Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Writers are Funny Critters...

Writers are funny critters.  Over on Authonomy ( the drama sometimes makes a girl's boarding school seem staid and dignified.  Other times, it gets as stuffy as the book room in White's Club (as I imagine it would be since women - ladies or not - are prohibited from its hallowed halls).

There was a fabulous kerfuffle over on Authonomy recently.  One member accused another member of various nefarious deeds and, for a few days, it was like a cockfight across the internet.  Feathers flew and it isn't hard for me to imagine one or both leaping to their feet at some gross post by the opponent, shrieking like a banshee and rending their garments.

Hmm.  I wonder if face paint was used...  Kind of like Mel Gibson in 'Braveheart'.  Now there is a smokin' hot man!  But I digress...

To the best of my knowledge (which is none since I wasn't actually in the room with either of them), no blood was drawn.

It can make things interesting for the observers who enjoy cage fighting, but horribly uncomfortable for everyone else, so I'm glad the tempest died down and the cover is back on the teapot.  Now, though, there are warnings rampant across the site - which is unfortunate because they really shouldn't be needed.  Civility and decorum should be assumed, but they're not.  They can't be when one person gets heated and starts tossing fire bombs and hand grenades at another who then retaliates in kind.

It's like that in so many places anymore.  Although there are still areas where good manners are inherent, most of the time when you're out and about you can be certain of rude or intrusive behavior if / when you interact with a stranger.  It's so sad and unnecessary.  How hard is it, after all, to say 'you first', 'pardon me', 'sorry' or just a toss-off apology for the sake of good manners?  When you do that around here you're either gawked at like you sprouted a second head or ignored.

In California if someone bumps into you when you're in the grocery or on the sidewalk, neither party will say a word.  Heck, they won't even look at you.  It's been that way for years - since I can remember.

Great true story:  Maybe fifteen years ago I was up in Eugene, Oregon, visiting my parents. I had gone shopping with my extended family who had gathered for a family-reunion.  In one of the stores I was passing behind a young man - probably in his early twenties - who looked like a refugee from a homeless shelter.  Just as I got behind him, he stepped back, bumping into me.  His head came up, whipped around with a look of surprise, and an immediate, automatic, "Excuse me" was murmured.  I was so shocked I stared for a moment before murmuring, 'no problem' or something similar.

Okay, okay, stop laughing you Brits and/or Brit expats!  It's a linguistic difference.  'Excuse me' here is not cover for a rude bodily expulsion.  It is the American equivalent of 'Sorry' or 'Pardon me'.  Like pissed there is drunk while here it means anything between irritated and angry.

The good news over at Autho is that with the lid back on it, folks can now get back to what they should be doing: writing, reading, reviewing, commenting - or just perusing and participating in some of the threads where there is friendly competition.

Like the Flash Fiction thread where people post flash stories (like 'Chet' that I put up here the other day) based on a prompt and then, after entries are closed on Saturday, anyone who wants to - whether they posted a story or not, can vote.  No prizes, except that little ego boost when someone votes for your story.  Just a bit of peer recognition and a chance to flex the wings a bit.

Speaking of which, I just peeked.  This week's prompt is "Good / Bad Day in the City".  Sorry, I've got to run because my Muse is whispering...

Have a lovely day!


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