Thursday, March 3, 2016

Rich Lowry & Co. - A Study in Bloated Arrogance

Will Rich Lowry (editor of the National Review) and his cronies blow up what remains of the Political Right in this country? They're working hard on doing just that. Based on all that I've seen and heard in the past months, particularly in recent weeks, it looks like it. Particularly now that Mitt Romney - a sock puppet of the Republican Establishment - is going to come out and make some sort of speech no one cares about and no one but the media will listen to.

They have their noses so firmly planted against the tree trunk of their ideology, they don't see the rest of the forest is on fire.

First, they banded together and wrote a bunch of hit pieces in their political magazine - dedicated an entire edition to them. Twenty or so pointy headed arrogant wannabe despots wrote scathing articles about someone just because he threatens their position in the World of Washington. They're afraid, and rightly so, that their moneyed influence will go straight through the U-bend of life because they won't have a grip on this person. He will not be malleable to their way of thinking.

After that, and after having their front men and women talking about it around the networks (which they drive, too), they fussed and fussed about the fact that we American people are still too stupid to recognize that they know what's good for us better than we do. We're not falling in line. The sheep aren't paying attention to the shepherd or his sheepdogs. We're going our own direction and it's infuriating the shepherds.

Jeb Bush, the marionette they picked to be our president flamed out in spectacular fashion after just a few weeks.

They looked around, discarded the other governor in the race - Kasich - and decided to rally behind a new guy - Marco. He looks like a nice guy. I used to think he's a nice guy, but he's a guy who looks like the perfect candidate for a Good Humor ice cream ad. In the days since the last debate, he's been routinely embarrassing himself, showing that he has the temperament of a petulant four-year old. His donors, no doubt the same people who are staring at the ideological tree trunk, pushed him to attack the front runner. Well, guess what? Those attacks make him look and sound like a spoiled brat.

He's ridiculing the Alpha candidate. He's not attacking the Alpha candidate's platform or policies. He's talking about physical aspects and the spray-on tan. It's embarrassing to have this man running around saying he wants to be president.

As rough-around-the-edges as the Alpha male in this fight might be, at least he has the capacity to act like a reasonable adult. He showed that in South Carolina and on Super Tuesday when he held press conferences. Not only did he act like a reasonable adult, even detractors in the media said he looked and sounded presidential.

Still, these arrogant ideologues are foisting their choice on America through well-funded Super PACs.

Rubio's super PAC is Conservative Solutions led by J. Warren Tompkins. He and his buddy Chris Mottola brought us two versions of the Bush family, ending with Hank Paulson and the economic debacle of the mid-2000s. Thanks a lot, guys.

Then they offered up the milquetoast of John McCain for president in 2008, against Barack Obama. That was an embarrassment. Whatever fire McCain once had has been sublimated by immersion in the Washington cesspit.

And now they're working hard to undermine Trump's candidacy so they can bring us more of the same.

The super PACs are out there spreading outright lies and half-truths - like the one about Trump banning disabled vets from Trump Tower. Not true, folks.

Trump asked the city to move street vendors, some of whom had disabled vet permits, from the sidewalk in front of his property. Instead, the ad makes it sound as if Trump barred the doors and prevented disabled vets from the building itself.

There are other lies, but the volume of the hate-filled ads shows the desperation of the Right-wing establishment. Now they're trotting Mitt Romney out of the closet to blast Trump in another hate-filled dissertation. To me, it looks like desperation.

What's astonishing to me, and to others who are paying attention to this, is that these self-righteous arrogant bloated egos don't see what they're doing.

The American people are the ones who are called out in the Founding documents. We The People, as I've said before, isn't just an idea or words on a piece of parchment. It's bigger than an idea - it's an ideal, and it's what the Founders promised: a government of, for and by the people.

Rich Lowry, George Will, Erick Erickson and all the other arrogant pinheads give lip service to the Founders but their actions shout that it isn't about the Founders or the dream the Founders had for a United States of America. Instead, it's all and only about them, about power.

As I see it, one of three things can come of this:

1) The Republican party will shatter like a mirror dropped from the top floor of Trump Tower. It will break along factional lines - The People who support Trump and those who don't.

Rich Lowry & Co., and by that it's all inclusive of everyone who is bucking what the people want for themselves, will hold their control of our government. They will put a person into the White House who is a puppet - an empty suit, just as George Bush I and George Bush II were empty suits and just as Barack Obama is an empty suit, owned by George Soros, Warren Buffet and the left.

2) The American people will rise up and push Trump into the White House. The Republican Establishment will have apoplexy and implode (God! Do I hope that happens!!!). We'll have four years of a real representative democracy - as the Founders intended.

If that first four years is successful - if Trump does at least some of what he's said he'll do - we could get eight years and a lot of forward movement toward what this country should be but isn't because of policies pushed and enacted through puppetry.

3) Rich Lowry & Co. will, by virtue of their resistance, turn off the people they need to get a right-wing candidate into the White House and we'll end up with at least four-years of George Soros and Warren Buffet fronted by Hilliary Clinton.

I'll say it right here and right now: If Trump is not the nominee of the Republican party come summer, I will not vote in November. There won't be any point in voting in November and I am genuinely willing to wager my life that a lot of other people will feel the same and will stay home, giving the left a de facto win because I will NOT vote for someone I don't believe in.

If Rich Lowry & Co. want to destroy the United States of America, they are on the right path. They are doing a fine job of it with Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush and the other sock puppets.

I believe in Donald Trump. I do not think he's perfect. I do not think he's as self-serving as he's being made out. I do think that he's honest and that he does want to make America Great again.

For what it's worth, that's my take on it this morning.

Have a wonderful day.


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