Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Fascism is Alive & Well in the GOP

Robert Zubrin is the individual who wrote a resolution that "prevented" any of the Colorado delegates from voting for Donald Trump in the recent cluster event in Colorado Springs. Spewage like his makes me want to throw-up.

This is not American because it is the encouragement of the suppression of free speech, free thought and free association. American Thinker allowing his steaming waste to sit on its site is a matter of free speech, but it disgusts me. However, it is free speech so I will not rail against them, but it is disappointing and I don't know that I'll be going back there. If you want to find what this pile of manure contains you can - I've given you the pointers, but I will not provide the link - it's too foul to waste space on it here.

When one individual stands in front of another individual or a group, and dictates how that individual or group shall conduct themselves, that is fascism. They are taking away the free choice - the liberty - of the individual or group being confronted.

If I could think of a more condemning word, anything stronger that's fit for print, I'd use it. This man exemplifies the worst of human character by setting himself above the liberty he claims to embrace in his post.

Actions speak much louder than words and the fact that he can say what he did, write what he did, shouts what he thinks, that squelching freedom of thought or action in others is perfectly all right.

Now shame on those others, the people who went along with this individual's "resolution". Obviously they are incapable of thinking for themselves, for standing up and saying, no matter how they as an individual feel, that deciding what is right for everyone irrespective of personal view or opinion is wrong.

They are less than sheep - they are brainless, spineless and unthinking parasites, not caring that by signing onto such a resolution - particularly given the broader circumstances surrounding it - that this is not a democratic effort. This is, pure and simple, dictatorship.

These people were under zero obligation to follow this man's "resolution". Rather, the Colorado GOP had an obligation to tell him where to get off because as soon as they didn't, they joined him in creating an un-democratic construct.

If the people of Colorado think they are well-served by their Republican party and this kind of control, God help them. It is crystal clear to me that in Colorado Democracy has died and fascism has taken its place.

The fact that the Republican National Committee hasn't stood up to demand that this person stand down is telling of the rank corruption permeating the entire organization. Just more proof that the Establishment's greatest fear is that if no one showed up to vote on election day their corrupt power structure would be fully revealed in all its rotten glory.

What they don't get is that Donald Trump is not only successful, he is decent. Or perhaps that's their problem with him.

I watched the CNN Town Hall with Trump and his family last night. I was already in his corner but that man and his family impressed me.

Children are a reflection of their parents, perhaps even the best, most accurate reflection when you get down to it. They absorb what they see and experience from the time of their birth through all their formative years.

If a child is made to believe that everything is theirs, they'll be selfish.

If they think that no one else matters, they'll be uncaring.

If they think they will always win, they will never learn how to lose.

If they are never taught courtesy and respect, why should they show those attributes?

If they are taught that, because they are rich they are better than others, we end up with kids like that idiot in Texas who was let off of serious jail time because he was never taught the value of human life. He claimed 'affluenza' and got away with it.

Watching and listening to Trump's children last night I was humbled to see what a great family he has raised. Poised, respectful, thoughtful, articulate - everything any parent could wish their children to be, as a reflection of their upbringing. Those individuals told me more about Donald Trump and his character than any interview with the man, could.

If he, a decent, hard-working, intelligent man with a clear focus on what this country needs to improve not only the quality of life for its citizens, but its standing in the world isn't qualified, I don't know who is. Certainly none of the other candidates are, because none have the world vision Trump has shown.

He said we're on precarious footing - another financial bubble that will be catastrophic when it bursts. First, he was ridiculed - that was last week. This week, a number of those laughing stopped long enough to examine what he said, and they've admitted he's right.

Art Laffer is not a Trump fan, but he was on Fox Business last night and he agreed - we are in a situation where, when (not if, but when) this bubble bursts, the financial collapse of 2007 / 2008 will look like a child's tea party. A number of other prominent economists have been muttering into their armpits, 'dammit - he's right'.

They don't like it - they don't like telling average Americans things like that because it makes them nervous.

When average people get nervous they shy away from risky investments and look for more stable places to park their money. Unfortunately, that financial movement would bring out the burst faster than it would happen otherwise, so they encourage Joe and Jo Sixpack to keep their money where it is - even though those people will, when the bubble does burst, as it will, lose far more than they would if they moved it now.

But, it seems that the Establishment - because of Trump's vision and understanding of the real world and what it all means - want anyone but Trump. So they'll settle for someone they can manipulate - a Cruz or a Clinton.

It's disgusting and the fact that we have individuals shutting down free speech, free through and free association - and the Establishment in the form of the Republican National Committee and GOP are allowing this to happen - stinks to high Heaven. 


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