I know I'm not alone in this: Doing something really dumb. Asinine, even.
Then, when I step back and gaze at my... result I think, often with a verbal WTF!??! Where did that come from?
Well, I've done it again. You would think I'm old enough to know better. It's not like I'm two or three or five or anything like it. I'm way past that, but it's like I fell back a few decades and... wham! Binky qualifier. (For non-'Muricans, binky = pacifier.)
It's stupid. It's petty and I'm embarrassed - but not too high and mighty to admit it. At least there's some consolation in that and, besides, maybe a bit of public self-flagellation will encourage me to think twice next time.
And there will be a next time. There always is, until we die and then who knows?
Maybe the Laughing Fates consign us to our worst Stupid Place for an epoch or two, just to teach us a lesson. Now that would be Hell. An extra little something for Dante? Or maybe he covered it (I never read his 'Inferno' so don't know. Just know about the Levels of Hell.)
As for the 'learning from it' part, probably not, knowing me, but I can always hope, right?
So here's the dope (the information, not me, per se, although I will admit that it does fit):
I got into a pissing contest with someone over something so stupid (please see yesterday's post for the link to a clip that covers that) and petty I can't believe it. Particularly now, after the dust has settled and cleared and I'm sitting here thinking WTF!??!
I'm smarter than that. I'm better than that and it really isn't helping to know that the other person involved is probably just as smart, just as 'better', and they joined right in. Like a couple of scrappy kids tussling over a toy in a playground. So effing stupid! And for what? To make a point? WHO CARES!????!!!
Why do people do this? Why? Could it be, just maybe, that this type of infantile behavior is the cause of wars?
Two smart grown-up people acting like backward two-year olds fighting over a toy is one thing, but when governments engage in the same thing, we end up with people being dead. And after my latest stupidity and some soul searching and contemplating,I'm left asking myself is that all it is? Is that kind of behavior the root cause of war? Stupidity? Abject, asinine, childish stupidity? Probably. It's as good a reason as any other.
So, Note To Self:
Stop Being Stupid.
Grow TF Up.
Pull Up Your Big Girl Pants And Get Over 'It' (whatever 'It', it happens to be).
Maybe I should emblazon that across my forehead. It would take up a lot of space, but it might be a worthwhile reminder. Nah. Knowing me, I'd get it backward... Tattoo it on wrong-way 'round and then I'd have people staring and squinting, turning their heads upside down to try and figure it out.
Okay. That's off my back, out of my hair and it's time to move forward. Hopefully it'll be a long while, a good long while, before I fall backward again.
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