This is Peeves, my fall-guy butler. Whenever something annoys me, Peeves steps in and helps hie the intruder off into the night.
I don't often call upon him, but we all have those occasional visitors, those things that
annoy us and set our teeth on edge.
For me, advertising is dangerous
ground and Peeves spends time hovering at my shoulder. Some ads are clever or downright funny.
Some are sweet and make me well up every single time I see them:
The vast majority are just bothersome or annoying (no worries, I won't offer any of those). There are some, though, that are so nerve-setting-on-edge that they, in my opinion, violate the Geneva Conference's
stipulations against cruel and unusual treatment.
One, in particular, makes me want to
take the creator of the ad, tie him to a chair inside a soundproof room, and
run this nightmare of an ad on an
endless loop until he goes insane. Then,
I want to take him on that chair and drop him into a tank of starving pirhanas
(they’re smaller so it would take longer than sharks). Seriously, this ad makes me crazy! It creates an earworm that is
impossible to get rid of for hours.
This nightmare of an ad came on last night. Hubby and I were sitting in the dining room having dinner. It took hubby about seven seconds to get from the table to the remote in the other room (where the TV was on for MIL). It was two seconds before I, literally, plugged my ears and starting la-la-la-ing to block the noise of it. Still, this morning, I had the refrain of it in my head.
What’s the ad, you ask? I warn you,
it is HORRIBLE – every single kind of HORRIBLE but, if you insist…
What do I find objectionable? That HORRIBLE jingle for one. I can look away from the saccharine kids who annoy me, but even in another room that jingle follows me and then stays with me for hours. I don't know what it is, why it is, but it does and it is and I want to torture the creator of this thing with it.
For my money, even if I had money to donate to charity, this ad and others like it (this group specializes in the worst ads known to man) would guarantee that this charity wouldn't get a cent from me. St. Jude's, yes. Boys and Girls Clubs, yes. Big Brothers/Big Sisters, yes. Not this, never, ever, ever in a million-billion years this because it annoys me so much.
Before you do anything else, I suggest you wash that terrible brain-eating ear worm out by playing some really
loud AC/DC or Aerosmith or Iron Butterfly. In-a-god-a-da-vida might work. Me? I play classical
music – ‘Eine Kleine Nachtmusik’ usually does it, or the last movement of Beethoven's Ninth.
Take your pick - here's Iron Butterfly:
And here's the fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth (the 'Ode to Joy' and what I consider to be THE best, most brilliant piece of music ever written - just about guaranteed to give you chills if you sit back, close your eyes and just listen to all of it). Oh, and fair warning about this: Beethoven was a genius but he was deaf when he wrote this. There are some quiet spots that are a bit hard to hear, but there are also some REALLY blow-out-your speaker sections so put the volume in the mid-range and don't be tempted to turn it up to catch those quiet bits or you will blow your speakers, your eardrums and the neighbor's windows:
And, now that I've created an earworm and helped eradicate it (or not), I'm going to take Peeves and head out for work. Have a lovely day!
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Commercial earworms are the worst. Head on apply it the for head.