Monday, March 14, 2016

Ted Cruz - Why Are You Talking Smack About Me?

*Huge Sigh* Here we go again. Someone else talking smack about a swath of people they don't know.

Mr. Cruz, you would do well to listen to your own words: 'You can't insult your way to the White House'. True then and just as true now.

This weekend you pissed me and a lot of people like me off by effectively telling us we're 'stupid' for not supporting you or some other interchangeable part in the Washington machine.

Please trust me when I say that I am neither 'low-information' or 'uneducated'. It is a gross insult for you to tell me that I am. This is not how to 'Win Friends and Influence People' like me. This is a good way to make me angry.

And the media are playing into your narrative - obviously told to do so by their bosses because all weekend long it was how wonderful everyone else is and how bad Trump is.

Whatever happened to media objectivity? Whatever happened to balanced reporting, giving both sides of the equation or event so people can make up their own minds?

Oh, I don't expect anything like objectivity, intellectual honesty or balance from most of the cable or broadcast networks. They've long since proven they are ethically bankrupt when it comes to journalism.

But didn't Fox used to have the slogan 'Fair and Balanced'? I notice they don't claim that anymore. If they did, it would clearly be in violation of the truth in advertising laws.

Nope. They're just as corrupt and journalistically immoral as the other networks. Which is upsetting because I no longer have a place to go for my news coverage.

I became so disgusted this weekend that I turned my television off. And it's off now, even though I would like to know what's going on. Except I don't want to hear a bunch of tilted 'truth', outright lies and propaganda about why Trump is a disaster and why everyone else is such a better choice for America.

My attitudes and beliefs are tired. I don't want another assault.

As far as disrupting Trump's rally in Chicago Friday night, that started this boycott for me. All weekend the story was how Trump brought this on himself and how he's inflaming people.

Gimme a break. If that had been anyone else's rally, the news would have been the same but I suspect the narrative would have been very different. Instead of blaming the candidate - who still has the right to be publicly obnoxious if he chooses - they would have been talking about the protesters and how 'un-American' it is to prevent public discourse.

Nope. All weekend the discussions were about how Donald Trump incited this and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

It's disgusting.

Well - I wasn't going to vote for Cruz before anyway because he's sleazy. Rubio is showing his colors - he knows he's going to lose, so he's telling people to vote for Kasich in Ohio. It's pathetic to see.

What has become crystal clear to me given their 'vote for anyone but' campaign is that our traditional choices for president are a) desperate; b) in the back pocket of the Elites; and c) are entirely interchangeable in how they would govern.

A glaring question this raises is how the hell will these pantywaists stand up to or deal with Vlad or Assad or anyone with a set of stones if they can't deal with politics here at home?

Given the events this weekend and Cruz's declaration that I'm stupid, I'll stay home come election day in November if he's the nominee.

Right now, though, I hope that a lot of people heard that same thing, and that they took it the same way I did. If so, people will be galvanized for Trump, not scared away.

Just as Trump hasn't been scared away by what happened on Friday night, or on Saturday when some idiot rushed the stage during one of his speeches.

Better still were a couple of moments from Trump rallies this weekend. I encourage you to watch because I think they define the character of this man far better than his words. I did try to find the shortest videos I could, but the first is about two-and-a-half minutes, the second is about two minutes and the third is about ten minutes (but it feels like two minutes).

What I want to know, is what other political candidate has such a natural touch with people? I don't see anyone else doing this kind of thing, and it's this kind of thing that makes me like Trump. To me, that is a man's decency and humanity on display.

As for 'moments' this weekend, this was the best - it's nine minutes of unadulterated passion:

Naturally, the cynics will say the first two were staged, but I was watching both of those rallies and I do not buy that. The feel of those interactions in the entire context of the event is spontaneous, not planned.

The pastor in the last clip speaks what I feel and he does it with the same passion I feel.

America is at a crossroads and if we go straight on with more of the same, we will be lost.

I may not have a college education, but that was by choice not by limitation of intelligence. Having worked with and for highly educated people, I can categorically state that a college diploma does not confer intelligence.

Cruz insulted a lot of voters this weekend - millions of us. There are a lot of small business owners - plumbers and construction workers and repairmen and all sorts of other tradespeople who don't have college degrees. Those people have to be smart in order to be successful and many of them have already voted for Trump.

The issues for me, I've already outlined them. I've said why I like Trump and why I think he's going to be a good if not a great president. Could I be wrong? Of course I could, but hope is what keeps people going from day to day.

Why I don't like Cruz is that he is a liar.

Plain and simple, any politician with four Super PACs backing his campaign means that he is just as owned as all the other politicians. He is owned and he will do what the donors to his campaign tell him to do - there is no escaping it.

Just like every other politician up for re-election this year, he's a liar.

He said that he was going to go to Washington and make big changes. Bullshit. He's been there already and nothing changed.

He promised to repeal and replace Obamacare. It's still in full force, even though we've had a Republican controlled Congress for the past two years.

There is a thick cloud of dust around his stance on illegal immigration. He says he wants to stop it but I have a HUGE wall of doubt about that.

What has he done about it? What change has been effected? Where's the wall?

He hasn't said what he's going to do in specific terms. Only recently has he said wall, and that is in small letters. He is not talking about it as the major issue that's affecting our entire economy with American citizens receiving lower wages because they have to compete for jobs against illegal immigrants.

Instead, the wall and immigration are both off in a side room playing go fish. And that speaks volumes to me. Obviously, it's not a priority and, since it's not, nothing will change if he's elected. Oh, except for amnesty for everyone who's already here.

That will be followed, inevitably, by another wave of illegals. It will be the same thing that happened after Reagan waved the wand and gave a pass to people who had no right to be here. The next wave will just have to be patient and wait a few years until it's their turn to be given a pass.

I do like his flat tax plan, but he's not the only one promoting that, and when he talks about abolishing the IRS he's lying - he can't abolish that agency. He's going to need some instrument to collect the taxes and distribute them.

Fascinating times, these days, what with Chicago on Friday night and all of the open anti-Trump discourse across my television screen all weekend. At this point I'm exhausted, worn out from the relentless assault, fabrications, obfuscation and flat out lies being spewed.

So I took the day off yesterday. I listened to music and played video games and now I'm ready for the week. I just pray that when I wake up Wednesday morning, Trump's delegate lead is more substantial than it is now and that his path to the nomination is clearer.

If not, if we end up at a contested or brokered convention come summer, my television will go off and stay off and I will stay at home on election day. As I said the other day, I will not actively participate in tearing down my own house by voting for someone who's just another cog in the mechanism that's driving this country toward a cliff.

I think I'll go listen to Boccherini's 'Fandango' to lift my spirits while I get ready for work. Have a wonderful day.


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