Thank you, everyone!
I looked at my blog stats yesterday and I've broken 1,000 views - which is a level I never really expected. Heck, to be entirely honest, I never even gave it a thought. I just hoped people would drop by and read, so this is a welcome surprise.
Now that's not a one day door-buster - it's cumulative since I started this in April, but it's still wonderful and exciting and I owe it all to you guys. Thank you!
I'm sitting here grinning as I wonder how long will it be before I break 2k?
I'm not greedy, really, but I don't think people would come back and re-visit if they aren't interested. Hell, I wouldn't, so I'm doubly gratified.
Which puts the pressure on.
Hmm. It does, doesn't it? If you get bored or tired or if I start harping on the same things it will get boring, for both of us. And I use that 'both of us' determinedly since I doubt you and a number of your bestest buds are all gathered around a single screen - it is decidedly a you and me moment when you drop by.
Well, in celebration, I'm going to share a few of my favorite pieces of happy party music - I hope you try at least one or two and enjoy them. One is familiar to everyone. It was used in a famous ad campaign. Another is just pure fun Country (I suspect it was a bus song when the band got bored and they ended up producing it since it's such a kick). Another is toe-tapping excitement and the last is simply sublime. They not even all classical! Yes, Virginia - I do have eclectic tastes in music. Dave Brubeck is in here. Dire Straits. Take a browse, take a chance. Maybe you'll like it, too.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy and take time to listen to one or two while you read on.
Naturally, delight in the results here is offset by the reality of life out there. That's just the way it always goes. It's not bad, it's just drudgery.
I had to get my oil changed today. I've been putting it off until I'm a couple of hundred past the 6,000 mile mark. Drat. There goes an hour or so of my Saturday. Blah, blah. Well, I'll go to the oil change place near Costco and get both things done, then I'll have the rest of my day and tomorrow.
HAH! It's time to get the transmission fluid changed. How much? $90. Well, I'm not well-off enough that I can blithely throw away $90 - needed or not. This requires consultation.
My husband doesn't answer the phone - he hates the thing and keeps it only in case he needs to call someone. Incoming calls go unanswered.
So, I've stopped to buy gas. Costco was still closed. I went to get the oil changed. Costco is open. I go to Costco, get the stuff and then I drive home.
"Oh, yeah, you should definitely do that." says my husband.
Great. Back to the oil change place.
When I got there the first time it was 9:00 in the morning and they were in the middle of working on the one car ahead of me. Great! By the time I got back the second time, the cars were stacked up like rush hour. Sat for an hour, resigned to fate.
The sun was hot. I finished the 18 oz bottle of water I carry everywhere I go. They offered another, different brand, same size. I accepted. Sat for another forty minutes. In the meantime, the thirty-six plus ounces of water I've imbibed are having their effect.
Suffice it to say I was in dire need of getting home by the time I pulled out of the oil change place. Ten minutes of white knuckled "get the hell outta my way!" followed.
Whew! Make it and then hubby comes along. "Gee, your car sure is dirty. Did you get a free car wash coupon? Maybe you should take yours over. Then you could do mine, too."
Okay, he's not dead. My response was actually quite mild. It's hot. I'm hot. I've just spent my entire Saturday morning dealing with car stuff and now he's suggesting I spend the afternoon, too? Uh, no.
I know I need to get it done. Heck, maybe if I do it'll rain again. After all I washed the windows on the car the other morning and we got rain. I'm just not that generous. Sorry, other Californians, it's my Saturday and I'll use it as I want to. Next weekend I'll get the cars washed. After all, it is both too much excitement for a single day and it gives me something to look forward to next Saturday morning. Early. Before the crowds show up.
This is the kind of day that makes me wish I was six again. The biggest problems then were who to play with, whether dinner is going to be icky (god! I still have horrid memories of tuna casserole congealing on my plate - scarred for life!), and whether that scrape on my knee is worth going home for the Bactine and a band-aid.
Oh well, I'm not six again. But I am grateful and amazed that my little blog has more than 1,000 views! Yay! Thank you!
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