Yesterday, I was stunned and I posted my surprise at finding 285
views of my blog, up astronomically from thirty views just the day
before. I mean, that’s a 950% increase, for God’s sake! Now I didn’t dwell on
that. I commented, as I do, wondering WTF. A few hours later, I checked back in, thinking it might have been a computer glitch that was fixed. Nope - up to 371 views which made me scratch my head harder.
A couple of days ago, and not long ago before that, I posted my thoughts and observations
about the stock and commodities markets. Hey, I’m an economic junkie. I find the markets and
market-makers, the manipulations and prestidigitation of the Central Banks
fascinating, scary and amusing. Kind of like a horror show being played out in
real life that means, when the thing crashes as it eventually will, the entire world’s
wealth will be wiped out and we, the people, will be left standing butt naked
and broke.
So, I commented on it. There's no sense worrying because when it happens, and it will happen, there's damn all I can do about it. In the meantime, I'll just sit by, watch it play out, comment and wait - just like a lot of other people.
I also wrote about the effects of Asian pollution and the
Fukushima mess, the effects on North America. Maybe that’s what it is. The
Greenies don’t like the fact that I think their swill is just that - the liquid
found in a milking barn during post-milking wash down. Sorry (not really, that’s
the British all-purpose sorry), but I don’t.
This planet has been a whole lot warmer than it is now -
which explains why there are trees under the snowpack on Greenland and signs of
the ocean in the California Central Valley and fossils of seashells found in
Utah. And it’s been a whole heck of a lot colder. Ever hear of the Ice Age? It’s
what carved Yosemite Valley, along with a lot of other places.
Then, while I was going through a pile of papers yesterday, sorting them out and trying to puzzle out the relationships, it struck me. Gol' durn - right there on Twitter. I had posted a link to Zero Hedge following my market-related drivel and, it seems, some people got curious about li'l ol' me and came to look in. That makes me smile. Both in pleasure - since a few, it seems, poked around a bit and looked at some of my other posts (and I hope they'll come back and visit, at least occasionally) - and in consternation.
I mean as much as I enjoy doing this little writing exercise every day, it isn't Earth shattering. It's not important to anyone but me, really, but the fact that I've had a few extra callers (like about 950% worth of extra callers!) makes me feel good.
Then, while I was going through a pile of papers yesterday, sorting them out and trying to puzzle out the relationships, it struck me. Gol' durn - right there on Twitter. I had posted a link to Zero Hedge following my market-related drivel and, it seems, some people got curious about li'l ol' me and came to look in. That makes me smile. Both in pleasure - since a few, it seems, poked around a bit and looked at some of my other posts (and I hope they'll come back and visit, at least occasionally) - and in consternation.
I mean as much as I enjoy doing this little writing exercise every day, it isn't Earth shattering. It's not important to anyone but me, really, but the fact that I've had a few extra callers (like about 950% worth of extra callers!) makes me feel good.
So there goes my theory that I had struck a nerve with someone. Shrug and shake my head is all I can do but, for those new visitors, here's my approach to what I do here:
If you like what I say, thank you. I'm pleased and gratified.
If you don’t like what I say, okay, you’re entitled. No hard feelings.
If you don’t like what I say, okay, you’re entitled. No hard feelings.
If you’re not sure what to make of it, that’s
okay. I understand because, sometimes, I just get silly and blather on without
any real purpose.
So, come on, baby! Keep reading and, hopefully, leave a
comment - a little nudge to let me know you’re there.
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