Sunday, October 11, 2015

True Confessions.

After heaving a heavy sigh and deciding to just toss this out there, knowing I am not alone in this, I'm going to admit something personal. I have skin tags and warts.

Yeah, yeah, I know I'm not alone. Many people (most people?) have the same things, so it's not like I'm weird or anything. Not in this department, anyway. The problem is what to do about them.

I Googled and read and Googled and read and thought and Googled and... For about a week. I wanted to find a holistic solution. Thought about it, and finally decided to give it a try. Now I just have to see what happens because this is Day One of the Great Experiment.

What I found by Googling is that there are a number of different options. I'm going the apple cider vinegar route. Mostly because I have a gallon jug of ACV in the pantry - which means I only had to buy the cotton balls and first aid tape. And I think it smells better than the banana peel solution (yes, Virginia, there is a banana peel solution to skin tags).

I've just applied the first dressings on two places. I have more, but if this is going to cause irritation / swelling / soreness, I'd really like to limit the damage, so I'll start small and work up. No pain, yet, although one internet site I read mentioned that the ACV can sting. Maybe in a couple of days, after the tissue starts to break down? We'll see.

In the meantime, I have hope, because this is sure as shootin' less expensive than, and so far, anyway, less painful than the dermatology cryo process. I've done that, too, and that stings. Or it burns, if they use heat to get rid of them.

There's my big confession. Isn't that exciting? Yeah, I know. Bo-rrrring.

Okay, here's another one: I'm supposed to dust the house today, but I'm not going to. I'm going to write, instead.

See, hubby has reached the point of wanting to de-junk the house, and that's great. But if we're going to de-junk, why should I spend time moving the thousands of pieces of junk we have around so I can dust if in a few weeks or so the junk will be gone and I won't have to move it to dust? Logical, right? Thanks. I think so.

And, yes, that's an exaggeration. We don't have 'thousands' of junk pieces. It just seems like it. I've started a box, and I'm putting things into it as I go.

Like the African carved masks - the tourist junk that my in-laws brought home from a vacation. Somehow they ended up in my bathroom, which used to be MIL's bathroom before she had her stroke and had to be moved downstairs.

Two of the ugliest things I've ever seen, but there they were. Until I took them down and put them in the box. Then I put up a picture I took of Moraine Lake up in Alberta.

Much nicer.

I'm still picking away at the clutter, so I feel a bit righteous. Because I feel righteous (a tiny bit), I've decided that instead of dusting, I'm going to write and get onto NaNoWriMo. Which is confusing to me, but I'll get there in a minute - and connect with my writing buddy who's off with friends for the weekend.

I signed up for NaNoWriMo last week. Then I logged off and went about life. Then I logged on but can't do anything. Apparently because I haven't got anything posted. Which is weird. I'm supposed to upload an extract from a book I haven't started yet, which isn't supposed to get started until next month, but... It's confusing.

So, I'll start the story today and upload the first thousand words or so. And I'll upload the cover I've designed.

Except, it's now almost six hours since I wrote that last sentence. Hubby came and pulled me away, to start clearing out the clutter and de-junking the house.

I'm exhausted, and elated. Among everything I found a picture - the last picture I have of my mom and dad together, taken only about three months before he passed. I remembered it. I knew I had it. I just didn't know where, until today.

I miss them so much, and to have found this picture is... heaven because it's how I remember them, together.

So there is happiness to be found in clearing out clutter. I just spent six hours at it, and this is my reward. Along with a slightly less cluttered house. Although, truth to tell, since so much came from drawers and closets and cabinets, it's hard to see a real difference. Next pass, though, since the cabinets and closets and drawers are done.

Now, though, I'm bushed. And I am not going to get started on cooking my chile verde tonight. it's five o'clock, my feet hurt from standing and walking and standing and walking for six hours.

I hope you have a lovely day, and that some special image comes to mind.


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