Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Brainiacs in a Vacuum

That's what they sound like if you read the bitching, moaning and whining about Donald Trump from the so-called 'pundits' in Washington about the current election cycle.

Bill Kristol hates him. George Will hates him. Erick Erickson hates him. And the list goes on - boring in its sameness.

These people say to the rest of us 'we are the Conservatives and you should listen to us.'

I want to know, 'who died and appointed you God?'

These people say 'Donald Trump is not a Conservative because...' Pick your reason (it's all crap by the way).

I demand to know, 'who died and appointed you sole arbiter of what makes a Conservative'?

Is it any wonder the American people are disgusted with Washington?

These 'insiders', and others like them who have written for the National Review, the Weekly Standard and all of the other inside the Washington Beltway political rags, are so brain dead that they don't see the writing on the wall. They have sucked all of the oxygen out of their rarefied little enclave. They are in the last stages of intellectual asphyxiation and don't even recognize the symptoms.

Symptom 1: Iowa. Even Ted Cruz talking about eliminating corn subsidies and the ethanol mandate won the state. Republicans had higher voter turn-out there than the Democrats (180,000 to 171,109, respectively). Cruz was first and Trump was a solid second.

Symptom 2: New Hampshire. Donald Trump blew out the "palatable" candidates - Kasich, Rubio and Bush.

Symptom 3: South Carolina. Donald Trump won forty-four of forty-six counties. The "homeboy" Jeb! got next to zero support despite being the "Establishment" darling and the one candidate these inside the beltway Zombies thought was going to win everything.

Symptom 4: Entrance polling from Nevada. The electoral - the sheeple - are pissed off, fed up, disgusted, angry, you name it. They cast their ballots yesterday and Trump walked away with a twenty point lead over the second place finisher, Marco Rubio.

We, the American people, are shouting at the Washington Zombies: we do not want you to tell us who we should vote for. We are not children. We can and do think for ourselves and we do not want politics as usual.

So now, what do you suppose these brainiacs are saying? They want a third party. They won't support the Republican nominee chosen by the People.

What does this say about them, about their character, their belief in the Founding Principles and Documents - the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights they have purported to support and hold dear all these years? How about:

That, right there is what it says. They are empty suits. They have no honesty. They have no integrity. They have no values. They have no character. They have and they are nothing.

If they don't get their way, if they don't agree with what the citizens of this country want in place of what we're told to want, they act like spoiled babies. They'll pick up their marbles and go elsewhere.

Well, I've got news for them. They don't drive this country as much as they like to think they do. Neither does the donor class of which they are fringe members.

We the People is far more than just words on a piece of parchment. It is an idea and an ideal, and it is coming home to roost.

We the People are fed up - utterly and completely - with the crap and nonsense flowing out of Washington. We have put up with it for thirty years, since Ronald Reagan, and we are done.

We the People did not want Obamacare - but it was shoved down our unwilling throats by the Washington Elites and by Congress. This is payback.

We the People do not like the lies and cover-ups and constant scandals that flow through Washington DC like a river of sewage. This is payback.

Although we're supposed to be 'tired' of hearing about Benghazi, I can tell you I'm not. I don't think many others in this country are, either. I think we know precisely what was done.

Hilliary Clinton and her boss got in over their heads with Libya. When the shit hit the fan they didn't have the first clue what to do and didn't have the brains God gave a chicken to figure it out. They left people to die even though there were others there in country, on the ground and willing to risk it all to save those in the embassy.

When it was all over, with four men dead and others badly wounded, they circulated through the morning shows and pumped up a lie about a stupid video. For days they passed that around, hoping we the people would be just as stupid as they are. But we weren't. We demanded answers so Congress held hearings. In those, the left stonewalled and whitewashed and covered up, just as they always do and the right caved, just as it always does.

Nothing happened, and that pisses me and a lot of other people off. This is payback.

Now we've got the e-mail server mess. Most of the country is paying attention, praying for an indictment or at least a series of subpoenas to move the investigation forward, but it's being stonewalled again.

Trump has said that he will go after Hilliary big time if he's elected. This is payback.

What is going to be sweet music to me and to others who think like me is Trump going after Hilliary. He will be unrelenting, and she will go down in flames because it will all come out.

Comey will wait. Honestly, I think that is why the FBI seems to be dragging its feet. They have enough to pin her to the wall for the rest of her life. I know they do - just based on what's been talked about in the media. But he won't request an indictment. Not yet, because if no crime has been named, if Hilliary doesn't stand formally accused of anything, Obie-One has no grounds for a pardon. She'll be vulnerable - a sitting duck and it is going to be a beautiful day in America when that lights up.

So Bill and Erick and George and all the rest, get over yourselves. You are not at all important or even that interesting out here.

Have a lovely day out in the hinterlands - it's where the real people live.


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