Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I'm Voting for Trump and Here's Why

Some babe (Nicole Sinclair) went on Yahoo News the other day and proclaimed that 'Americans aren't miserable enough to vote for Donald Trump'.

This bothers me because I am. I am an American. I am miserable, and I am voting for Donald Trump. So she's wrong on all three counts.

I guess she's not paying attention.

Trump is leading in the delegate count thus far, and he's ahead in the polls in Michigan - which votes today, and in Florida and Ohio - which vote next Tuesday. He has won twelve states (as of this writing) to Cruz's six to Marco's two. People are voting for him by the millions. I suspect they're miserable, too.

I guess she doesn't realize that if we voters aren't fed up with business as usual and the status quo, people wouldn't be signing up to vote in the numbers that have been showing up to vote. In some states, voter registration and participation is up by twenty and thirty percent. Some places, it's more than that, and he wouldn't be leading.

It makes me wonder. Has she, somehow, spoken to millions of the people who have voted for Trump and gotten into their psyches enough to understand why? I doubt it.

Is she the Oracle at Delphi in this election, tapped into the minds and hearts of the people who have stood in line to caucus or vote for Trump? I don't think so. She hasn't talked to me or tapped into my mind or soul.

Yet she, and a whole bunch of other presumptuous talking heads are making the rounds of the news shows and networks telling 'everyone' why I and others like me are doing what we're doing. And the networks are lapping it up.

This kind of stuff, in case you haven't noticed, really winds my clock.
When I write here I am clear and specific that this is my opinion. When I do offer a sweeping statement that might involve others, which is rare, I am clear that I am guessing or presuming.

This dame didn't have the decency to do that. And she's not alone.

These know-it-alls make the rounds of TV and the interweb (I tumbled across this on Twitter) and presume to speak for us. To tell others why and how we're thinking, feeling and doing.

When someone says 'We think...' or 'They feel...' or make any other sweeping 'We' or 'They' declaration about blocs of people they don't know, that is offensive to me. Since I wasn't directly consulted, how can they know what's in my mind or heart? At best, it's annoying.

For the record (so I can point back at this next time some idiot gets out there and declares they know what's in my mind and heart), this is why I'm voting for Donald Trump:

He may be a loud-mouthed boor, but he is a loud-mouth boor with a message for America: he wants to see her be what she used to be. He wants to see her Great again. I want that, too.

He wants us to be strong again because we'll be safer. I want that, too.

He wants us to be sovereign again - with borders that mean something and a real nation that doesn't let all and sundry just walk in when they feel like it. I do, too.

He wants immigrants - but he wants them to come here legally, through a vetting process so we know who they are, what they want and why they want it. I do, too.

As a citizen-voter, I want someone who is not beholden, in debt to, or outright owned by the Donor Class that have run this country since the 1980's. He isn't.

When Ted Cruz stands up and proclaims he's the only viable candidate for president, look at his coattails. Look at who's funding his campaign. He has not one, not two or three, but four Super Pacs paying for his run for office. That is four groups of money men to whom he will owe huge debts when this is all over. $39M in debt - and that's just to March. What's his debt load going to be like come June?

What do you suppose is going to happen if Cruz is elected? Do you think he'll just brush these people off, say, 'Sorry, now that I'm here, I don't need you and you no longer own me.' They will own him - lock, stock, barrel, ethics and morals - and there will be nothing he can do about it until the day he dies.

It's the same for Marco and Kasich. All of them are running their campaigns on other rich people's money - and that comes not just with strings, but with chains.

I am sick to death of politics as usual. We have had twenty-five years of it since Reagan left office, and look where it's gotten us.

From 'no new taxes' and a long line of bad deals for America from George I, to Billy-Jeff who brought us the repeal of one of the most crucial financial laws in history.

George II who's daddy and donors bought the election in 2000 and who, in collusion with Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich and the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999 destroyed the American economy, bringing about the housing crisis and Wall Street implosion, fomented and perpetuated by Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke - tools of the donor class.

To Obie-One who has done nothing to uphold and defend the Constitution. The man who shoved Obamacare down our throats even though we were screaming we didn't want it. The same one who has made America a Northern State of Mexico by his lack of intelligence on immigration and understanding of what it does when good wage earners suddenly have to compete for jobs with low wage earners.

