You would think at the ripe old age of... I would know better. But I don't, obviously, because if I did I wouldn't do what I did and wouldn't be wide awake at two o'clock, straining to fall asleep until three-thirty when I finally caved and got up.
That was yesterday, after just one glass of wine too many. No hangover, per se, no queasy stomach or sick feeling, but a smashing sinus headache.
Now that could have been a change in weather, some front or pressure system or other coming through. Or it could be the allergies. This year they are horrendous because of the rain and the growth and the pollen. But, because I drank one glass of wine too many Monday night the result was misery, and that has me wondering. I know better so why do I do it?
My nose and lips had reached numb - the warning sign that I've had enough - but when hubby offered me a little more (stupid me!) I held out my glass instead of being sensible.
It's like eating. I love to eat even though I know what's enough, when I've had enough, but I still tend to eat more than I should. Which is one benefit to taking my lunch every day. At least then I can control the portion size.
Yesterday morning, though, deciding that my about-to-explode head might feel better if I got up at three-thirty and ate something, I had a flour tortilla with some left over meat and rice from my experiment with stuffed peppers this weekend (they're pretty good). I hadn't gotten around to putting the extra into the freezer (where it now resides) for next time, so I made a taco. Which did seem to help, along with the coffee (caffeine). I did feel better but at ten past four, with my first alarm set to go off in twenty minutes, I wondered.
Do I turn off that first alarm and go to bed and try to sleep until the second alarm at five-thirty? Or do I just stay up, knowing that because I didn't sleep last night I'm going to be extra tired tonight?
Sometimes I wish I was so well off I could just let my circadian rhythm drive my sleep patterns. It would be so easy since my tendency is to have my sleep pattern want to shift. Some nights I'll be sleepy and wanting to go to bed at seven o'clock. Other nights I'm wide awake and ready to party at eleven.
But I'm not that well off, so I sat there, feeling better and thinking 'maybe I could get some more sleep...' What the heck, I decided to try and...
Yup, going back to bed was a good thing. I wasn't sure it was when the alarm went off at six, but I forced myself out of bed. First thing was to take a shower, putting the kibosh on just going back to bed. I still wasn't thrilled with life and things when I got dressed but a couple of hours later, I felt good. I did sleep, by the way. Not the full hour and a half, but about forty or forty-five minutes, so it helped.
At work I was able to focus and pay attention, got things done. All afternoon I still had energy to get through the day so it's all good. And I DIDN'T drink last night. Even if hubby had offered me temptation I wouldn't. The sinus headache came and went all day but I think that the wine made it worse than it would have been.
Now, is this a lesson I can take with me? Yes. Will I? Probably not, knowing me. But I will try because I really do not want to keep waking up in the middle of the night feeling miserable and like my head would feel better if it just exploded and got it over with.
And, for the record, when I got home last night, hubby and I stuck to water while we watched some of the Nevada election stuff. I fell asleep on the sofa around eight o'clock. Hubby woke me at nine when the results started coming in, and I was in bed by nine-thirty and slept until five-thirty this morning and I still feel like I could sleep more.
Meaning that because of a few glasses of wine night before last, I am still all screwed up. I don't know that I'll stay away from it, so I won't swear or promise, but I will try.
Have a wonderful day!
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