Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Better Late Than Never for Jumping on the Trump Train

I was poking around on the interweb this morning and stumbled across an interesting opinion piece by Steve Moore - mostly of the Heritage Foundation, sometimes found on Fox. In brief he said: 'Republicans - Stop Hating Trump Supporters'

Well it's about time, Steve! I won't welcome you into the party because you sound like you're refusing to cross the doorstep, but at least you showed up. If you do choose to sidle into the room, I won't tell on you.

Your post was good - and in clear terms sets on its ear the 'inclusive' GOP / Republican party brand the leaders of it have been trying to sell for the past couple of decades. It's obvious that these people, the Elites, Establishment and Donor Class, who are sneering down their noses at us out here in the hinterlands think we're rubes or idiots or worse. They're spending a lot of their time and a lot of their money vilifying We The People, making it as plain as the nose on your face that the Republican's 'big tent' is another Inside the Beltway Lie.

I'm pleased, though, that you're honest enough to admit that America, outside of Washington, is sick, tired, fed up with and disgusted by business as usual inside Washington.

Business as usual has included Republicans siding with Democrats on raising our taxes. Never mind that many of us have been out of work for a year or two or three, or that we've had to take substantial pay cuts in order to just find a job. And, if we were lucky, because of the mandates included in Obamacare, we could actually find a forty-hour per week job instead of settling for both that pay-cut and taking a thirty-hour job. Which is, effectively, another pay-cut.

Because of the Republicans and Democrats siding together with Obie-One against the American people, many of us have had to accept that thirty-hour work week with its associated pay cut and find another part-time job to make up the difference so we could try to maintain our lifestyle.

Yeah, that's right. We The People had too much time on our hands. Much better for us to work ourselves to death so Washington could tax us to death.

In olden days - before 2008 - there used to be a Middle Class. We used to be financially comfortable. We could take care of our kids ourselves, without government assistance or interference. We could take a vacation once every year or two, and maybe send our kids to college. We could even save some money for retirement.

Not any more. The Middle Class is gone. It no longer exists because so many who used to be Middle Class have hit poverty and have sunk through that line. It makes me wonder - was that The Plan all along? Devolve the Middle Class to serfdom? If it was, it sure as hell has worked in stellar fashion.

Thanks to the Republican party in the form of Bush II and Hank Paulson, our economy and our job market fell into the toilet in 2007 and 2008 and was flushed in 2009 by Ben Bernanke and Obie-One and Congress. And despite all the happy-talk from the pundits, we all know it hasn't recovered. It hasn't even come close to recovering for the majority of us.

Many people who used to be Middle Class are now dependent on government. Whether it's unemployment benefits or Welfare, there's little difference. Other people are supporting those who government mandates made unemployed.

Obie-One, while he was running for office, promised Hope and Change, jobs and a return to prosperity.

Well, Hope has been gone for about ten years now because the politicians have continually lied to us and, when they stopped lying long enough to draw breath, they raised taxes.

Change has happened because the economy is in the pit and people have lost their jobs, their businesses and their homes.

The jobs we got were largely low-paying part-time food service jobs.

Prosperity is gone from sight.

It's been ten long years since the first canary snuffed it - when the economy turned over and began its terminal descent. Now, ten years later, many highly educated, highly qualified people still can't find work in their field. Kids graduating from college can't find work in the fields for which they studied.

My niece and nephew - both college graduates - work at Costco. They're not working in the fields for which they studied and trained, for which they took out college loans, built up debt and went to university for four years. They're working in the service sector instead of the professional sector. Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture? And they aren't unusual. They're actually pretty representative of people in their age bracket.

Because Obie-One and the Democrats, colluding with the Republicans in Congress, made it harder and harder for companies to operate here and compete over there, across the water, companies left. Jobs that paid good wages went with them, and unemployment increased.

Ford is leaving. Nabisco is leaving. Carrier is leaving. Pfizer is leaving. And those are just a few.

Sequestration? I and a bunch of other people lost jobs at a company for which I worked. It was a small division of a major company, but when thirty people, about fifteen percent of the workforce in that division were laid off because of government interference, it doesn't bode well for people's feeling about government.

There is a whole long list of major companies, big employers that used to offer good jobs with good wages and benefits, that have moved off-shore available from various places on the internet.

Domestically, big companies are still laying off thousands of workers. In January alone, more than 75,000 people lost their jobs. Granted, about a third of those were seasonal workers hired for the Christmas season. Still, two-thirds, more than 50,000, were Wal-Mart and Macy's employees who were laid off because of store closings. Not just reduction in force, but closures of existing stores because they're no longer profitable. The oil industry is laying off thousands - 258,000 in 2015 alone, and more are to come in 2016 based on industry projections.

So, yes, Steve. We are pissed off. We have heard politicians make promise after promise after promise after promise. All the while we have been hoping that just once they weren't lying through their teeth and time after time we have realized that their words were empty. The people who paid for the politician's campaign pulled the strings and we got screwed again.

It's good to know that at least one talking head inside The Beltway is getting that first whiff of Folgers. I just hope others will wake up, too, recognize how furious and frustrated the American people have become over the past decade. I hope they'll stop trashing us because I, for one, resent it.

We will put up with a lot, but not with this. Which is why we're out in force voting for Donald Trump. Better a peaceful revolution for all, rather than an explosion of anger that could lead to ugliness and all sorts of bad things, so stop poking the beehive.

Yes, we're pissed off because the lifestyle that we used to take for granted is gone. No more vacations. No more going out to eat - even for special occasions. And, yippity-skippitee! The Republicans voted with the Democrats to raise our taxes! Thanks, guys. Just what we need when we're down.

And I'm still supporting and voting for Donald Trump - and what's here is just the tip of the iceberg against which the Titanic of the United States of America has foundered.

Have a marvelous day.


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