We used to be the country much of the world looked up to. Yes, they looked up to us and shook their fists, but that's almost always the case when you're top dog in something. Like the rabble shaking their fists at Trump right now.

We used to be strong. We used to be vibrant. We were the world leader in business and economics. Now, as a world player, as an economy, we are on our deathbed.

With companies moving off-shore - to Mexico and Vietnam and Thailand and China and India - our economy is no longer vibrant.

With half the population either not working or on government assistance because they're unemployed, under-employed or just flat out can't find work, our economy is dying.

Jobs that people used to be proud of don't exist in the vast numbers they used to. Now, if you're lucky, you have a job. Because of Obamacare and the burden it put on employers, many full-time jobs are now less than full-time. Perhaps, due to the employer's need, it's only twenty-hours per week and split between two people. Otherwise, it's probably only part-time - less than thirty hours per week. Heck, if you're lucky, maybe it's a job that pays enough for you to support yourself without having to live in a crap area or an apartment. But I can pretty much guarantee that if you have changed jobs in the past eight years, you're salary probably didn't go up.

Wage earners have seen real salary impacts from the Donor Class via the Political Class in this country. We get up every day and we go to work everyday and we work hard everyday and, for what? For about twenty or thirty percent less than we made eight or ten years ago.

Is this America? Is this what we want? To live on the brink of poverty while the fat cats lick the cream and drive this country into the ground?

Because that is what I see happening, that is why I am desperate for something new.

Trump says 'make America great again!' I think he means it.

Trump says 'build the wall'. I think he means it, and when he does, when that wall goes up, American workers will no longer be competing against cheap labor. The pool of available workers will shrink almost overnight because if an illegal from Mexico is working here, commuting back and forth across the border at will, s/he'll no longer be able to do that. Many will go home and stay there.

Then, the 'crap jobs no American wants' will stand vacant and companies will have to fill them. They'll start by offering crap wages, because that's what they've gotten away with. BUT! When no one steps up to fill that job, the employer will have to rethink, will have to offer more money to try to entice people to apply.

Younger workers - teenagers and those just getting started - will suddenly have opportunities they haven't had in nearly two decades.

The available workforce will shrink, because all of the illegals aren't here to fill the gaps. This will lead companies to compete to hire and retain the best people by paying a decent wage. Fringe benefits - remember those? - may re-emerge as part of employment packages.

We didn't used to be viewed as weak or poor or naive on the world stage. We used to be seen as a driving force, a powerhouse of research and development, new technology development and innovation. We're not like that any more.

I used to feel good about being an American. I used to be proud of my country.

I don't any more, not as I once did.

It's almost all gone now, thanks to Bush I and II, Billy-Jeff and Obie-One.

For two-and-a-half decades the politicians and donor class, the media riding in their back pockets have been telling us lie after lie, slanted and shaded to make us sheeple ashamed of who we were in the world.

We 'need' open borders (immigration crisis and the job market overrun with cheap foreign labor).

We 'need' to make housing more affordable for all ('ninja' loans and the housing bubble, the Wall Street debacle when people given loans who should never have qualified couldn't repay the loans they accepted).

We 'need' nationalized healthcare (Obamacare and millions upon millions of people either unable to afford healthcare because their wages didn't keep up, or with plans they don't like and doctors they don't trust - despite the promises to the contrary. Millions upon millions of people criminalized by their government because they can't afford premiums and don't qualify for subsidies).

We 'need' clean energy (the coal communities and industry killed; millions upon millions of jobs lost).

That's where we are now, and I don't like it. I don't like it one little bit and if it means that we have to blow this country apart so we can rebuild it, I'm ready. I am damned good and ready, along with millions of other people who think as I do.

Trump may not be the Savior we need. He might not succeed. We might be too far gone to recover but, by God, I am willing to take the chance on him because sure as I'm breathing, no one else can.

Think about it.


Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhilippaStories

1 comment:

  1. "He may be a loud-mouthed boor" says it all. He is ignorant, aggressive, racist and generally intolerant. Just the sort of person the world needs with his finger on the nuclear trigger.

    Think again, indeed.
