Ah! Discretion.
It's part of growing up, isn't it? Rhetorical question. It is and it is welcome.
You see, I started writing this post about room deodorizers. I hate the things. There's nothing worse because the vast majority of people who use them, don't know how to use them properly.
If there's a bad odor they grab that can and spray half of it into the room - not knowing or thinking that just two brief spritzes will do the trick better. It doesn't cover the smell immediately so they use more and then walk away, thinking they've taken care of the problem.
Unfortunately, they create a new problem because there is drift and, I am sorry to announce this publicly, but there is nothing worse than flower flavored bathroom odor.
One is awful, two... I shiver in disgust thinking about it, and I had a situation yesterday that I began writing about here and then I realized I had to stop or tread on someone's feelings.
So I'll stop. I'll be good and kind and leave it at this: If you own room deodorizer, go easy on it. One or two quick spritzes and a closed door for a few minutes will take care of most problems. Do not fill the air with mist that drifts and affects everyone else in the space you share. And, if you do insist on spraying something disgusting, please use Lysol instead. The scent of flowery bathroom odors is foul whereas the combination of Lysol and bathroom odor is simply unpleasant.
Okay. Enough about that.
Yesterday was weird. I got a new workstation at my desk so that I can remotely connect my laptop through it and more efficiently connect through our wireless network to our main network servers that are down the street. Allegedly, the desktop workstation is more powerful than the laptop so the wireless connection will be stronger.
This came about because of that MS Project file I've nattered on about before. Each week a bunch of people get together in the conference room and we review the schedule. I run the program on my laptop. A couple of times in the past few weeks, the file has locked up and I lost data. The error message that came up each time showed that my laptop had 'suffered' a temporary disconnect from the wifi network. IT posits that it's because the laptop isn't powerful enough and the connection through the wifi isn't strong enough.
Whatever. They brought the new tower down the other evening and hooked it up. Today will be the test of the remote desktop. I open the file on my workstation at my desk, which is supposed to have a better, stronger wifi connection than my laptop and then sit in the conference room with a remote connection from my laptop to the workstation and run it from there.
Honestly? I'm not sure about this because we're still dealing with wifi - from the plant server room down the street to my desktop, and then from my desktop to my laptop. Instead of one wireless linkage, I'm now going to have two. Does anyone else see the danger in that?
I don't know. I guess I'll find out, but I don't know. At least IT sits in on these meetings, too, so perhaps they can troubleshoot if something does happen.
Anyway, I hate setting up new computers. All that configuring so they look the way I want them to look, work the way I want them to work. It's time consuming and, at times, frustrating.
I had to reset my Favorites and file locations and task bar icons. My printer driver isn't the right one so that needs fixing, which will happen today. I feel like such a whiner when something is missing, like the correct printer driver, and I have to raise my hand. Whatever. I need the driver, I'll raise my hand. Thank goodness they're nice guys who are used to it, and I buy their help because I do things for myself and help them out when I can.
Well, it's five-thirty and I've got things to do here. I get to change the cat box this morning and I'll bet you're jealous of that, right?
Have a lovely day!
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