishing is as rude and unpleasant to their gender peers as they are to the opposite sex, they are treating you equally - or you don't. You can take exception to what they say and how they say it, but don't go slapping on that worthless label and screaming at the top of your lungs the guy's a bastard for saying what he thinks.

Tackle him on his own terms, refute what he's said about you and make it stick, or walk away. Throwing yourself into the crowd and blubbering that you've just been victimized may get a bunch of people feeling sorry for you, but it demeans you not the bastard who called you a moron.

If you're not a big grown-up person capable of standing up to a bully, you don't deserve my respect. Sorry, but that's the standard. I have been bullied all my life - first by a brother and then by my husband. Through it all, having lived that, I eventually learned to step outside of myself and to look at myself as objectively as I was able through the eyes of colleagues and peers whom I respect. They said good things about me, about my person and my work and they helped me to learn my value. I learned to stop labeling myself VICTIM just because someone says something horrible to or about me. Now when someone says something cruel or demeaning I stop. I pause to look inside, to my core, and to evaluate what's been said against what I know to be true. Knowing my worth means the bully has no power over me. S/he can say what they want and it might sting, but in the end, it's my opinion about myself that matters most.

Because of that, because I am that strong, The Donald is a running joke when he says silly things about someone he doesn't respect.

I don't care that he despises Megyn Kelly. That's their problem, between them. That does not mean that he hates all women, and anyone who says it does just proves to me the point that a lot of people are morons.

It's like saying I'm a 'vegsogynist' because I will not eat eggplant or purple cabbage. I like other vegetables - almost all of them, but I am prejudiced against purple vegetables. Does that mean that I'm evil or wrong because I don't like eggplant or purple cabbage? No. I think we can agree that it's acceptable for me not to like purple vegetables.

So why should it be any different between people? Are we supposed to like everyone we cross paths with? Good lord! How boring would that be? Yeah - let's fall into that Utopian lock-step of '1984' where no one has individual thoughts or feelings.

A lot of people like Megyn Kelly. A number of people don't. I find her presentation annoying. She tends toward the melodramatic in some of her reporting - the cadence and tenor of her voice changes - and her voice gets screechy when she's worked up about something. That's irritating. Like fingernails on a blackboard irritating, and I don't find it appealing. Does this make me a misogynist? No. It means I don't like watching Megyn Kelly.

I don't like Carly Fiorna, either. She has this head-bob thing that she does when she talks and it bugs the hell out of me. I like what she had to say when she was campaigning. I think she's an extremely smart woman. But I don't like watching her because of that bobblehead move she does. Does that make me a woman-hater? No. It means I can't watch Carly Fiorna when she talks.

Why can't Donald Trump not like someone? Why does his openly not liking one person make him an entirety of something else? What other women has he slammed? Help me out.

I've already posted about the women he championed long before it became the norm to promote women through the glass ceiling. Here's the post from back in January:

Oh Just Grow A Pair Already

Which explains why I don't get it.

Apparently, he is not allowed to like or dislike particular people - a standard to which others aren't held.

Are you going to sit there and tell me that you like everyone you've ever known? That you have never once in your entire life met someone you didn't like, someone you came to despise through contact and who you think is an idiot? No one? Then I would say you need to get out more, or you need to pass whatever it is that you're smoking so we can all share.

I don't care what the media pinheads say about him. I am smart enough, strong enough for form my own opinions and I do not think that this lie holds water.

So, there you have it. Donald Trump is not a misogynist no matter what the print press, Fox News and other media pinheads want us to believe.

Have a wonderful day.


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