In the past months, the drumbeat of hatred has ramped up. Words are being thrown around with abandon, and the vast majority of the pejorative nouns coming from the Left side of the political spectrum are being grossly misapplied. Most often by those who consider themselves to be "tolerant."
Yesterday, GrubHub's CEO issued a broadcast email to all of his employees:
Based on what's here, if you happen to think Donald Trump might be a good president, you're supposed to tender your resignation - there is no room for you at GrubHub. He explicitly states: "We do not tolerate hateful attitudes on our team." But isn't the jist of his message hateful toward those who happen to have a view that's different than his?
There are hundreds of examples of this kind of bigotry and intolerance throughout the media, across the internet and through anecdotal reporting of individual victims.
People are being threatened or beaten until they're bloody because they don't agree with those who support Hillary Clinton.
Yesterday, in Woodside, California, a high school student was viciously beaten and ended up in the local hospital emergency room because, as shown in the video below, she tried to explain why she supports Trump to another student. The other student wouldn't listen or just walk away. Instead, she tore into this young girl who just happened to have a different point of view.
On the radio this morning, I heard a caller from Williams, California tell about his experience with the "loving" "tolerant" Left.
He picked his step-daughter up from school the other day. He noted that she was upset but, when he asked what the problem was, she wouldn't tell him. Half-an-hour after getting home, the man's wife, who's Hispanic, took him aside and told him that because he's white, their daughter is being bullied by her classmates.
There are thousands of other, similar stories. They're popping up in our news feeds time after time after time.
Given the hatred streaming from the Left - the shrieking intolerance, bigotry, fascism and, at times, blatant racism - I think these "inclusive" "loving" and "tolerant" people would do well to stop for five minutes. They should be encouraged to find a mirror, to look deep into the glass and think: Just who is it who best fits all of the pejorative terms being thrown around?
And, for clarity, here are those definitions I promised:
Hater - a person who greatly dislikes a specified person or thing.
Bigot - a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
Fascist (fascism) - an advocate or follower of fascism (facism - an authoritarian and nationalistic system of government and social organization. [In general use - extreme authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.])
Based on what's unfolding across America these days, the protests, riots, destruction of private property and the rest of it, I can tell you who are none of these things: Donald Trump and his supporters.
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