Saturday, October 22, 2016

What is Wrong with America?

I am so angry, so frustrated and so disgusted by the descent of this country into a nation where there are two sets of rules - one for the rich and powerful, and a completely different set for the people who work hard, pay their taxes and play by the rules. WE, what little is left of the middle class, by our labor and effort, carry the rich and powerful on our backs.

For all those Elitists in Hollywood who look down their noses at people like me, or people who kind of think like me, we support you by going to see your movies. We support you by buying your music and watching your shows. Where do you get off looking down at us and sneering? Without us, without our money, you'd be broke and living on the streets. You would be homeless like so many of the men and women who have fought for those freedoms that allow you to spew hatred and crap like pus from a suppurating wound.

The same for the media and the Masters of the Internet - Google and Microsoft. If we could break our addiction to the drug you provide - the internet - you'd go broke in a week. But we can't. You own us and you know it and you sneer and smear and laugh.

Fine. Sometimes a dance with the devil is unavoidable, so we dance.

But! This corruption, the lies that are told and the evil that pervades our electoral process is so far removed from, so diametrically opposed to the intent of our Bill of Rights and Constitution - that I could almost (not quite, but almost) commit murder.

Saying it "infuriates" me doesn't even come close to how I really feel.

All across the news there are stories, Ed Snowden, Kristian Saucier, David Petraeus, John Deutch, Sandy Berger, Peter Van Buren and the list goes on and on and on, of people who have done nothing compared to what Hilliary has done. These people have been hammered, their lives ruined, imprisoned or not, their reputations have been trashed - and Hilliary gets a pass.

The latest I saw last night is that one of her attorneys "gave" our national secrets to China by using a compromised laptop. Files that were on her server have been found on that laptop, which has been proved to have been hacked by China. Files have been found on a server in Romania - and she gets a pass.

For months we kept hearing that James Comey "is a stand-up guy". Bull crap. He's as corrupt, as morally and ethically bankrupt, as soulless as Loretta Lynch and all the rest of the Washington insiders.

This leads me to ask: What the HELL is wrong with the people in this country?

Is there no one with a shred of honor, a speck of decency or moral fiber left? Why is this woman walking the street? Because she said, "I don't recall"? That's bull crap and we all know it.

There's a video that's been found, from 2010, where she's on tape telling her staff about cyber security. Now we all know that was a case of "do as I say, not as I do". But she doesn't recall.

If anyone else did any thing even remotely like what she's done, they'd be rotting in jail - and she's not.

Why are we, the citizens of this country, giving this woman a pass? Why are WE allowing her to get away with this? This is WRONG.

I am confident that if Donald Trump gets elected next month Hilliary will be toast next year - and about damned time as far as I'm concerned.

But what does all of this say about our country? What does it say about our morality and sense of right and wrong? More importantly, what message are we sending our kids? "Become powerful and you can do anything?" That's what it looks like from where I sit.

There is credible evidence that the Clintons have been involved in hurting people, perhaps even killing some. Just the Project Veritas videos prove that they will stop at nothing - even if it means children get pepper sprayed and people get beaten up and pelted with eggs. All that matters to Hilliary is getting elected - and the hell with everyone who gets in her way.

Why? On God's green Earth, why would anyone with a shred of decency or speck of a soul vote for someone like this?

Even if you think Donald Trump is a foul mouthed boor, mean and crass or anything else, that is NOTHING compared to what we know about Hilliary and her entourage. When has Donald Trump ever caused property damage, physical harm or threatened anyone? I've never heard that from the media - and we all know they would have used it, plastered the airwaves with it, but there's nothing.

This election IS the future of our country. I'm convinced of that because of the Supreme Court. We can handle a couple of more years of bad leadership and a limp Congress - but the Court is our future. It will guide us as we move forward, and our freedom is under direct threat because of how Hillary Clinton views our country.

That is why I pray that Donald Trump prevails. Even if his feet are made of clay, even if he cannot do everything he's promising to do, it will put a huge dent in the globalist plan to subvert what was, in the twentieth century, the greatest republic on the planet.


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