Monday, January 4, 2016

Now This Is Interesting

I don't begin to pretend that I'm smart or a brain trust or anything. I am just a single individual who grazes across the plain of news, turning this and that into something and then exploring it. Then I spew it onto the virtual page and express myself.

Most of these entries are simple and quiet, like the letters I used to write to my Mom. News of the day, little goings on and so forth.

Some are more 'explosive' in that they are based on something that lit a fire under me. Like yesterday's post, and some of the posts I've written about economics and politics.

Yesterday I commented on Putin having a pair, probably something like these, if you were to ask him:

I think The Donald's would match given how much chutzpah the two of them persistently exhibit.

Both say and do stupid things and keep on going without looking back. Neither will apologize or back down, which is why I think the two of them would probably not like one another but would, when push comes to shove, respect one another as worthy opponents.

On the other hand, Obie-One doesn't have a pair of those. Well, okay. He would probably say he does but I don't believe it given his reaction to anything that requires a response with resolve.

Like that red line he drew in Syria. The one where he said that if Assad used his chemical weapons on the Kurds we would do "something". In exchange, Assad did and we didn't. A blatant sign of weakness.

Or like his "negotiations" with Iran in which he gave away every last thing but the recipe and equipment for making a nuke. Another sign of blatant weakness (the result of leading from behind).

Or any of the other in-your-face events of the past eight years on which he has either turned his back or laid down. However, giving him the benefit of the doubt, if he does have any, they probably look something like:

See? Non-existent because he hasn't any that can be found without a scanning electronic microscope.

That's why Iran is firing missiles and promoting terrorists and we're doing nothing. It's why we did nothing whatsoever after Benghazi or Fort Hood or any of the other attacks perpetrated upon American citizens by foreign actors. Law enforcement stepped in and took care of the Boston Marathon bombers and took out the San Bernardino shooters, but Obie One stood there, sucking his thumb and fondling the void between his legs while the cops did their job. Which is why I say he has none.

With all of what I've written in the past couple of weeks, about Donald and Putin and Obie-One and so on, I went and looked at my blog stats yesterday because there has been a spike in page views. That was interesting, so I looked to see where they're coming from.

Huh. As of yesterday afternoon Russia showed up with ninety-one views in the past week, and China showed up with twenty-two views. Germany, thirty-two and a scattering of views from other places.

Is this because I'm such a fascinating individual, so well read, well informed and erudite that nations are waiting breathless for my next expulsion? I hardly think so. But it is interesting to know that I am hitting something someplace. Whether it's a Vlad Filter or something else, this is being at least looked at.

Come on, Vlad! Step in and take over the Middle East. We won't stop you. We haven't the spine to try. Think of all that oil just waiting for you there. You think the Crimea has gas and oil? That's nothing! That's child's play compared to Saudi Arabia and Iraq and Iran and Kuwait and the rest of it.

Europe will scream bloody murder, but they're in no position to do anything about it. They're all tied up in their own cluster-fuck designed by their own inept approach to immigration and assimilation.

All those Muslims in Europe? Most are no doubt law-abiding and wanting to be there but we all know that some, probably a goodly proportion, are Jihadists waiting for a light. Remember Paris back in November? Those Muslim migrants are still invoking Shari'a law and perpetrating 'honor killings' and mutilating their women, and the Europeans are doing squat about it. So they won't look up from what they're doing to do more than protest if you send a real, honest-to-God force into Syria.

Besides, if you and your army does wipe out the Middle East, we'll at least be dealing with the devil we know v. the devil we don't. We'll be dealing with someone with whom we can (probably) negotiate rationally because it won't involve religious fanaticism.

You might not like us, and I frankly don't blame you given the weak sissies we have running this whorehouse, but I'd rather see you deal with those nut jobs head-on rather than continue watching the 'Aw, shucks, guys. Knock it off, wouldja?' approach of this administration and its minions.

Hell, enough strong words and a few shakes of your fist and most of the UN will cave because they're as weak as water, too.

So how about it? You up to that challenge? And, while you're at it, you can wipe the floor with ISIS or ISIL or whatever IS** those vermin are going by this week. Clean 'em up, clear 'em out, wipe 'em from the face of the Earth because we'd appreciate that. We're not up to it. We're sitting here doing the ol' Jackie Gleason 'huminah, huminah, huminah' and fumbling. You know, Obie-One and Hilliary and Herman might be so grateful they'll give you the keys to this kingdom.

You game? I'll be watching.


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